Where does the name “Dead Hard” even come from?

That’s actually my question.
Not that I actually use Dead Hard that much, but I was always fascinated by the name. It sounds a little funny but fits the perk so well. Where does the name even come from?
Erect zombie penis.
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Because you die on the ground exhausted
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UK Slang.
Dead = very
Hard = tough/brave
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See Vinnie Jones.
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As a Brit I never thought about it this way and yet that's also incredibly accurate and makes a lot of sense.
Now this sounds like my kinda tea.
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Its British slang - just means really tough
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What I don't get is "no mither" - in the perk text they use "can't be mithered" to mean "can't be arsed" but I've never heard anyone say that whether they're from Manchester or not. Maybe they should've called it "no arse"
edit: actually no arse should be a pyramid head perk since they nerfed his
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Ironic that you are actually dodging with a perk called dead hard.
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Don't remind me of that Daddy Dorito ass nerf D:
"No mither" I think meaning "I don't care". So it's like "Cool, I'll start the trial injured, don't give a ######### lads. Come at it, can't be mithered."
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I always just thought it meant hard to kill. Kind of like die hard
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'daddy dorito" I'm stealing that 😅
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We either got Daddy Dorito, Daddy Triangle, or Pyramid Daddy
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I’m from Manchester and I use the word mither. It means bother. So if somebody is annoying me when I need them to be quiet I’ll say “stop mithering me” - so it is a legit phrase from Manchester. It’s also pronounced MY-VER as I’m getting sick of streamers saying it wrong.
Also we use dead as a way to say really and hard can mean either tough or something is difficult. As I’ll sometimes say that something is “dead ‘ard” when I’m struggling to do it. It all just depends on the context. As it can mean different things.
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Mother - "To make an unnecessary fuss, moan, bother." (From Google)
Pretty much, no bother. Can't be bothered. Don't care.
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It should actually be Dead ‘Ard
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Ah okay, thanks for clarifying. And forgive my londoner ignorance :P
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Haha it's no problem. I used to play with a guy from London and he'd always laugh at how often I'd use the word 'dead' - it really must be a Mancunian thing.
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That man is probably a zombie who has Dead Hard equipped. Notice how you don't get to see what he looks like from the waist down.
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Being a soft Southerner, I don't hear such poppycock. However, I worked with a chap from the Stafford area and nearly soiled my pants when he said something was no Mither. Apparently it's a regional thing...
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As a brit "Dead Hard" would be a descriptor for davif about himself, "i'm dead hard mate".