Clown Rework Idea

Base Kit changes:
Now only has 2 bottles by default
Reloading slows you down to 110% movement speed
Walking in your own gas speeds you up by 7%
Afterpiece Tonic:
Throwing the bottles is the exact same. However, you can press E/X/A to open the bottle. While the bottle is open, gas will leak out. This gas will act the exact same as when you throw it, just in a smaller area. Doing so will drain your current bottle. A bottle can be drained for 5 seconds before going on cooldown for 2 seconds, using up the bottle. The more a bottle has leaked, the smaller the AOE the bottle creates when it is thrown, if it is thrown. Throwing an opened bottle will create a trail behind it, but will stop if it runs out before hitting something. Gas created by opening a bottle will slow down survivors by 12% instead of 15%.
The point of this is to make his bottles a bit more versatile. Being able to create trails that slow survivors and speed you up could give him multiple ways to loop. If you don't want to use his trails, he can still throw bottles like normal. And since he can do more with the bottles, he shouldn't have as many. This also gives him map pressure, as opening a bottle and throwing it ahead speeds you up a bit, and you hardly slow down while reloading.
If so, I think it would have less pressure than now, it will also be annoying to recharge bottles every so often and it will seem like just an M1 killer
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I feel like his passives aren't enough to compensate for the downsides.
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Maybe just add the walking in your own gas speeds up by 2.5% with the 115% base rather then make him a 110% speed. because he would then have even less map presence be cause he now gets everywhere a second or two slower
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You would always be reloading, which would get rid of the speed passive.
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Reloading bottles would hardly slow him down, so the less bottles would have less of an impact. But since his bottles can also be used for map pressure, I wanted to make sure it wasn't too overwhelming.
What would you recommend?
He's only 110% when reloading. He's still 115% any other time.
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I personally thought it'd be cool if he could choose between multiple bottles each with their own unique reload times and amount, effects too obviously. It says he made multiple but the afterpeace tonic is his favorite, so I thought it'd be nice if he could choose between multiple bottles depending on what he needed at the moment.
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Yeah if he was to have a rework the devs need to do that instead
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There's just too many downsides for it to be worth it. I rather have him as he is right now.
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The only thing worse about this Clown is the fact that he only has 2 bottles. Everything else is a strict buff.