Share some positivity!

bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

Share some cool things about this game! I'm tired of the Billy comments.


  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    This game is amazing and I should've tried it out much earlier. I assumed it would be like TF2 prophunt - a mindless and boring search for survivors. Instead I got an adrenaline pumping hunting experience and frantic survival experience. No other game I've EVER played has made me lean in to my monitor before- this game kills my posture! Playing with friends is fun, both to mess around and have a laugh or try hard and execute coordinated plays. Just as I thought the game was getting stale, I started buying and trying out new killers and it was such a breath of fresh air, there's so much variety there.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I love that each game is different! Even if you're versing the same killer or spawn on the same map or play with the same friends, there's always SOMETHING different about each trial, and I think that's what keeps me coming back. I still get scared sometimes too! Which then makes me laugh, but it's all in great fun.

    The option to play either side is great, too, so if playing survivor /does/ start feeling repetitive (it's the only part that might imo), then I can switch to killer and try out different killers and builds. Even on survivor I can just switch up build and playstyle for variety.

    Also mori animations. Mori animations are really cool.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    I like the fact that you have learn the game over time and I am still learning to this day, even though I got it in 2016. I might take time off from it now and then but I always seem to come back to it.

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    I think it’s awesome that we have all these amazing, iconic characters from horror franchises all coming together in one game. It’s a dream for any horror fan.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    As usual, I get good teams all day...

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I love that there is so many killers to choose from and so many ways to play them through addons and perks. Moondashing succesfully with Pig always feels nice. I never get tired of hitting it.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    Oh I like this thread!

    I laugh - a lot in this game.

    Last night - I caught myself saying out loud:

    "Put me down mister. You put me down right now!"

    Usually it's only in my head. :-P

    When I run headlong into a killer and with both stand there, face to face, looking dumbfounded at each other for a good 5 seconds. (Happens more often than you think.)

    When you end up in those games where no one is acting normal. EG: It's not the "do the gen, run, get caught, hooked etc." But the killers and survivors do something different and are trying to communicate that they want you to do something. I hope I explained that okay. You then have to sit there and try to figure out what they want based on very limited information. It's like a weird game of charades. Often that ends up in hilarity.

    Running into a tree while being chased by a killer.

    The people on this forum that are so amazingly kind and helpful.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    The fact that lisa Garland made it into dbd. My favorite sh character and overall best girl.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    There's really nothing like it. In spite of all the "pretty good job so far" moments you won't find a competitive horror game as good and dare I say balanced as dbd. And yes, I'm including that one game all about the Trapper chasing down people trash talking in voice chat.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    I deliberately wait for the "boom" after sacrificing a surv for kebabing 2 or 3 times as extra punishment, regardless the time I wasted on it

    PS: I hope kebabing is fixed in the next patch

  • DeanWinchester
    DeanWinchester Member Posts: 145

    Oh, I also gotta mention the hilarious random moments. I was against a Spirit at Dead Dawg Saloon. I went up to the bar and rather than continuing to kill me, she pretended to serve drinks & dance on tables LOL.

    moments like that are pure gold.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I can see myself playing this game for a long time and always coming back to it during the periods that I take off from gaming/get bored, kind of like how league is for me.

    I also like that it is not an intensely competitive game, as that really ruins some of the fun for me over time.

    Also, I'm glad I'm one of the few people who seem to think that the balance is pretty good. It's not really survivor or killer sided to me, until you run up against SWFs and than it feels very survivor sided. Overall, I have loads of fun playing both sides without getting overly frustrated.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    When I discovered this game, it really caught my attention, especially the fact that there were many iconic characters from the horror movie genre. I really only downloaded it for that, since I'm a big fan of horror movies from the 80s. When I started playing it, I was addicted to this game like never before, unlike with previous games that I have played. Despite having some bugs and glitches it is currently my favorite game and I still love it. I was getting older and the subject of video games was no longer attracting attention but I discovered this wonder. I have a love / hate with this game and I have many hours. It is the game that I have the most hours on Steam.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    It's most fun when you get a game which goes right down to the wire, with both sides playing well and non-toxic.

    This morning, I had an absolutely epic encounter versus The Executioner. All members of the team worked hard against a vicious Pyramid Head, who used his cages of attonement to maximum effect, and that stealth perk when he stomps a generator nearly gave me a heart attack as he just pounced around the corner! It came down to 1 gen to go, but then ultimately ended in him vs me, and after some tight plays around the shed I was lucky enough to run into the hatch.

    But my God, it's matches like those which really stand out. That and every match is different, and whilst there will be matches like yesterday when I was faced-camped by a Doctor which can sullen the mood, most of the time each round has something memorable, whether it's by a star player on either side, a specific play, comedy, story-telling. It's what you make of it.