Changes for Spirit

Hi guys! I was thinking of some changes for Spirit so that it'll be easier for the survivor and killer to have a better game.
Changes to her power:
•While phasing the Spirit can not hear a survivor's footsteps nor grunts of pain.
• Killer can now see blood trails while phasing.
And changes for survivors:
• Survivors can't hear The Spirit's footsteps while she is phasing.
What changes and why:
The survivors and killer can't hear each other so that now survivors don't have to use a perk to counter The spirit. (Iron Will)
Father's glasses addon ( I'm not sure if I'm correct) should be changed to something else because now she can see the bloodtrails.
This is my idea for a spirit change!!
Removing standing still mindgame would be a start. Her husk shouldn't be a thing. If she uses her power, she should disappear. Creates a different sort of mindgame. Also I would love to see her passive phasing gone.
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She already has an add-on where she can see bloodtrails.
Just remove sound while phasing and she'll be golden. Hearing people while they're injured and having a speed boost is too stacked.
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But bruh.. its fun when you stand still and survivors come to you. Less work lololol
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Ive had a survivor in killer shack vault windows and then slow vault back and then run to god pallet and drop it from inside and then slow vault into my arms. I was having some coffee while he did that.
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Agreed, but my point is that the addon should be changed in something else and I was thinking adding bloodtrails to her power would make up for the huge gap of not being able to hear the survivor.
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See? Only spirit can pull some ######### off like this. Its the best.
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If we added these changes, we would have to tremendously increase here base phase speed so Spirit would even have a reason to use it. And if we do she’s just Nurse thanks.
The killer is already fun on both sides. The only ones complaining about not being fun, are the one-trick pony survivors that have no idea how to counter any killer that cannot be mindlessly looped. Along with Spirit, this can be said for DS, Nurse, PH.
Nothing needs nerfed. DS probably needs a buff. But more importantly, survivors need to learn to adjust their can’t counterplay all killers by doing the same thing you’ve done since 2016, use your brains!
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Not really... I mean maybe a litte bit faster but I was thinking that these changes would not be so bad considering the fact that you have to use a perk ( Iron will) to counter her.. Against a good spirit even Iron will it's not gonna do anything and you will die guaranteed.
I play both sides and playing Spirit with Stridor is also a thing and is impossible to win against a decent spirit with that perk even when you're playing with Iron will. Maybe if you are a really good survivor you may escape.
And DS is good as it is
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Nerf Spirit again? No thank you
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Bruh removing her husk AND passive phasing is just rewording the fact that you want The Spirit to be completely neutered. That's literally her essence: mindgames.
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The only counter to her ability currently is to either have an ability that erases scratch marks so you can run away while phasing and hope she doesn't hear you grunting in pain (which is what they're really looking for), or predict where she'll attack from which is impossible because zero feedback.
The most efficient way to play her is injure first, then phase into an easy down. Seeing blood tracks as a base ability is no different then using headphones. It leads you straight to them regardless of any input on the survivors part. Only one perk erases bloodstains and it works only once. There's a reason it's an irredescent add-on.
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It seems to me you havn’t quite mastered her. I’ll break it down.
Killer side: You don’t need Stridor to win, even with survivors using Iron Will.
Survivor Side: You don’t need Iron Will to win, even with the killer using Stridor.
Phase time has a reasonable cooldown, she can’t phase anytime she wants. Regardless of perks, she has to be fairly close to you to hear you.
-All killer location info perks, Fixated.
-Walk when you don’t have to run
-Stop going obvious routes
Your suggested changes are not terrible, but without adding a base speed boost to phasing, Spirit could only use this as a way to approach areas semi-stealthy. While not totally relegated to nothingness, phasing would become weaker than The Pig’s crouch. We’d just make her another 115% no power killer. Why? Because people don’t know how to use her or how to counter her? Bad reason, this is a moment for learning, not a moment for nerfing.
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I don't play spirit as much because I don't enjoy playing her that much anymore so of course I'm not as good as I was back when I used to play her a lot. I also took some massive breaks from the game.
These were some suggestions not necessarily going to be in the game so that's why I was asking for people's opinions and I am open to them :) . I agree with you , the reason I was talking about perks for countering or guaranteeing a win as the killer was probably because I don't play against spirit too much so I don't have a lot of chances to get better against her.
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People still want spirit to be nerfed? Jeez, you already got her once, go focus on someone else
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“The most efficient way to play her is injure first, then phase into an easy down.”
Yes, you’re exactly right. And this is why the best way to play against Spirits is to play safe. She’s a 110% killer and if she doesn’t want to use her power to chase you uninjured, you can loop her for a long time. Play early game like she’s Oni and deny her blood.
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It was just an idea not neccesarily needed.
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Removing her husk doesn't mean she can no longer do mindgames. Let's just say there's someone on the other side of the pallet. Now if I use my power I disappear and the survivor might think I'm coming towards him but really I'm just standing there. Being able to perform mindgames WITHOUT actually using her power doesn't seem like a good design and even though it's fun for the killer, it's difficult for the survivor to face and he goes down for nothing.
And her passive phasing is unnecessary. No skill involved in that.
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She is fine.
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They already did it with Hillbilly and seems freddy will stay that way
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That's a bad argument. Tell me how to "stay safe" against a killer bombing onto your generator at potentially 246% movespeed when you have maybe ~1-2 seconds to react by the time you hear the phasing sound? Even at her base 176% movespeed that barely gives you any time to just walk away and leave no scratch marks, and even then unless there is a pallet literally right there you will probably take a hit if she looks around.
You would need sprint burst, spine chill, and iron will to realistically stay safe. But honestly you should not need perks to counter a killer.
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If the spirit nerf like that she will be on D tier. Just allow survivor to hear her phasing sound when in her terror radius
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The only thing I want is making her Husk actually glow white just for a second when she begins phasing so she can't just stand at a Pallet and gives Survivors a warning if they can keep an eye on her during a chase.
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I don't think I'd want a change like that to Spirit. You'd be removing a vital part of her power, and then it becomes a boring guessing game for both sides now. I've seen a suggestion thrown around many times where she could phase in and out of existence while using her power, a bit like old Freddy. Maybe the Spirit's screen would flash at the edges to show the moments where she became visible. Her base power time is 5 seconds I believe, so maybe at the 2, 3 and 4 second marks, she would show for a brief second and play the sound of her coming out of her power (You know the one, I don't know what you'd call it). Maybe slightly reduce the movement speed but also greatly reduce her cooldown to let her use it more often to compensate for the changes. If done correctly I think this could be a fun change.
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But even tips on the loading screen says Stay still to trick survivor so...
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She should at least let survivors know when shes phasing. Passive phasing is fine though.