Wait times
I’m on PS4 and holy Christ are the survivor wait times abysmal I never even make it past rank 20 the lowest I got was 18 cause I hate playing survivor now cause it takes WAY TOO LONG to get into a match I stopped playing for over a year and come back to even longer wait times, yet I can get a killer within seconds, a lot of people are saying it’s either a matchmaking problem or the fact they nerfed killers if it’s matchmaking FIX IT if it’s the killer then FIX IT I can’t believe I spent money on the silent hill dlc just to not even be able to play the survivor
Queue times were the main reason why I left PS4.
Cross play will fix this.
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Lack of killers in your region in your rank is what causes queues like that. If there aren’t enough killers close to your survivor rank, you take forever to find a game. Same if killer queues are long but survivors are fast: just means there are too many killers.
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Its 100% because new survivors NEVER play this game solo, they always queue up with Red Rank friends in SWF which skews the matchmaking forcing low rank killers to play against red ranks which of course they lose, and in return makes new killer players not want to play the game. So there are very few low rank killers because SWF red ranks ruined it for them.
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In their last survey, the devs asked us whether bonus bloodpoints would make us play the other role. If the responses were positive, then we'll probably get such a system, and then it could help with queue times.
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Where are you from?
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Playing killer is a worse experience than playing survivor. The amount of toxicity that a killer can encounter would make anyone switch to survivor permanently.
Personally the current matchmaking system is what made me switch. I'm a rank 13 killer that constantly get matched against purple and red rank survivors. It's made my experience a bit of a pain to say the least.
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Assuming you're in NA: It's late at night. Of course wait times are going to be terrible. If I play morning to mid-day its almost instant queue times for me.
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I play DBD on the PS4 too and I can agree that wait times are horrible. (Though they are much worse at night, for obvious reasons.) But I’m looking forward to crossplay fixing this issue.