I think console survivors wouldnt like auto aim removal

So I watch a lot of streams, but myself play on ps4.
And I think that 360s are more easy to perform on ps4 but also more viable then on PC.
Heres the point:
most times 360s dont actually dodge a swing, they just cause auto aim (aim dressing) to mess up the swing.
And since consoles are more laggy then PC by deafault it makes 360s much stronger.
I personally dont have a big issure with 360s anymore because i learned that survivors like to abuse them on console, but whenever I play survivor it has like a 1/3 chance to make the killer miss (if i try it first time, killers adapt to it too)
I want your opinion anyway.
Do you think when a 360 makes the killer miss his attack its was:
- Autoaim making the killer miss even if it should have been a hit
2.the killers actually missing
I heard a console survivor describe the increased sensitivity as a survivor nerf so probably.
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This happens a lot! I play on PS4 and it's a funny. The survivors have such inflated egos oh " I spun the killer " yea no u didn't, auto aim jerks the swing off target. The survivors that successfully "spin" red rank killers have just gotten good at abusing the "aim dressing mechanic" It is infinitely frustrating when you're on target with your swing and the game literally jerks your knife away because the survivorrs have learned how to abuse this mechanic. This auto aim or " aim dressing " needs to go imo. This doesn't just happen with 360's a survivor can wiggle back and forth at the right moment to cause a miss this also happens on vaulting survivors. The update that doubled the sensitivity on console has made this mechanic to be abused a lot more often and easier for them to pull this off. I'm not saying that I don't miss sometimes because I do from time to time it happens everyone, however you can tell when it is the aim dressing causing you to miss because you will see and feel your camera be jerked to one side or the other and it will cause a miss.
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1. Autoaim (the 5th survivor perk).
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IMO it’s a combination of auto aim, low FPS and slow turning with controller. Sometimes the killer does just miss, there are PC killers that miss 360s.
But it’s definitely gonna be funny to watch console survivors learn that 360ing won’t have the same effect on most PC killers when crossplay comes out.
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Oh I have to agree with this so hard. sometimes I see a survivor do a really obvious 360 but apparently the game besides I have more beef with the tree but right by them than I do with them.
Whether you want to call it auto aim or aim dressing contrary to the belief of some survivors it really hasn't helped Killers get hit they shouldn't have rather it's robbed killers of hits they should have gotten
Post edited by Volfawott on7 -
The recent increase in sensitivity has made it easier to hit survivors that try to juke on PS4. That said FPS drops are frustrating as hell, you end up whiffing even with no lunge. Autoaim doesn't always work for the killer, I am worried that the upcoming server side hit validation is going to make it worse unless they fix the fps issues on console.
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As someone who plays both pc and console dbd.. fps drops on console is redic to the point i dread even playing it on console. There is no excuse devs should have on why its been broken this whole time.
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It truly is
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Just wanted to clarify that this game doesn't have auto aim but a mechanic which is called aim dressing.
Aim dressing basically makes sure that the animation matches up when hiting a target.
The main difference between aim dressing and auto aim is that auto aim can give you hits you shouldn't get and aim dressing can take hits from you that should have hit.
To answer your question.It's most of the time the second option and sometimes the first one.
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True, thing is I don't usually experience this when I play survivor and I hate it when it happens as killer when you need a crucial down especially when you are under pressure to apply pressure.
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I would love to have aim dressing removed....game doesn’t have auto aim
This is an amazing way to explain it
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It's exactly what the devs said months ago and people just refuse to listen. It doesnt grant or take hits. It just looks weird.
Tl;dr: if you got hit with "aim dressing', you'll get hit without it.
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Thats not exactly how aim-dressing works.
The way aim-dressing works is that its an attempt to make hits look right for the survivor, by turning the killer camera towards the survivor a few frames before the hit actually registers.
However, depending on how far the killer has already lunged, the registeted hit is not applied instantly, since the swinging animation still needs to finish beforehand. So auto-aim locks on the survivor, hit gets registered, a few frames later hit gets applied (survivor changes health state).
This is particularly noticeable when the killer lunges towards a vaulting survivor, while hugging an adjacing wall. The killer registers a hit, because the conditions are met, aim-dressing kicks in to move the camera, a few frames later, the hit is being applied, however the conditions are no longer met, because now the window-frame is in the way.
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I watched the stream and they said there are no hits given BUT it can happen it take hits away that would be regular hits without.
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Oh yeah dude, it's definitely just dressing aim and not auto-aim at ALL.
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It's totally on auto aim screwing you over.
I watch plenty of content creators, and I'm yet to see any pc survivor pull off that back and forth wiggle, which is stronger than 360 due to how ######### the auto aim is.
It seems as if they have infinite dead hards.
Just one more thing to inflate their overly busted egos
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You know what all console players would like though?
Some motherfudgin' console optimisation. A steady frame rate would great is all I'm saying.
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Iirc it didnt affect projectile characters. And melee characters dont neet aim assist/dressing anyway.
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Dont know how to abuse this I'm an xbox one survivor but uhh just back up and lunge 360s are not even remotely useful.
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We will get it for ps6 or series x 2 or at some point towards the end of a sequels lifespan. They will spend the entirety of next generation promising optimisation for consoles are being worked on.
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It happens on PC too. I've had a survivor right in my strike zone and the auto aim pulls left. If done just right, it's basically impossible to hit the survivor. I thought the guy was hacking, but it happens a lot.
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Yeah it happens sometimes on PC, however on console its way more busted because of the lower fps.
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Well if your are a surivor main then it wont affect you. Its a killer problem.
360s are strong because they abuse the bad optimization on console.
Its not hard to pull off either
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I play killer as well just stand still or back up 360s are useless
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so you have never missed a swing on a survivor that 360's before?
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I have I definitely have been xucked by aim assist but it's not a usable and backing up or standing still can counter 360s.
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That will work in the open but that's it
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No it wont it works everywhere jus tbe patient and stop lunging at everything.
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Your not going to hit a spinning survivor with a lunge u short swing. Dud I'm rank one I know how to play killer. Maybe those green rank spins don't confuse auto aim
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So am I but let them spin into kinda crazy how a rank 1 complains about 360s.
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Try reading dumb dumb 😂 I'm not complaining 😂
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Oh well my point remains be patient and let them spin into you.
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Yeah man it makes me regret getting the game on PS4 because survivors just spin it to win it! You're gonna get hit by a killer? That's okay! Just spin to abuse the auto aim! God these devs a clowns.
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Yea and watch the clowns trying to bait on here too
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Exactly, seeing survivors not aggressively spin around on PC makes me sad to see that it only works on console. It's easy to dodge literally anything on console.
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You back up to play around 360s? But what if they fake you out and cancel it halfway? We shouldn't even be having his discussion, since auto aim should have been addressed long ago.
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Aim dressing causes me to miss a lot of Feral Frenzy hits and causes me to swipe when I hold down to lunge. I want it gone.
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I dont back up I get up close and stand still ot I spin with them which isnt hard if you are struggling to hit a 360 its more your fault even with the aim assist cucking you which doesnt happen constantly.
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I also wrote it doesnt affect me anymore, however these 360s are abusing a flawed mechanic.
They shouldnt work in the first place.
Also Matchmaking pairs yellow rank killers with a bunch of red rank survivors a long time now.
These killers already have a bad time and 360 abuse doesnt make it better.
Yes you can counter 360s and other exploits in the game, but you shouldnt have to because exploits are exploits.
Dont really know whats the problem with fixing messed up mechanics
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360 is a mix of both. It's auto aim that aims for a target and the survivor moving fast enough to dodge it. So it should not have been a hit. The same effect works when a killer aims for a window but the survivor has a vault speed build. The killer ends up hitting the window instead of the survivor, even though they originally aimed for where the survivor would go(and you can actually get a hit, if you aim high enough).
A 360 is countered the same way it can dodge hits: turning. If you turn with the survivor, its a guaranteed hit unless the survivor somehow was able to turn the opposite way(in which case, you should bow down to that player, because that takes ungodly amounts of skill to pull off reliably).
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You cant abuse the aim assist by 360ing I'm telling you man. But they should remove it just because it can happen. Also 360s are the only way to juke a killer, and like I said they dont even work against good killers.
What does matchmaking have to do with this? Trying to make 360s not work means you must have some problems with them otherwise you wouldnt say anything.
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Auto aim ######### you over when a survivor does a weird spin while you swing at them. Not when they're doing a 360 around you.
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Because I also play survivor and I refuse to think all the killers I 360 on Ps4 are actually to bad to hit me. it HAS to be the movement that triggers auto aim to miss.
If it wouldnt work nobody would do these spins.
Its cool that "youre telling me man" XD but I tell you its an issue. Maybe you are doing it wrong as survivor but it is proven that auto aim makes killers miss swings and snappy survivor movement of 360s (or 180s it doesnt matter, you turn around into the killer anyways) is a huge factor for that
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Ok but if the killer could hit you 100% of the time and there was no way to juke that would be bad. And another thing is why are you mad that you joked a killer and I'm using mad for lack of better word but if you can understand what I mean. If you juke the killer nice if a killer gets 360'd aim assist can cuck them hut other times they just miss plain and simple.
It's not aim assist all the time. I dont even know why you are trying to argue this.
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I kinda agree but:
You dont know if it was aim assist or an actual miss --> fix aim assist so a good juke will be rewarded and nothing more
also If you are in an open space as a survivor it is your fault. There are pallets and L T walls etc on the map. If the killer catches you in an open space he earned the hit.
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Ok so you dont know if it was aim assist or not you are assuming. And if you position yourself wrong of course it's your fault. The killer never earned the hit until it has connected even if theh found you in an open space.
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The worst case is cross play will come out before anything's optimised & I can't picture anything worse from the game tbh.