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Killers rage quitting on start of game forcing loss of offerings.

Triggered92 Member Posts: 7
edited September 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Would really be cool if there could be a different way to penalize the killer for rage quitting. just today i have had 4 killers quit because everyone used purple quality items and or they just want to drop class to play easier players, resulting in all of the survivors loosing pips and all of the offerings. I play all day just to move up and then i have a killer that is scandalous and just wants to go down a few ranks so they can play easy people and get more points so they drop out. not fair to the survivors. I should not go down in rank just because some one else that sucks at the game cant play it right. sad to say that if you leave a loop hole some one will abuse it just because its there. regardless if it affects others game play. developers have done alot to make this game fun and i enjoy playing it. but stuff like this makes the game unlikable and makes me want to find something else. the whole point of the game is to get as high in rank as possible. how am i supposed to participate in normal game play if this continues?

Post edited by Triggered92 on


  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677
    edited September 2018

    From what I understand, there is no system in place that can determine why a person DCs (purposeful DC, internet died, game crashed, etc.), so they don't punish people who DC because they cannot prove intent. People do get in trouble if they DC too often.

    Surely, it can't be too difficult to code a system where the game can detect when someone presses "Leave Game" or "Quit Game" vs someone who leaves without doing either of them.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955
    edited September 2018
    CoolAKn said:

    From what I understand, there is no system in place that can determine why a person DCs (purposeful DC, internet died, game crashed, etc.), so they don't punish people who DC because they cannot prove intent. People do get in trouble if they DC too often.

    Surely, it can't be too difficult to code a system where the game can detect when someone presses "Leave Game" or "Quit Game" vs someone who leaves without doing either of them.

    But then there’s the matter of WHY someone left the game through the pause menu:
    Maybe they had to leave for an important family thing; maybe they needed to leave realising they’re late for an event; maybe ssomeone has been hurt or injured, or a crime in progress in house or nearby and they need to respond; or maybe they left because they’re just not having fun and want to be matched with other players they may have more fun playing with, or play another game.

    I don’t know about you but I’d rather not see the game punish people who need to leave for legitimate, personal, or life-involving reasons because a few intentionally disconnect for the sole purpose of ruining the game.

    If a Killer disconnects, Survivors should get 10k-ish bloodpoints and their offerings returned if the game was shorter than 3 minutes. If Survivors disconnect a Killer should be given more than 650 or however many it is bloodpoints.

    By the way, OP, Survivors do not lose pips if the Killer disconnects at the very start. The game says ‘0’, and doesn’t deduct pips, even though the gauge doesn’t reach the black pip.
  • Triggered92
    Triggered92 Member Posts: 7

    Thats why im confused. it shouldnt be to hard to see how they quit the game. if your internet drops yah i understand that. but most of the time when you get into a higher class that isnt the case.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Judgement said:
    CoolAKn said:

    From what I understand, there is no system in place that can determine why a person DCs (purposeful DC, internet died, game crashed, etc.), so they don't punish people who DC because they cannot prove intent. People do get in trouble if they DC too often.

    Surely, it can't be too difficult to code a system where the game can detect when someone presses "Leave Game" or "Quit Game" vs someone who leaves without doing either of them.

    But then there’s the matter of WHY someone left the game through the pause menu:
    Maybe they had to leave for an important family thing; maybe they needed to leave realising they’re late for an event; maybe ssomeone has been hurt or injured, or a crime in progress in house or nearby and they need to respond; or maybe they left because they’re just not having fun and want to be matched with other players they may have more fun playing with, or play another game.

    I don’t know about you but I’d rather not see the game punish people who need to leave for legitimate, personal, or life-involving reasons because a few intentionally disconnect for the sole purpose of ruining the game.

    If a Killer disconnects, Survivors should get 10k-ish bloodpoints and their offerings returned if the game was shorter than 3 minutes. If Survivors disconnect a Killer should be given more than 650 or however many it is bloodpoints.

    By the way, OP, Survivors do not lose pips if the Killer disconnects at the very start. The game says ‘0’, and doesn’t deduct pips, even though the gauge doesn’t reach the black pip.

    Even then, that's ONE DC for life reasons that usually takes a bit of time to return to the game, if they even do decide to return to DBD after, so any time penalty associated with DCing won't matter in those instances. There should not be a punishment for one DC. There should be punishment for two or more DCs.

  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    To make it plain and simple any match that is stopped due to killer dc within the first 2 minutes should refund all items that everyone put into the match. I am not a programmer but I figure it wouldnt be too hard to so.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Triggered92 said:
    Would really be cool if there could be a different way to penalize the killer for rage quitting. just today i have had 4 killers quit because everyone used purple quality items and or they just want to drop class to play easier players, resulting in all of the survivors loosing pips and all of the offerings. I play all day just to move up and then i have a killer that is scandalous and just wants to go down a few ranks so they can play easy people and get more points so they drop out. not fair to the survivors. I should not go down in rank just because some one else that sucks at the game cant play it right. sad to say that if you leave a loop hole some one will abuse it just because its there. regardless if it affects others game play. developers have done alot to make this game fun and i enjoy playing it. but stuff like this makes the game unlikable and makes me want to find something else. the whole point of the game is to get as high in rank as possible. how am i supposed to participate in normal game play if this continues?

    Well stuff like this happens if you balance the game around low ranks and let the high rank killers suffer :wink:

    Maybe we can get the devs to buff some killers a bit such that they are viable at high ranks, but we need to help of you survivors (80% of the community) for this

  • Triggered92
    Triggered92 Member Posts: 7

    i dont have a problem with them buffing the killers. if i lose i lose. its just i shouldnt have to lose my stuff just because some wants to drop down in class.

  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @Triggered92 said:
    Would really be cool if there could be a different way to penalize the killer for rage quitting. just today i have had 4 killers quit because everyone used purple quality items and or they just want to drop class to play easier players, resulting in all of the survivors loosing pips and all of the offerings. I play all day just to move up and then i have a killer that is scandalous and just wants to go down a few ranks so they can play easy people and get more points so they drop out. not fair to the survivors. I should not go down in rank just because some one else that sucks at the game cant play it right. sad to say that if you leave a loop hole some one will abuse it just because its there. regardless if it affects others game play. developers have done alot to make this game fun and i enjoy playing it. but stuff like this makes the game unlikable and makes me want to find something else. the whole point of the game is to get as high in rank as possible. how am i supposed to participate in normal game play if this continues?

    Well stuff like this happens if you balance the game around low ranks and let the high rank killers suffer :wink:

    Maybe we can get the devs to buff some killers a bit such that they are viable at high ranks, but we need to help of you survivors (80% of the community) for this

    So are you saying that because of the killers being weak in your opinion they dc when they see the items being used? If so that is a load of crap that would be the same if I drop every time I saw the black ward, since killer mostly use it when running ultra rare items. honestly I don't see much point in either side being able to see what the other has used if that is all its going to cause is a dc. Personally I don't see the killers as being underpowered except maybe at rank 20 and then that is either due to lack of perks or lack of experience in the game. I have seen so many lvl 15 killers catch and kill a lvl 8 player and then watch them trash the killer in chat when the killer wasn't doing anything "wrong" other than doing what they are supposed to do. I have wrecked many a good lvl player as a weak killer(low rank, 1 or 2 perks). I have also been wrecked by good killers who seemed to know where I was no matter where I was in the match or what I was doing. Most of the killer/survivor needs a buff is really more about how skilled is the killer vs the survivors. Yes a well oiled crew of survivors who know every aspect of the game will wreck even the best killer sometimes but that doesn't mean the killers need to be buffed. Maybe a set of buffed perks that can only be used on a rank 5 or higher killer would be a better solution? That way it does not upset the lower level players and they demand better perks that the rank 1 survivors would abuse.

  • BirdiePlays
    BirdiePlays Member Posts: 4
    Judgement said:
    CoolAKn said:

    From what I understand, there is no system in place that can determine why a person DCs (purposeful DC, internet died, game crashed, etc.), so they don't punish people who DC because they cannot prove intent. People do get in trouble if they DC too often.

    Surely, it can't be too difficult to code a system where the game can detect when someone presses "Leave Game" or "Quit Game" vs someone who leaves without doing either of them.

    But then there’s the matter of WHY someone left the game through the pause menu:
    Maybe they had to leave for an important family thing; maybe they needed to leave realising they’re late for an event; maybe ssomeone has been hurt or injured, or a crime in progress in house or nearby and they need to respond; or maybe they left because they’re just not having fun and want to be matched with other players they may have more fun playing with, or play another game.

    I don’t know about you but I’d rather not see the game punish people who need to leave for legitimate, personal, or life-involving reasons because a few intentionally disconnect for the sole purpose of ruining the game.

    If a Killer disconnects, Survivors should get 10k-ish bloodpoints and their offerings returned if the game was shorter than 3 minutes. If Survivors disconnect a Killer should be given more than 650 or however many it is bloodpoints.

    By the way, OP, Survivors do not lose pips if the Killer disconnects at the very start. The game says ‘0’, and doesn’t deduct pips, even though the gauge doesn’t reach the black pip.
    I actually just got out of a match where the killer dc'd in seconds of it starting. I lost two pips and so did my friend. I went from rank 5 to 6 because of it. So don't feed people the bs that it doesn't deduct pips
  • BirdiePlays
    BirdiePlays Member Posts: 4
    Speaking from experience. 

    I have been in many a game where the killer ragequits or just flat out leaves. It DOES take away pips and it does make sure you don't get crap in terms of bloodpoints especially if the killer leaves before you can do jack squat. 

    Whoever keeps telling you guys that you don't depip is fulla crap. You lose a pip sometimes two depending on the allotted time of the round before the killer leaves. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Triggered92 said:
    Would really be cool if there could be a different way to penalize the killer for rage quitting. just today i have had 4 killers quit because everyone used purple quality items and or they just want to drop class to play easier players, resulting in all of the survivors loosing pips and all of the offerings. I play all day just to move up and then i have a killer that is scandalous and just wants to go down a few ranks so they can play easy people and get more points so they drop out. not fair to the survivors. I should not go down in rank just because some one else that sucks at the game cant play it right. sad to say that if you leave a loop hole some one will abuse it just because its there. regardless if it affects others game play. developers have done alot to make this game fun and i enjoy playing it. but stuff like this makes the game unlikable and makes me want to find something else. the whole point of the game is to get as high in rank as possible. how am i supposed to participate in normal game play if this continues?

    If survivors have to face the same DC penalty, sure :smile:

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Probably because every few games a survivor will burn a coldwind offering.

    It gets very boring very fast.