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Stretched Resolution DOES give an advantage

Member Posts: 1,003

Hey everyone! Former stretched-res user here.

Until recently, I've been one of those "stretched-res Fair and Good" gamers for around 5 months now. I first found out about it through watching The JRM and Ussylis (Survivor main YouTubers), and after watching them use stretched resolution for a while, I decided to try it out (went from 1920x1080 to 1600x1080)... and I thought it was great! I was especially glad that my character didn't take up most of the screen like normal. However, when I saw people talking about how stretched resolution gave an advantage and was "unfair", I felt defensive, and would deny that it gave any advantages and was simply for aesthetics. And honestly, I believed it at the time!

I won't go too in-depth about why I quit using stretched-res, I'll just say that I wanted to go back to how Dead by Daylight was meant to be played (and part of this was going back to High graphics when I had been using Low for an advantage as well). It sucked some of the fun out of the game for me, changing my settings to have an unfair advantage.

But anyway, in regard to the title of the post: Yes, stretched resolution gives you an advantage... on Survivor side, at least. It honestly doesn't do much for Killer, surprisingly. Here are a couple of screenshots that show the blatant difference between stretched-res and non-stretched (right-click and open the images in browser for full size):



In both screenshots, my character's head is positioned in the middle of the 4th board next to the Killer's shack opening. With stretched-res, I am able to clearly see the entire doorway, while with non-stretched I can only see a little over half of it. And, believe it or not, in the stretched-res screenshot, Pyramid Head is standing in the exact same spot that he was standing in the non-stretched screenshot.

Stretched resolution enables Survivors to see around and over obstacles/loops that are normally unable to be seen over/around. Basically, it provides a flat FOV increase, and it is especially noticable with the third-person camera of Survivor. The camera also seems to appear further behind the character. UI elements also appear to be smaller.

In the end, I just want to make it known that stretched resolution DOES provide a noticeable advantage over non-stretched, and I have experienced it myself through nearly 5 months of stretched-res gameplay. I've seen many people claiming what I used to believe about stretched-res, that it is fair and only for aesthetics, and many other people claiming that stretched-res is cheating. While I don't think that stretched-res is flat-out cheating, I do think that it is unfair and cheesy. Survivors are able to take advantage of stretched resolution quite a bit, while Killers really don't benefit from it whatsoever.

I think that stretched-res is fine on games that have a level playing-field like CS:GO and R6:S, but DbD is assymetrical--it is not a level playing-field. Survivors already have a tremendous advantage over the Killer with having a third-person camera, and stretched-res enables them to see more with their camera than they were meant to see.

I hope this helps shed some light on the truth of stretched resolution, and thanks for reading!

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  • Member Posts: 4,188

    I don't think it was the side to side view people were complaining about, but the fact that stretched res could look over certain loops and make unsafe loops safer. The survivor would have all the info, yet the killer would not.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Well, there is nothing you can do about it. BHVR needs to plea to Nvidia or AMD to remove custom resolution.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I know, I included that information in my post! I only thought to take screenshots of the side to side view, however.

  • Member Posts: 1,003

    I'm not expecting them to do anything about it, since it's not exactly traceable to my knowledge. I just wanted to give an insightful look into how stretched resolution actually works since I had been using it for quite some time!

  • Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2020

    Streched Resolution gives you a slight advantage but not unfair or game breaking. I only use it because it gives me a huge FPS boost but that's it.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    I must have missed that through my skim of your post. I completely agree with you, though.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Okay Boris. The only unfair in this game are the hackers that I'm constantly facing in my games.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Can they not just change the way their game handles different resolutions?

  • Member Posts: 35
  • Member Posts: 2,159

    It's quite easy to detect stretched resolution users. They know where you are at all times on unsafe loops.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited July 2020

    Excuse me? Were you dropped on your head? People use those, including myself, to allow resolutions such as 1800p coupled with gpu overridden scaling to maintain solid 60 fps with max settings on specific games. As well as using custom resolutions enabled by control panel for Vorpx. If they did that I hope the game would die and rid us of thats ort of bs and get our custom resos back. I'd take the custom resos over the game any day of the week, 52 weeks a year. How dare you demand they cripple some peoples' custom settings for literally every other game and application out there, and remove their freedom of how they use their pc and those apps and peripherals just so you can feel good about how you play a single video game. My PC isn't a console, if you worry so much go play this on console. Talk about entilement, only on a asymmetrical would I see a comment like yours.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Well ######### me gently with a chainsaw.

    Guess I'm cheating because my monitor isnt standard and needs me to use Nvidia for a fancy resolution so I can actually see things around the corner of my screenm

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    I disagree that stretched res doesn’t help on killer, more vertical FOV is actually surprisingly helpful in quite a few situations. I know a lot of Nurse players use it because you can see way more in fatigue, for example. And if you’re playing against survivors that try to 360, window tech, etc. a lot they basically can’t because you can follow their close up movements much more easily.

    But yeah, it definitely gives advantages and is probably more overall useful for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    This is nothing. If you do the same thing but instead take vertical FOV into consideration you will understand how much of an advantage it would give for the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2020

    I'm also using streched resolution. Not sure why you exploded.

    People seems to be taking that last comment too seriously. How can a small game developer like BHVR can make Nvidia or AMD remove the custom resolution in their drivers?

  • Member Posts: 35
    edited July 2020

    double post

    Post edited by boobsandlubes on
  • Member Posts: 963

    This is why I play on console and there is no chance I will enable crodsplay with PC users

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Never used it and never will but yeah it definitely gives advantages.

    As for the settings, I use high for DBD but if I’m playing killer I NEED to use low if its a corn map, rotten fields especially. The game is unplayable if I dont. Ive never had to use low settings in other games just to be able to actually stand a chance at playing the game. Likewise I need to use a filter to brighten up the screen as well since at some point in the past year the game has become incredibly dark, to the point that dark clothing can be invisible on some maps. I an colourblind so maybe that plays into it but I think it’s ridiculous that I need to actually do this for a game, no other game has made me struggle to see like this. I’m pretty sure it’s just DBD because the dark colours often look “crushed”. Add in the broken sounds and broken scratchmarks and sometimes the game becomes more stressful than fun

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Dead by Daylight handles the way custom resolutions work in a very odd way.

    A lot of games actually compensate for if you're using a different size monitor and adjust your FOV based on it.

  • Member Posts: 776

    We know, but it's a survivor thing so the dev's don't care.

    As long as survivor mains shell out cash for cosmetics nothing will change.

  • Member Posts: 1,776

    Stretched doesn't increase horizontal fov, only vertical. The difference in the two snapshots is due to the camera being angled differently.

    If you want to test if you get an advantage, you have to do it at a loop and check if you can see a shorter object behind it. You will find out that when hugging the loop like in normal gameplay, then if you can see the killer over it with stretched, then you can as well on native and vice versa.

    The reason is that the deciding factor to see over a loop to spot something shorter hiding behind is the height of the camera, not vertical fov. Stretched doesn't affect the former.

    Now, stretched does have an impact when your camera is moved down in 1st person view, i.e. breaking pallets, vaulting as killer, Nurse/Legion fatigue. It helps keeping track of what's in front of you. On something extreme as 1080:1080, for some reason it's almost impossible to be blinded by flashlights as well.

    Also, talking about native vs stretched can be misleading. It's a matter of aspect ratio. If you play on a 4:3 monitor, you have on native the same fov of someone using something like stretched 1600:1200 on a 16:9 monitor. Should you be forced to buy a new monitor?

    If you ask me, it's a lot of fuss about nothing, except for the few situations I mentioned. Stretched has been in games since forever.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Custom resolution changes your desktop resolution. At least the one in Nvidia Control Panel, which is the only one I've ever messed around with.

    If BHVR wanted to snuff out stretched resolutions that's on their end, not the people behind the hardware and associated software. DBD just takes your desktop resolution and uses that without questioning it because it sure seems like DBD runs in borderless window mode as opposed to "true" fullscreen. If it was true exclusive fullscreen BHVR could offer a selection of approved resolutions that maintain a monitor's intended aspect ratio, but I'm not sure if they would do that.

    There are monitors with aspect ratios different to the fairly standard 16:9 as well. 4:3 is one, and all the funky aspect ratios of ultrawide monitors might have some strange effects as well with how DBD handles FOV, I wouldn't know as I've never tried one of those.

  • Member Posts: 350

    I downloaded your pics and imo the angle looks a bit off (like @PrettyFaceKate mentioned) , so I made some myself. Tested with 1920x1080 vs 1440x1080 (bc this was a preset config res). So I tried to compare it by myself with a fixed point (being all the way in a corner and looking down) and using the rock to determine how much more of a vertical view you'll get.

    Pic 1: look at the little rock on the top right. You can see below how much more info you'll get (also shown with the black line)

    Pic 2: both pics aligned to show the difference:

    You can clearly see, that someone with stretched res has higher vertical fov but the angle stays the same (also like PrettyFaceKate mentioned). Does this mean you can see more over an obstacle? Imo: no. With a wide & tall hay stack (like the ones on coldwind) you could see the killer while someone with standard res has to move his camera even more compared to stretched res to see the same amount of info. Thus providing the player with stretched res an advantage, but its not that great how some people claim it to be.

    (pls dont mind my lazy drawing skills)

    But: it also works for killers. Having a higher vertical FOV makes it harder to get "window juked", I've seen it on a streamer who uses stretched res. He vaulted the window and you could see the survivor pretty easy trying to sneak on the killers vertical blindspot. Also it helps when a survivor is really close to you, keeping track of where they exactly went (really helpful for bubbas and billies). When breaking a pallet he could see more on top while looking down during the animation lock to check the survivors pathing.

    It's a greater advantage for survivors, due to them being reactive to the movement of a killer. But also grants killers an advantage in a different way / situations.

    This video explains and shows the differences better than I could:

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Is this something that can only be done on PC?

  • Member Posts: 2,870
    edited July 2020

    Nah you good you a spirit main right? I assume you use stridor as well easy 4ks too!

    All jokes aside I totally understand stretched can give you built in lightborn though as killer

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    It gives a slightly better field of view than the normal resolution.

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    BVHR can do something about it, they can say its bannable, then players know they're rolling the dice with their accounts by using this cheat.

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