Killers shouldn't be able to see survivor's names and profiles before match

Title. Why is this allowed? We can't see killers name. Today had a few games with friends where killers automatically leave the lobby and one also left just at the start of the match cuz we put 3 petrified oaks. He said he doesn't want to play against swf. Okay bro, i guess you'll play alone if they remove swf cuz this game would be dead in 1 week. And we are totally chill team, not even that good like people are talking about that bAd sWf.
3 petrified oaks means a sabotage breakout build, which is designed only to bully the killer. Petrified oak shouldn't even be in this game with hook RNG already bad on some maps.
I wouldnt play against your bs either. Stop being a bully and people won't dodge you.
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I cant see his profile BEFORE match, so i could maybe bail out when i see his negative rep on steam. I think names and profiles should be anonymous for both sides. If you as a killer are going to search for a solo survivor lobby good luck with that. Maybe go play something else that doesn't require strong mental health. Not talking about you like you but in general.
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Aww, you didn't get to bully the killer.
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Petrified oak doesn't really do anything. Push two hooks away from each other and two will spawn really close together. Honestly stop being entitled and play for fun.
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Yeah I'd dodge too buddy, if I see three petrified's I think sabo squad, I dont want to play against that, my time is valuable to me and Id rather spend it in a match or game that I wont be bullied in. Its what I would do if I saw 4 toolboxes in a match or multiple keys, or god forbid 4 flashlights. its not fun, I play games to have fun.
maybe dont abuse the unbalanced parts of the system and people wont dodge you.
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How would not seeing your names and profiles have changed the outcome of the killer leaving after seeing you guys play offerings that looks like an attempt to be a toxic sabo squad?
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As that guy said, petrified does nothing, just wanted to try the rng. Excuse me mister, i see you are such a smartass and you know our builds. Our idea is not to bully anyone, i hate bullying as i myself play killer also.
P.S we did not run wiggling builds.
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Play on Xbox and you can see killers gamertag before match. When I play killer I want to see who I'm going against because some really toxic players I don't want to play against.
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That ######### happened once cause we really don't use same offerings every match except when its the cake. Most of the times they leave in the pregame lobby.
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It's designed that way on purpose. The killer is meant to have an advantage in that area and rightfully so. You get the advantage of planning and preparing with your team before you even enter his lobby. If survivors could see killers they would dodge good ones all the time and it would become a problem. Killers dodging survivors is not even worth talking about. You re-queue and are back in a lobby 5 seconds later.
What are you mad about exactly?
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"we put 3 petrified oaks" "we are totally chill team" lulz
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"lulz" what's wrong with that when petrified doesn't do anything special?
This community us so ######### toxic you cant even debate about something without being accused of toxicity. Go on killer mains, you'll be punching air cuz you wont be finding lobbies of solo survivors where you can show how StRoNg you are.
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You could just find another match and move on. You say your a chill team, so why does this bother you at all?
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In all honesty how much time does a killer dodging your lobby add to your search for a game? When it happens to me it takes about 5 seconds to find another killer. I'm not sure why this has you so upset.
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Yep, and on any of the indoor maps or large maps, or swamp, this can lead to dead zones where it's impossible to reach a hook, and of course the survivors will run straight there.
Yeah, its absolutely no fun indulging the bully fantasy of survivors. Last time someone tried this on me, I downed them, used up their unbreakable, and let them bleed out while teabagging as ghostface. They used the typical "wow, we were just screwing around, why so toxic?"
Yeah, not buying that at all, no killer will, we've seen this crap far too often.
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What you're running isn't the point. Seeing the multiple petrified oaks is the point. The Killers don't know what builds you're running but they DO know that there's multiple oaks in against a SWF. Who the ######### wants to deal with that?
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True. Just like we did.
Wanted to see what people think about disabling the option to see survivors profiles. Names are okay i guess. Its not like it bothers me that much. Just a thought.
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Being able to see survivors is a pretty obvious design decision so the killer can properly prepare for the trial. See flashlights? Change to Franklins or Lightborn. See medkits? Put Sloppy or Nurses on. And so on.
You as a survivor are not supposed to know what/who you're facing.
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If we're going down this route we might as well implement SWF indicators to show who's in a group.
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I wish they would. It's already easy enough to find out most of the time.
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Brings 3 petrified oaks to go full anti-hook while claiming to be a "chill team". Gets called out for it. Accuses the people who call them out of being the toxic ones. 😂
Btw: I have always been a survivor main but I fully stopped playing killer months ago because I'm not dealing with this nonsense anymore.
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Why can't he leave the game? Does the killer have no right?
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And can you tell me one reasonable argument where running petrified is considered toxic? I guess i wont continue this nonsense debate with you.
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LOOOOOOOOL, lets now talk about human rights. You must be joking.
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It is not a joke..
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human rights are never a joke.
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Why would human rights be a joke?
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The killer is played by a human too, you know. With actual feelings and emotions. I guess it doesn't matter when the mob mentality kicks in.
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whats they saying again. when a group of people gather take the average iq of everyone in the room and divide it by that many people?
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I bet youre the type of survivor to complain about getting mori'd or noed, but all 4 of you brought toolboxes to gen rush thinking "rofl this will be easy"
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Since you asked me to, I guess I have to spell it out: You & your team simply didn't know that 3 petrified oaks did not have a big effect. Otherwise you obviously wouldn't have brought these offerings.
You intended to go full anti-hook against the killer and are angry because it didn't work. 😉
I hope we get killer bots for pc & console soon, so those can play against such groups like yours. 😆
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We knew. Wanted to try our luck. Now keep talking bullshit to yourself cuz i wont be answering you anymore.
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Of course, mori's and noed are such bullshit. Toolboxes are not even that good now after being nerfed.
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So you think a SWF team on voice coms with items and sabo builds is fine but moris and noed is bs? Ok then.
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Ya you seem totally chill. I have no idea why anyone would think you were trying to bully. That's so weird.
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Maybe bring at least one oak offering. And Geez, all these post with "bullying". Snowflakes, sabo isn't a realible startegy and mostly gets teammates killed.
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I don't see what that has to do with survivor names and profiles? That's dodging offerings which both sides can do just fine with no punishment, if someone sees a map offering they don't like or suspected mori they can just crash their game no matter what side they're playing.
For names and profiles themselves they could remove them and I personally wouldn't care. But I know there's lots of people that want to check profiles for SWF and such, no matter how common partially/fully private profiles become as I'm pretty sure some level of private/friends only is the Steam default?
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I'm pretty sure Myres goes through every obsessions mail before he enters the match.
Maybe not Bubba because of literacy.
But anyways, rather than trying to organize solo players to get onto some group chat coms program (herding blind insane cats would be far easier) swf groups are able to do this far more easily. It's basically using external programs not intended for the game in the slighest let alone balanced or built into the game to give which gives them a slew of unfair advantages. It's basically cheating without being bannable because it cant be tracked or proven.
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Dude, I don't even main killer, or play killer for more than dailies and I'd dodge the heck out of that match.
Killers should have the right to choose if they wanna go into a match where, frankly, they're likely to be up against sweat builds or survivors who are out to troll.
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Literally no one, no one wants SWF to be removed no one is calling for that and no one thinks that SWF in itself is toxic. It drive me bananas when this subject matter has been explained repeatedly only for people to spew the same talking points. It's the thing killers have no control of and that's outside communication that this game wasn't built for. Frankly, Discord. It's like playing tag with your friends, you're it but everyone has telepathic powers but you. Slap on some OOO then you have a team that could see you through the walls then communicate your location. There's braving a match and there is braving a match where the odds are unfairly stacked against you.
No amount of claiming to be chilled or being potatoes will change the fact that it's an unfair advantage.
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you wanted to bully a killer with sabo and he went home instead...
They need to keep this feature for this exact reason. And add a SWF tag so killer knows people are in a group
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No, lol
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What does this have to do with "bullying" a killer. Get over yourself. Not everything survivors have a issue about doesn't relate to bullying a killer.
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This may be off topic but idk why the oak offerings are even in the game, it's like have a offering that put gens closer together so patrols are easier, it just messes with the objective of the game for one side and buys so much time for the other, the fact the oak offerings stack seems like a oversight no one really has thought about.
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Hilarious that people are upset by Petrified Oak offerings in this thread. The devs put them in the game, so players are free to use them, and it's not toxic to do so.
Frankly, if you dodge matches because of offerings, then you should stop queueing and go play something else.
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"Hilarious that people are upset by killers quitting the game in this thread. The devs put that option in the game, so players are free to use it, and it's not toxic to do so."
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I miss seeing ranks. I get that people would dodge for easier games, but I liked knowing I could play a worse but fun killer and still do alright. At the higher ranks you are pretty restricted to who you can play
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nah, its not the same my man. try better next time ;)
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Because multiple 'Petrified Oak' offerings are the cornerstone of Sabo squads. Does everything mean a bully squad? No. But there are clear signs that do point in that direction. Which, in this case, did point there. I don't need to 'get over myself' when the evidence is right there. Might be wrong, but experience shows otherwise.
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First, everything in this game was designed without voice chat in mind. So something that might barely affect the match is solo becomes lethal when you can communicate.
Second off, the dev's are known for implementing things without thinking them through. Take pyramid head camping for instance.