131 perks in this game are useless, buff them

There are 166 total perks in this game and 131 of them almost never see play. Buff your perks BHVR. Stop being lazy.
Yeah, they should buff that many perks at once. That can't go wrong at all.
They're taking their time. Be patient.
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They should buff some obsession perks tbh.
Furtive chase could use another effect.
Dying light could use a buff.
Play with your food could use a small buff to not lose stacks on a missed attack.
Pebble could use a cooldown reduction and less time in killer's presence to activate.
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In the past year a total of 20 perks were buffed or nerfed.
You're telling me to wait 6 and a half years for them to touch all these unused perks? No, tell them to do their job.
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They're already reworked/tweaked 6 of them on the PTB, I mean you can't get everything at once, it would be a shame if a touched perk comes out bugged... Remember the wake up drama, with a permanent +15% on every survivor action speed.
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For a casual game with no competitive scene, meaning there is no reason not to try and tweak the numbers or effects every so often, they are being extremely slow and careful for no reason. As it was mentioned by Throwaway123, they only had 20 perks worked on for the past year, which is unacceptably slow in my opinion. There is no risk playing around with perks and trying new things.
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In 50 games as Killer these were the perks I saw survivors use: Borrowed Time, Iron Will, Decisive Strike, Kindred, Spine Chill, Unbreakable, Adrenaline, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Lithe, Resilience, Balanced LAnding, Prove Thyself, Object of Obsession, Self Care, Botany Knowledge, Soul Guard, Head On, Quick & Quiet, Urban Evasion.
Unique Survivor Perks: 20 | Most seen perks: Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, Iron Will
In 50 games as survivor these were the perks I saw killers use: BBQ and Chili, Pop goes the weasel, Corrupt Intervention, Discordance, A Nurse's Calling, Infectious Fright, Sloppy Butcher, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Brutal Strength, Hex: Ruin, Save the Best for Last, Monitor and Abuse, Whispers, Shadowborn.
Unique Killer Perks: 15 | Most seen perks: BBQ and Chili, Pop goes the weasel, Save the Best for Last, Corrupt Intervention.
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Yup. I'm glad you made a list its perfect
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I consider myself a relatively patient person, but some perks have been in a useless state for years. They definitely need to get their priorities straight.
Then again, look at the new perks they've released over the past year or so. There is maybe 1 decent perk per DLC, and the rest go unused. I'm not exactly confident in their ability to design good perks that will get used by more than a few people.
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I mean as the title says there 131 perks in the game already, it must be hard to find concepts for new /refreshing / useful & not OP perks when you're limited by both the gameplay and interactions.
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There is a competitive scene, even though it's small.
It's just that no one seems to know about it.
The Dead by Daylight League has been around since summer 2018, and it's still going strong with tons of fantastic players duking it out every season.
https://discord.gg/sCKwua (Link Expires in 1 day)