Killer nerf

Maybe instead of nerf spirit freddy etc just buff weak killers so there will be more rotation and it will be less common to face same killer 3 times in row for ex.
unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised if enough of this kind of talk just gets the good ones nerfed and makes swf even worse to put up with lol. When I came back recently, I was honestly surprised this game made it a year after swf let alone 4 years and kicking with a decently sized playerbase. survivor feels like even more of a walk in the park, and while killer is a lot better in ways (no infinite window/vault bs finally) it seems you still can only play the best killers unless you're a massochist. turns out for me the best way to farm bp is still as survivor.
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I think buffing weaker killers like clown and nerfing stronger killers like spirit should be done. The sweet spot isn't being clown level or spirit level. It's inbetween both of them (Maybe Myers after a very small buff to him?)
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Dev's balance the game around randoms. SWF is a broken mechanic and it's a waste to even consider them while balancing the game. I'd be all for giving action debuff to SWF but they shouldn't judge how the game is balanced.
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Finally someone with common sense
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buffing the weaker killers would make so many people happy it's actually kind of impressive that they haven't
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well they should after I been hearing devs wanna touch mori again. the last time I played, before coming back recently, you didn't need to hook somebody at least for the ebony that I recall. Now THAT was absolutely busted and I'll admit unfun for the other side completely, it wasn't fun for me when I played surivor either. But I feel it's in the right place now, you gotta hook em once before you can execute em. That makes it fair, but still a helpful tool against some swf groups to thin the herd and slow things down or get object out of the game more easily without dealing new nuisance like ds. But if theyr eally touch the moris again, there's gonna come a point where they're gonna have to do something about swf. I've seen other games die for far less frustrating one-sided play, including another asym not too long ago even. And it had a lot of players too at one point. And they vanished in weeks once the one side got one patch too many and finally decided to stop playing, and never came back even after attempts to lure them back. dead in the water basically. I would hate to see that happen tot his game too sooner or later, seeing that in some ways it has come a long way. But sitll has along way to go though.
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Mori is still unbalanced and needs to be removed. Right along with keys.