Deadzones in Meat Plant (Nurse literally cannot blink in some areas)

Been playing some nurse and had the meat plant twice. I've found way more deadzones now than there used to be, some which shouldn't even exist.
This is especially apparent when I tried to blink in the corridor where the basement is (both sides) and the nurse literally blinks in place. She cannot blink through the wall either when she could before the patch.
Is this an intentional thing or is this a legit bug in the map now? There are other areas around the bottom floor of the map as well.
I had the same issue today. I think they changed that in more maps.
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Oh wow. That sucks. =/
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If you ever get a chance, play KYF with one other person, put it on the game and try and blink around the bathroom/basement area. It's impossible to blink.
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@CydoniaTV said:
If you ever get a chance, play KYF with one other person, put it on the game and try and blink around the bathroom/basement area. It's impossible to blink.Made a post about it already with video :
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There ar plenty of deadzones on every map, it is one of the reasons I hate playing Nurse, despite I mained her on R1.
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Sad reacts only
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@CydoniaTV said:
@RSB said:
There ar plenty of deadzones on every map, it is one of the reasons I hate playing Nurse, despite I mained her on R1.Yes there are deadzones, but not nearly as bad as what the meat plant has now.
Check corners of the barn on Farm maps, or corners rooms on Haddonfield/Badham - these are pretty fun deadzones. Or every hill on base maps.