Why do people complain about rank?

One thing I’ve never fully understood is why so many people complain about being matched with or against players with ranks either higher or lower than theirs. Isn’t that how every online game works? Another multiplayer game I play a lot is TLOU and the maximum rank you can be is 999. You’ll never find a lobby of just 999’s. It’s always mixed. I’m 999 and I’ll sometimes have a rank 1 on my team. Friday the 13th is exactly the same. I’ve never seen a game group people together based on what level they’re at. So why do so many people expect that from DBD? Is it because they don’t play any other games and aren’t used to this being the norm?


  • Aaliyah
    Aaliyah Member Posts: 52

    Well, dbd is a game of 4v1, and let's say the killer is completely new and plays against Rank 4 Survivors. The survivor's ofc destroy the killer. The survivors probably had fun but the killer didn't. Survivors continue playing the game and the killer stops for the day and just deinstall the game. What I'm trying to say is that the game is just not fun as a newer player if you are paired up with players who are much more experienced then yourself. 

  • connormorgan
    connormorgan Member Posts: 2

    Because dbd used to have something where new ranks only played against people in there ranks so they can learn to play. Tbf this game is alot harder than friday. F13 was easy to learn after like 3-5 games.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    But, that’s literally every single multiplayer game. It’s like on The Last of Us, when I’m against a lobby of new players I will absolutely destroy them. To the point they won’t even get a single down or kill. That won’t be fun for them, but it’s how you learn how to be a good player. Everybody starts somewhere. I’ve just never played a game where I’ve been in a lobby with people all at the same rank. I’m almost certain that most people complaining don’t play other online games as this is normal. The Last of Us, Friday the 13th, GTA5, COD etc. It’s always a rainbow of ranks.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    FT13 was just an example. The Last of Us isn’t an easy game to pick up either. It’s extremely challenging for newbies but you still get paired with people 900+ ranks higher than you. It’s not a new concept.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    You haven't played a lot of games if you think that's how every multiplayer game works

  • Aaliyah
    Aaliyah Member Posts: 52

    That's your opinion, I think that it's not fun playing against players with 1k hours when I only have 253h ingame. But I know where you are coming from. Have a nice day!

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Well just on the top of my head games I play that matches against people with similar MMR: LoL, CSGO, RL and Valorant. And I'm sure there is plenty of others. Only thing that could put you up against much much better player in those games is if you aren't high rank and get against smurfs.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    The Last of Us? Friday the 13th? Uncharted 4? The Blackout Club? GTA 4? Warface? COD? Do you need me to name anymore?

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    For argument's sake let's say that that's how every multiplayer game works (it doesn't), do you honestly think that matching new players with veterans is the right way to go about setting up a match? Is getting wrecked and snowballed over and over the proper way to introduce new players?

    If multiplayer only games want to continue building their player bases, than they need to have a fair and balanced experience available for all players, regardless of skill level. Because simply saying "git gud" doesn't help anybody.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I’m not saying I enjoy going against people at a lower rank than me. But I see it in every multiplayer game I play. I already listed a lot above and all of them function the same. Lobbies are mixed. But people act like DBD is the only game that does this and it really isn’t. Every single multiplayer I play / have played have done this. And I’ve played a lot. I just expect it.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I think it’s because other games have skill sets that can be applied from/to other games more easily. There’s nuance to TLoU multiplayer, but ultimately if you’ve played the single player campaign and can aim and shoot you’ll do okay.

    DBD is really unlike most other games and the skill curve is quite punishing. There are hundreds of perks, 20 killer powers, and a ton of meta game knowledge that you don’t really get a grasp of your first few games.

    Compare the playstyle of a survivor on their first game and a survivor on their 5000th hour. The first kind of player will hide, they won’t know where to go or what to do, when chased they’ll just run in a straight line to the corner of the map. When you’re the 5000 hour player and you’re matched with someone who plays like it’s their first match of DBD, it’s frustrating.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    LoL literally has mmr rating for every separate game mode and in ranked you wouldn't be getting iron ranks VSing Challenger players.

    R6 Siege does the same thing.

    Pretty much any competitive game matches via rank. Dots, csgo, valorant, overwatch, etc.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    The Last of Us is a competitive game. Uncharted 4 is a competitive game. COD is a competitive game. Warface is a competitive game. You still get put into lobbies with a variety of ranks. It’s definitely not a new concept. Every single game I play online has mixed lobbies. So I can only comment on what I personally have played. For me, this is the norm.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I understand what you’re saying and I do agree. But, I’ve come to expect this from any game I play online as I’m always with a variety of ranks. And it is frustrating being paired with newbies. Even on a game like The Last of Us. Sure there’s not as much you need to learn about, but it’s still not an easy game to pick up. Even after playing the campaign. As there’s more to it than simply running around and shooting and new players will more often than not leave games halfway through because they just get demolished. I think if they were to fully implement a ranking system where you play with people in your rank range it would make lobby waiting times ridiculous.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    But again like somebody else already stated, DBD is a 4 v 1 game, whereas most every other title you mentioned is basically deathmatch or team deathmatch (not saying that that's an excuse not for it to be balanced because it should be). And while it's true that in Friday the 13th it's Jason versus a handful of survivors, Jason is far more powerful than any killer in DBD. The amount of perks and items that survivors have access to in DBD can literally wreck a killer, especially if they're new to the game.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I don't see how that would make lobby times longer. I'm sure there are enough players to match them against similar skill levels. And game is much more enjoyable, at least for me, when the matches are even. I wouldn't touch CSGO if the game put me constantly against people lower than LE.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    The Last of Us multiplayer is also 7 years old. In its heyday when it had tons of players you wouldn’t get paired with people so disparate in rank because the matchmaking could be more choosy since it had a much bigger player base to match from. I don’t think it’s a good example.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Dont play those games but a quick search shows that the matchmaking is a dumpster fire in those games.

    Not to mention it got leaked that EA will literally match high rank players with good gear and paid items against new players who haven't bought anything to encourage them to spend more money.

  • PointlessPips
    PointlessPips Member Posts: 22

    Simple its a 4v1 not an actual multiplayer it makes a difference. So like the person above said red rank against new person. New person now quits dbd. And on the other hand 3 new survivors getting carried by devotion 20 rank 1 and then devotion 20 rank 1 dies they escape and they play tht way till they hit red rank n thats why we have a bunch of pure ######### red rank survivors now. Also the multiplayers i play they usually match u up within your ranks. The only time theres a nooblet and a prestige is when the prestige brings the nooblet with them. But like ranked uncharted. Ranked gears. Ranked cod. Ranked battlefeild ranked paladins all have ranks around your rank.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    That's absolutely NOT how every multiplayer game works. Any game with a matchmaking system worth its salt keeps players of similar skill playing with each other as much as possible. A brand new player facing off against opponent(s) with hundreds or thousands of hours of experience isn't going to have fun or learn anything they'll just get completely destroyed and possibly uninstall the game after a few matches like that.

    Many multiplayer games nowadays have matchmaking to prevent exactly that from happening. DBD's matchmaking just happens to suck.