Best build for Demogorgon?

TheBus4K Member Posts: 256

I've been playing it with BBQ, Ruine, STBFL and Surveillance for a while, but Ruine and Surveillance don't convince me at all (especially when they break Ruine at the beginning of the game).

I don't want to change BBQ for the points, and STBFL seems very good to me. What other 2 perks can I add?

And as for addons, I use "Rat Liver (brown)" and "Mew's Guts (yellow)".


  • superpanda999
    superpanda999 Member Posts: 57

    Definitely keep BBQ and STBFL. For the last two perks you can use Corrupt Intervention if you want to keep generators from popping while you place down portals and you can use Pop Goes The Weasel. If you want, you can substitute one of those with Make Your Choice, Discordance, or even Devour Hope (which I think is one of the BEST Hex perks.) Also if you want to get rid of BBQ later on you can put in Thrilling Tremors and use portals to travel to the generator you know is being worked on. The only downside to this perk is the cool down it has which is too long imo.

    It seems you already have good add-ons, but I’d like to mention Deer Lung which increases your teleportation speed by 40%. Survivors won’t expect you to come out of your portals so fast. Rat Tail and Rat Liver is another good combination and both are easy to get since they’re both common.

    Let me know if you need any other Demo tips! :)

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 534

    I've mained demo since his launch and his best build by far is BBQ, STBFL, Corrupt Intervention, and Pop.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,031

    BBQ and Pop are the building blocks for every killer imo. I completely agree that STBFL gives a lot of value to Demo. The fourth slot is the flex imo. I’ve been using Monitor and Abuse to get me that much closer to survivors before starting chase.

    Some streamers like Enduring because you can get stunned and follow with a pallet break.

    But let me reemphasize, it’s a flex. Just about anything can go there.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I personally run Corrupt, STBFL, Enduring and Spirit Fury and do pretty well with it.