DBD'S Future

Is it just me or are chapters just a constant topic within DBD. I personally like chapters but I look forward to other stuff in the game too.
If DBD keeps doing chapters behind a pay wall, imagine DBD being a game where only 5% of the game is free when already paying to even play the game in the first place. I don't think I'd like JUST chapters. I do enjoy other things DBD never had before. Like the rift/archives. More optional objectives in the match would be nice for survivors. I play as killer and I think it's fine. Killers don't need another objective. Survivors however, I wish repairing gens were more interesting. It's very underwhelming for me and it's been like that since I started. I currently have 2.8ks hours but I get over it. Just wish it could be more interesting. The survivor game play is perfect for me, it's just repairing gens are incredibly boring.
There's a lot more to discuss but I'd like to keep it to the DLCs right now.