Supernatural DLC speculation



  • Scream_Queen865
    Scream_Queen865 Member Posts: 110

    "You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of hell..I can throw you back in." YASSS to the DLC. I've said Supernatural for 3yrs now lol but I want Cas..and Dean..😭😭

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    They could always do Cas as a legendary skin for Dean and possibly Bobby or Mary as a legendary skin for Sam? There’s honestly so much they could do and I’m paying for it all. 😂

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I've never watched the show and confused this for Smallville, and was wondering why Superman would be a good fit for this game lol

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    You thought survivors were OP before. Wait until they can fly. Superman coming in 2021.

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    Bobby & Mary would be awesome. Jo too. But Castiel is a must for a legendary skin 👀

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    I feel like Cas has became just as important to the show as Sam and Dean. So I could definitely see him being a legendary skin. I just don’t think he’d work as a separate character. I could see them doing something similar to Ash and just releasing them as survivors, although I would love a map. They could do a graveyard and have the impala outside of it as an Easter egg. 😭

  • Scream_Queen865
    Scream_Queen865 Member Posts: 110


    But I wanna smite the killer as Castiel...🤣🤣 Legendary or not I'd be throwing money at my TV lol. I wonder what their sayings would be if put in!?

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    Yeah I can’t see him being a separate survivor either. Even though he became a main character too, it makes sense that the 2 survivors would be Dean & Sam and then whoever else as legendaries. Better as a legendary than nothing at all though :)

    I never even considered the possibility of a graveyard. That’s a neat idea! And yessss that would be amazing if they included the impala! It’s iconic. A rabbits foot would make for a memorable Supernatural charm too 😂

  • Scream_Queen865
    Scream_Queen865 Member Posts: 110

    It would for sure be Dean and Sam..I know..but my love for Cas...😭 Is it to much to ask for at least 4 survivors? Lmao..that's a joke but still. I hope this becomes a thing.

  • mrpieseller
    mrpieseller Member Posts: 134

    I like the idea of a graveyard, but what about the men of letters bunker??

    (Also Rowena as a legendary skin PLEASE)

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Take ma money!

  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    Cas would need this line

  • mrpieseller
    mrpieseller Member Posts: 134

    "HEY ASSBUTT" *proceeds to smash Michael with a pallet*

  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    I’d pay a whole ass paycheck just for this toxic Castiel behaviour LMAO 😂

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666




  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Thanks for linking the video. Nice to see his reaction more in context. And I have to say. its seems go more into the direction "Yeah, that's possible". And I have to agree it would be possible. Maybe tricky to come up with a killer, because some iconic villains are out of question beeing too much related towards religions. And to be honest in comparison to similar shows like Buffy, where it wouldn't hard to do the Master or Drusilla. I wouldn't even say most villains on the show would be considered iconic. On the other hand it would be a licence that get's carried by the Survivors so. I don't know.

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    No problem! A lot of us definitely have our hopes up and it’s been brought up a lot, so I agree that it’s at least a possibility.

    As for the killer, I figure they could take something from the early seasons. The most memorable that comes to mind is the wendigo, which is the first monster they faced I think. You’re right in saying that none of them are exactly iconic, as there’s been so many.

    On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind if they just went ahead and made it a paragraph. It would be cool to be a full chapter but not necessary. The survivors would be the main attraction. Just like Ash & Bill.

  • mrpieseller
    mrpieseller Member Posts: 134

    What if they make the killer the leviathon? I feel like they would be the best for a killer, but that's just my opinion.

    There's also another idea I had thats kindove dumb, where the devs make a half licensed half original chapter, where Sam and Dean are the survivors, and then the devs make their own version of a monster (like a werewolf, vampire, etc) and we could also get the bunker as the map 👀

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    Oh yeah. Those things are creepy as hell, they’d definitely make for a good DBD killer.

    The bunker would be cool (I know, I know, people will complain because of an indoor map. Unless they did it where it’s outdoors but has the bunker in the middle? Kinda like the plague’s map.) and as for the killer, I wouldn’t mind that at all. If that were the case, I wonder if the licensing company would work alongside the devs to create a killer they can agree with? Unless the killer was released entirely separately. I don’t know how that would work 🤔 Interesting idea though.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I did think about the bunker but I’m just not sure how it’d work as a map as I don’t think it would be big enough. A graveyard is just very Supernatural and they could do some really cool things with it.

    I also found this online:

    This seriously needs to happen. 😂

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I think the likely thing that would happen would be for them to just release Sam and Dean. However, they could do some cool things with the Wendigo and even the Scarecrow. I’ve wanted a Scarecrow killer for so long. I also imagined there to be different scarecrows scattered over the map and it can teleport to them. So you just never know when one of them is going to come to life.

  • mrpieseller
    mrpieseller Member Posts: 134
  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Really?! How crazy. It's so cool. I'm currently working on my idea for a Supernatural chapter. I'll link it in here once it's ready / posted.

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    That’s actually one of my most wanted Supernatural killers too. The scarecrow would be really cool. But yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised nor upset if they only gave us survivors lol

    Also, looking forward to reading your idea for a Supernatural chapter!

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    I'm not a fan of supernatural, and nothing against those that are but I feel like Strangers Things has a bit more horror elements than that show. At least with stranger things the demogorgon is a pretty unique creature dreamed up by that show. What unique creature/monster from Super natural is an interesting character?

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    Is it safe to assume you’ve never seen it? There are numerous episodes that are genuinely really creepy & scenes that would give children nightmares.

    They could give us the scarecrow, the wendigo, leviathan, etc. But on the other hand, Supernatural wouldn’t require a full chapter for DBD either. Just the survivors would be fine.

    Supernatural is big on old legends and myths and bringing them to life, sometimes with their own spin on them. Stranger Things made up their own creature. They’re different, but they both fall into the horror category. Why compare the two? Just because SPN isn’t the same exact horror as ST doesn’t mean it’s a bad fit.

  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    Why set a bar? I’ve seen a lot of people say, “well _____ isn’t like Stranger Things.” And to that I say....So? Horror isn’t in just one category. There’s a whole ass spectrum for it. Halloween, Evil Dead, Scream, Left 4 Dead are all different but they’re all considered horror. Some just play on different elements

  • Crap_Martini
    Crap_Martini Member Posts: 50

    Not only that but fought his own mini clones. was downed, forced to swallow one which then grew out of his shoulder into a full sized evil doppelganger. Had to fight and kill his deadite possessed friends and girlfriend, got possessed himself. Had to kill a deadite possessed old women, hold off an angry ######### tree, kill one pit witch and flippy deadite, one possessed medieval girlfriend, either over sleeps to the end of the world or has to kill another deadite witch, punches King Arthur AND deal with customers at S.mart!

    Sam and Dean have feats but actually hasn't prevented them from running and hiding whilst figuring out what to do and they often fail at what they are doing!

    Pretty sure the likes of Freddy, pyramid head, demo and more are under powered compared to their movie/t.v counter part! Even with the homebrew killers! I'm pretty sure a chainsaw to the back should always permanently cripple you, if not kill you, equally with a samurai sword, a metal club et all.

    So, I agree! Doesn't really matter if a character has certain traits in their media of origin, if they fit the game in terms of what they represent it shouldn't matter.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    As a fan of both, I can tell you that Supernatural has a lot more horror elements than Stranger Things. But it’s not a competition. Nightmare On Elm Street is more of a horror than Stranger Things, but that’s irrelevant as they’re both still horrors. One is just a slasher and the other leans more towards science fiction. There isn’t just one type of horror out there and if you look at what licensed characters we already have in the game you’d see that.

    As already said, I think Sam and Dean would work best as a paragraph chapter like Ash. We don’t need them to come with a killer.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,862

    I would be fine with no licensed characters added to the game. With that said... Supernatural would be a perfect fit.

  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    I’m not sure why but I just feel like this DLC is right around the corner. I’m leaning towards December being it (since upcoming in September might be Candyman?) and I could just be overly hopeful, but I dunno. I just have this feeling 🤔

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    It would be sooooo bad ass. Id buy every cosmetic just out of hype and id have a new main. David who?

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    I only mentioned Stranger Things because earlier in this very thread someone pointed to Stranger Things as an example of why it should be included. Again, no offense to those who like the idea but I'd prefer the game doesn't include things that are further and further from the horror genre. I have seen the show.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    It's a question of where do you draw the line? Should BHVR consider adding goosebump monsters? If your argument is Supernatural should be classified as Horror in the same vein as ANOS, Texas Chainsaw Masssacre, Saw, Halloween, Evil Dead, Silent Hill, etc I'm going to disagree with you all day on that. Can you classify Supernatural as a Horror tv show? You can, but that's a hell of a stretch.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    Again, it's a question of tone. I understand you guys really like that show. I'm not saying it's a bad show. You can point to Halloween, ANOS, Evil Dead franchises where things went schtick but the overarching themes were adult material and Horror. I just don't agree that the tone matches the game. You are free to disagree.

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    Yeah, I’m with you on this. I understand not everyone wants the same thing in the game, and personal preference is fine. I’m not gonna jump on anyone like people do in the FNAF threads lol. But saying it’s not horror or fitting for DBD? THAT I don’t understand haha. As I always say, they don’t ONLY want slashers. They’re gonna keep expanding & licenses sell well, so there’s surely gonna be all types of horror characters from different horror categories in the future.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    I've already noted Evil Dead directly above your comment as an example due to it's comedic elements. At it's core Evil Dead is pure horror. At Supernaturals core it's a cw tv show. There's no point is arguing this further as you can't see the difference either due to your affection for the program or something else.

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    I mention CW because you cannot have a serious HORROR program on at 8pm network TV without cutting out a lot of material. I have seen several episodes of the show. I feel like i'm spinning my wheels here. I don't dislike the show, it's just nowhere near the tone of the game or the other franchises. I'm going to try this from another angle. Imagine you own the Hellraiser Franchise. You're already going to be protective of your property against a project like DBD because of all the various other Franchises they incorporate with it. Now you start adding in franchises like Supernatural. Is that going to make you more likely or less likely to give them the rights?

    How Wikipedia describes supernatural:


    missing: HORROR

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618
    edited July 2020

    Okay you go on Wikipedia and get into a revert war with the people on there about it belonging in the Horror genre. You know what, your cunning critique of my opinion on where Supernatural falls as a show has got me to change my mind. The Exorcist, Halloween, Hellraiser, Supernatural, Texas Chainsaw Massacre....yeah. Sounds great.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    If anybody is interested, I’ve created a thread where can can discuss all things Supernatural.

  • handfulofrain
    handfulofrain Member Posts: 317

    I really hope not for a myriad of reasons.

    Mainly because CW shows are terribly written and acted, and I think we should strive to have good quality media in the game.

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2020

    But who would be killer and survivor?

    Dean or/and Sam as survivor? This would be the obivios choise.

    Or Demon-Dean or Lucifer-Sam as Killer? This could work. It could even work when Sam and Dean had both roles killer AND survivor.

    Or Rampage-Castiel or Lucifer as Killer? Would be the first time a killer could use "holy" powers to purge the people trapped inside the rift.

    Or shapeshifting Leviathans as killer (which would totaly never work against SWF)?

    Or a demon as killer, who is nothing but flying dust and can poses people? That would be AWESOME if done right, but the BHVR has barly done anything right, so I have no hopes for that.

    It must be someone special as killer, BECAUSE the show had already every kind of killer in the show, so if they pick someone who was only in one episode it would feal weird.