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Opinions about Deathslinger?

Member Posts: 39

Is he a strong killer? Is a fun killer to play with him?

I saw some handicaps in him: he is slow, bad perks, his shoots can be dodged without much problems, his power is not so good as seems in loops, and the shoots have small hitbox so u need have good aim.

But well, I have too many shards and the alternatives are legion and clown, but ppl say those 2 are the worst killer, and anyway PGTW are is shrine now.

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  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Id save your shards for Spirit if you dont have her. Deathslinger is not worth it. He shares bottom tier with Legion and Clown lmao.

  • Member Posts: 175

    Really fun. Much stronger then Legion and Clown.

    He's my best Killer right now, and let me tell you, when you get good with his power, you'll see how good he is in a chase. When you can land your shots (which, if you're good enough, you will), you'll be ending chases very, very fast. Most loops without a tall barrier are unsafe for the survivor, especially if their healthy, since breaking the chain still injures them. In a lot of pallet loops, it's small enough that if you land the shot over the terrain, you can drag yourself around the loop and hit them. Not to mention that the small hitbox that makes his shot hard to land, allows him to shoot through gaps in loops, scoring easier hits. He still suffers from being slow, and his perks are not as good as Legion or Clown, and takes more skill to do well with, but as a Killer, he's much more viable, and has a much higher skill ceiling.

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    he is a slow assassin, but fun to play.

    it is weak in red ranges, it would be balanced if the speed were changed to 4.6ms

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    Very good in chases and super difficult to run consistently. Poor map pressure holds him back, but otherwise he's fine. If he had normal killer movement, he'd be close to top tier.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    This. Hes very fun, but if you want to win, play someone else.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    He's really strong in chases if you know how to use the power correctly.But it does take quite a while until you can use his power well.

    Legion and Clown are currently considered as bottom tier killers by many people,but they are much easier to play than deathslinger.

    And you can definetely be succesful with bad killer.It's pretty much all about how skilled you are.

    In my opinion you should look for gameplay of all those killers and then decide which playstyle seems the most fun for you.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    High skill gap, extremely fast chases when you are good with him. His main downside is low map pressure. He is a high tier killer easily but can be pretty hard to use. Also his shots can't be dodged at all, the hook travels so fast that there is no way a survivor can dodge it after it is shot, it will only ever miss if you miss.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I played with the Deathslinger a lot tonight. He's really rewarding but you have to treat your shots seriously. There is nothing worse than lining up a shot and missing it at a crucial juncture.

    He's really fun to play though and I think that's what matters.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Apart of worst killers than deathslinger, are clown and legion fun to play with they?

    But if a surv is looking behind he can see when deathslinger aim and then made a fast move to dodge.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Can end chases quickly and has a high skill cap. Very viable in 1v1 chases.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020

    In all honesty he is one of the most fun killers to play regardless of if you're winning or losing, which is something you can't say about every killer. His power is so satisfying to use.

    There are a lot of advantages that he has you neglected to mention so I'll go through them briefly in case you aren't aware

    -Smaller Terror radius: At base of 24m this is advantageous, but with perks you can reduce his TR to that of a Tier II Michael Myers or lower, except with a ranged attack. This allows you to act similarly in playstyle to a stealth killer and sneak up on survivors, perhaps even shoot them before they even know you're there. It's also worth mentioning that unlike Huntress, he doesn't have a lullaby, which makes her presence known at a distance of a full 40 meters. This is the factor that you're compensated with for having a limited range of 18m, so that you can get in closer without survivors being aware that you are there, so use it to your advantage.

    -Infinite ammo supply: Unlike the Huntress as well as his other "ranged counterparts" (Clown and Plague) his power is the least restrictive and most forgiving when it comes to supply. He has the quickest reload animation and unlike Huntress (the killer he is most similar and frequently compared to) he never has to disengage in order to reload. In this way he can maintain pressure and chases regardless of how many times he hits or misses with the Redeemer. Unlike the Huntress who eventually will be forced to take time away from applying pressure to restock her hatchets. Sometimes being faced with the decision of suffering through a chase as a 110% m1 killer or disengage from the chase entirely to restock at a locker if there's nothing nearby, a situation Deathslinger is never placed in.

    -Smaller hitbox: Because all survivors have the same capsule hitbox this is actually a good thing. It means if you have a wider margin of error to still hit a survivor (since typically you're aiming for their center torso) even if you're off by a smidge as long as it's still within the hitbox it will still land. "Aim small miss small". More importantly however this means that you'll be landing these shots with less risk that the harpoon will collide with any assets on the map, which also allows you to make crazy shots in places where you wouldn't expect like between stacked hay bales or the open spaces between a boarded up window. Compared to a huntress hatchet whose hitbox is a giant rectangle whizzing through the air, which is far likelier to collide with assets on the map, even if it's just the edge of the hatchet hitbox. In this way Deathslinger can make shots at certain loops that have small openings which would be impossible for a huntress to make simply because the hitbox is smaller

    -Quick ADS time and projectile speed: One of the biggest factors for why Deathslinger is a good killer. Unlike Huntress who has a wind-up and charge time which determines how fast and far she throws her hatchets, Deathslinger takes aim and fires giving him an 18m reach in front of him regardless if he's aiming for five seconds, or less than one. This actually makes him more efficient at mindgames than the huntress because he can aim down sights and rest the gun again extremely quickly, and he can do this over and over with very little penalty for doing so. Where Huntress does have a lengthier (by comparison) animation of pulling out her hatchet and stowing it back into her belt (during which time she is slown down, so is the deathslinger while aiming, but because the ADS time is so quick you hardly lose any ground unlike Huntress). This quick ADS time also enables quickscoping, something that the huntress is incapable of performing (at the very least to the level of Deathslinger).

    This is also precisely the reason why it's difficult to evade a shot fired from the Deathslingers redeemer. I have no idea where you ever gained the impression that the shots can be dodged with little issue because that's not true. The only reason a deathslinger wouldn't land their shot, is if they missed, and that's not the fault of the killer that's the fault of the player. Important to note: The Redeemer has a projectile speed of 40 m/s, equal to that of a fully charged Huntress hatchet. So you'd be mistaken to think it's easier to dodge the redeemer than a Huntress hatchet, because the latter in most cases actually travels slower giving you more time to react while it's in the air. Unless you're dealing with a Huntress that is fully charging her hatchets every time she throws them, which in itself is a bad thing and creates her own problems: you gain distance to complete another revolution of a loop, you're given time to hide behind a piece of cover, etc. And keep in mind the redeemer has the benefit of this projectile speed every time he fires, because again he has no charge time to his power.

    -Access to the deep wounds status effect: It's a small thing, but if anything it's what I would consider the "cherry on top" so to speak - an influential factor in what makes him successful. The ability to apply deep wounds regardless of whether or not you're able to pull survivors toward you and hit them or if they break free of the chain and injure themselves, is beneficial and it's a help in slowing down survivors who are eventually forced to mend before they can focus on a gen rush.

    Hopefully this information is enlightening for those who don't realize how good a killer Deathslinger actually is. Of course how good he is, is entirely reliant on your own personal skill, but then again that also applies not only with his ranged counterpart, but every killer on the roster. If you can't land your Huntress hatchets you'll be punished just as badly as Deathslinger if not more so, because again - you eventually have to disengage sometimes in the middle of chases to reload at a locker.

    In short is Deathslinger a strong killer? In the right hands yes, his biggest issues stem from lack of map pressure / mobility / presence, but this won't be an issue for anyone who can end chases quickly and snowball pressure placing survivors in a bad position. Don't mistake the number of the "wrong hands" (aka poorly skilled players) you see out there playing Deathslinger for him being an actual poor killer, because that's the only reason he could ever be labeled as such. In all reality at minimum he's a mid-tier killer but I've always been one to think that he's entirely comparable to Huntress if you've got an equally proficient and experienced player behind the mouse and keyboard.

  • Member Posts: 1,911


    Aesthetics: Incredible from the laugh to the reeling in animation these small little quirks make him incredibly fun to play. I personally really enjoy the chase music.

    locking window loops: Deathslinger shuts a lot of window loops down. Similar to huntress.

    Can pull survivors out of a safe spot with a well placed harpoon.

    Can reload on the chase

    Can quick scope allowing for little warning

    Missile speed is fast

    Low tr is helpful for getting the jump on a survivor


    110 ms killer so in chase will struggle on a lot of loops where your harpoon can't reach.

    Has to hit twice this is massive as hes a 110 ms killer with no mobility.

    Has terrible gen pressure will struggle to reach gens and will often lose gens no matter what. Perks can only do so much.

    Wire can break leading to some well aimed shots denying you a down.

    A large portion of his add-ons are garbage that struggle to impact or improve his situation.

    Reeling survivors in wastes a lot of time

    Has a range limit


    The pros might match some of the cons but low mobility and reduced lethality makes him a very low average killer. Mobility and lethality is key in dbd and whilst his ability is fun the frustration of being robbed of well timed shots that should lead to downs, his very average to terrible performance high up and being heaviliy reliant on non base perks to slow games down imo makes him an inferior huntress. His strengths fail to outweigh his cons and his skill ceiling is low due to a lack of range and the reel never really being something you influence minus holding back to deny control.

    Tldr the kinda killer where you can play well nail your shots and get fast downs but will lose due to a lack of gen pressure, low ms, lots of time spent reloading and snowball potential is non existent due to his power being one shot one hit and then reload. This was a killer who was deliberately held back power wise and I would happily trade the low tr for more shots or instadown potential (maybe if he spends extended time frame aiming down sights).

  • Member Posts: 64

    It's fun to play as a cowboy but he has a lot of weaknesses you already stated.

    Personally I like playing legion and clown more than him because imo he's a worse huntress.

    And even though people say there's no counter to him for some reason there is actually a lot you can do to counter him you just have to play him and understand him.

  • Member Posts: 953

    I don't aim. If I hold M2, I'm baiting survivor to juke. If I wanted to shoot, I will just quickscope. Good luck dodging that.

  • Member Posts: 142

    As a deathslinger main on ps4

    He doesn't have any good perks but slinger himself is a really fun killer to play. You will get good with aiming and its super super satisfying to reel in someone super far away and just yank em. He's B tier in my opinion but worth it if you like a more shooting playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Oh no. making him a 4.6 meter killer would be too broken, they would have to make his terror radius 32 meters which would hurt him a lot.

  • Member Posts: 1,088
  • Member Posts: 957
    edited July 2020

    Slingers fun if you have good aim.

    Stealth builds just end up shooting yourself in the foot because you move too slowly for it to matter. I have almost as much on PH, (though I'm leaning more towards Slinger) PH does stealth SO much better with full walking speed undetectable status build as long as your walking on your trail.

    This match just gone 5 minutes ago I sniped someone out a window on a 2 story building before they de-hooked their ally then climbed down to meet them with the butt of my gun. so much fun lol

  • Member Posts: 618

    Easily one of the strongest killers in the game if you know what you're doing.

    Not to mention, extremely fun to play as well!

    Anyone that claims Deathslinger is bad has clearly not played against one that knows how to aim.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Very fun to play, and has probably some of the BEST 1 on 1 chase potential in the game. Running him around isn't easy and most survivors don't have the knowledge of how to properly play against a Slinger. But then again, most Slingers aren't the best either.

    He's kinda slow, that's what holds him back. Small maps are great for him because he can patrol much easier but a map like Ormond or Autohaven can spell gg if the survivors just stay seperated.

  • Member Posts: 1,310
    edited July 2020

    Oh and I forgot to mention, how at some even SAFE pallet loops you can harpoon a survivor, and walk around to the other side then swing JUST before your chain breaks and you'll usually hit them unless they have god reaction time. It's so satisfying.

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    He's annoying for me, but I don't mind playing against him

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    If you like Shooting or Shooters in general he might become your Main. I really like him along with Huntress, getting s**y Shots is always nice.

    He has some bs aspects like spamming M2 to gain Distance which is a Mindgame apparently but all in all, he is alright.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Is he a strong killer? Is a fun killer to play with him?

    Yes and yes. Not Nurse level strong, but he is for sure A Tier.

    I saw some handicaps in him: he is slow


    bad perks

    Kinda, yea :(

    his shoots can be dodged without much problems

    Absolutly no. His shots can not be dodged by any means. The only way to "dodge" a shot is that Deathslinger is simply missing his shot. Thats why its super unfun to verse him. The keyword is Quickscope

    his power is not so good as seems in loops

    His power is godtier in loops. Its either gaining ground/zoning by faking his shots and getting the hit or simply straight getting a hit. Once you are good with Slinger there is no escape in a chase.

    and the shoots have small hitbox so u need have good aim.

    Well, thats true, but it wont take very long for you to learn him.

    But well, I have too many shards and the alternatives are legion and clown, but ppl say those 2 are the worst killer, and anyway PGTW are is shrine now.

    Clown and Legion can definitly be considered weak killers. Deathslinger is much stronger of course and also way more fun to play as. The only downside you have when you buy him is that i hate you ;-)

    Kind regards

  • Member Posts: 39

    Thanks for the opinions, very conclusive.

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    Deathslinger has 5, separate, slowdowns for using his power. Comparatively, Clown and Legion have 2 (striking, and reloading/recovery). Every slowdown a killer has in their base kit = time survivors can focus on generators or escape. So of the killer choices you have here, Deathslinger is the one that will give survivors the most time, so keep that in mind when you are making your choice.

  • Member Posts: 327

    Really fun just not very strong. Although some people want him to be nerfed and knowing these devs they will most likely nerf him within a year.

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