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Have you ever been called a hacker & if yes why.

Member Posts: 822

I did & it was because the killer lost me in a chase then i escaped.


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  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Aimbot huntress here, that is the only thing that people have accused me off.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Someone accused me of speed hacking the other day when I was playing Doctor, lmao. It’s not like I was downing people exceptionally quickly or anything, I’m not a great Doc and only got the 4K by the skin of my teeth.

  • Member Posts: 951

    As plague i purged someone till they got broke. Status. Guy said i hacked cause somehow i was oneshotting people and that wasnt fair

  • Member Posts: 290

    I was playing trapper on xbox and after I killed a guy he messaged me to tell me I was hacking. What he thought was that I'd hacked the game to "get all the benefits of brutal strength without having to equip the perk". Out of anything, why would anyone do that? He then said he reported me

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Aimbot won't even work for huntress as well. The projectiles are not hit scan so its a great thing if you manage to win a game with aimbot on. It only deters you from predicting shots.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Can't hack on PS4, so.

  • Member Posts: 1,002

    Doesn’t stop people calling you a hacker.

    I got called out for using speed hacks because I had Lithe. 💀

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Mad Grit :3

  • Member Posts: 546

    There was a week where I had super bad internet connection but still needed to grind out my rift so a lot of people called me a lag-switcher. It was annoying for me too since there would be lag spikes that literally let the survivor escape for free with a ton of distance, and you can't use any killer power. The lag spike thing still happens pretty often where the survivor just runs straight ahead and disappears. The best part is that it leaves scratch marks where they ran so you absolutely lose them.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited July 2020

    Played Legion on Rancid Abattoir, the accusing Survivor Must not have understood how Killer Instinct and Deductive reasoning worked. They Accused me of wall hacks to know exactly where they were at all times. I saw their KI blip running in one direction, and stop behind a group of trees just as I was heading them off, ended Frenzy, and caught/downed them in their hiding spot. Apparently there was "No Way" I could've known they were there without "hacking."

    Similarly, Had a Huntress match on Badham where I had previously caught this guy 2 times attempting to cleanse the same totem. When it was just him and another left, and while I was chasing the other, I saw him running in the direction of that still uncleansed totem. So I downed the other survivor, and sauntered over to check and see if he was still trying to cleanse it, or finish off the gen in that area... He was trying to cleanse it (it was a dull totem too, which makes his perseverance even more baffling, I guess he thought I had NOED or something). "How did you know exactly where to find me!?" "Liar, you hacking piece of #########" "Reported" etc followed in the post game chat. Again, deductive reasoning is apparently an unknown concept to some people.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    A lot of times as Freddy for some reason. Funniest one was when I was leaving the building on Badham and as I went to leave I heard Claudette breathing. I then moon walked back up the stairs, swung around the corner and hit her.

    She thought I had wall hacks.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Probably when I got matched with people from rank 15-20 and I was playing huntress.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    Twice, for the same reason: Pulled someone off a hill/balcony as Deathslinger...

  • Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2020
    • For open a locker after hear it being slowy closed from the other side of a wall.
    • For go to the basement after hear someone searching a chest on it.
    • After hook someone, see another guy with BBQ and he don't move from that place.
    • 3 days ago for found a crowned survivor crounching on the corn fields...

    • Playing as michael myers, idk why, i only kill 1 survivor in that match because i not was able to down them fast enought on haddonfield when people abuse it with balanced landing.
    • For loop a huntress 5 gens.
    • For loop a nurse 5 gens.

    "Modified Savefile":
    • For make P3 on Freddy only 3 days after buy the DLC
    • The match i do 3 days ago where i being called wallhacker, also accused from have my file modified for having on bubba techeables from others killers.


    i know is not the same as being called hacker, but i was reported for very stupid things a lot of times:

    • 2 times for looping(You know looping is banneable? Read the game rules) XD
    • For camping with the door open next to the hook, like #########... Really im supposed to leave your hook? say tnx for don't tunnel the entire match and being able to reach the end of it with everybody alive XDDD
    • For slug all the survivors when the hooks don't respawn (sabometa) with all the hooks broken, ######### they want for me again? Let all them escape from my grab and run to the corner again?
  • Member Posts: 3,742

    We need a 'You gotta be kidding' emote for the killers.

  • Member Posts: 337

    I've never been called one but I definitely am one, all I do is hack survivors up with my sword all day while playing as Pyramid Head.

  • Member Posts: 256

    One time I was playing on Hawkins as billy and had two people left alive, hooked someone then chainsawed to the other side of the map to the basement and the first locker I checked had the survivor in it.

    I don't remember if I had whispers equipped but I just had a gut feeling and got lucky, but obviously they thought I used wallhacks.

    In my games A LOT of people seem to hide in the basement if hatch didn't spawn yet and the game is a lost cause.

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    "There's no way you could have seen me through that wall and behind the tree."

    Nurses Calling bro.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I had a survivor randomly run into a wall on my screen on PC and so I hit and downed them then my character jerked backwards 5 steps and I was accused of lag switching (on dedicated servers) about 3 weeks ago. Never seen that happen before but him and his SWFs group made sure I knew he was a big Twitch streamer with 10 viewers and that I should enjoy my ban.

    Note: Still haven't been banned lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    Because i was able to track a survivor without bbq using common sense and checking key areas where gens are while also paying attention to if crows were disturbed.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    I have

    Because I won a game against a child?

    And thats the only way they understand things, if they try hard and failed you must be cheating because mommy and daddy always let them win.

    You can be a old child too, statement works no matter the age.

  • Member Posts: 3,001
    edited July 2020

    Maybe I misunderstood, but I have never used aimbot, people accused me of aimbotting when I'm just a decent huntress.

    Maybe both of us got confused by the way I typed it.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Yes because I knew where hatch was (and the killer didn't seem to know how hatch spawning worked) and when the last person got pulled into the sky I was immediately gone.

    No amount of explanation seemed to get through to the killer that when x amount of gens finished and x amount of survivors left alive = spawned hatch.

  • Member Posts: 105

    I was playing as Demo and doing the kill all survivors challenge. When there were just two survivors left, I downed one of them with Shred and saw the other one with Killer Instinct. I traveled to that portal and found an immersed Claudette who was trying to blend... On top of the portal. The guy that I'd left slugged accused me of cheating because there was "no way I could have known where the other guy was." When I told them the Claudette was on a portal, they said that portals don't do that.

    It really surprises me how many survivors don't know how a killer's power works.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Internet crapped out while Nea was looping me at the killer shack and she got hit. She claimed I was lag switching, but it probably did look fishy af from her perspective so I get it.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    I have as doctor when I opened a locker that had the last survivor in it because my Restraint(Doctor's illusions auras are seen by the doctor and always face survivors when spawned) addon's doctor's illusions where pointing out that the survivor was in the locker.

    The weirdest part was it wasn't the last survivor who called me a hacker but a random dead david who couldn't hide to save his life did.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I've had some times where Whispers has granted me some walls/ESP accusations. Hmmm, whispers is on in this corner with no way for them to get past me unseen, and they're not on the gen... lets try this locker and what do you know, there they are! And sometimes it seems like people have no clue that Nurse's Calling is a perk as well.

    Also been accused of stretched res by a killer that never switched up their mindgames, making themselves incredibly easy to predict from the very first chase. Always doubled back first time, then held W, then doubled back, repeat for the whole match. But nooo, they have "evidence" of me using stretched res now according to them 🤡

  • Member Posts: 27

    I had mettle of man and the perk bug happened so the killer thought he couldnt kill me when I had MoM activated but he couldnt see my perks (it was bugged) got called a hacker.

  • Member Posts: 420

    You can, had it happen to me twice. Infinite sprint burst and a Michael that zoomed across the map faster than a Billy with a chainsaw. Made sure to clip the Michael cause it was funny as hell but I was just a tad bit too heated when it was the survivor. Sure it's way less likely but I've still went against hackers.

  • Member Posts: 822


  • Member Posts: 618

    I consider it a great compliment really. Usually once a month. The last time I was called a cheater was because I saw a nea hiding in the corner of the map as freddy. I pretended I didn't see her and acted Like I was going to go for the door. I baited her out of her vaulting area and hooked her sorry ass. Post chat made my day.

  • Member Posts: 175

    One time I hooked a survivor, and turned around and saw a few fresh scratch marks. They didn't lead anywhere, and there was a locker right beside them. I quickly checked around the structure, and found nothing. I made a guess they where in the locker, and they where. Makes me a hacker I guess.

  • Member Posts: 66

    I see this kind of thing a lot on the xbox. I have been accused of hacking for running Nurses Calling, BBQ, Lightborn, Scratched Mirror, Vanity Mirror, Devour Hope, being a Deathslinger that can aim, being a Huntress that can aim, Bloody Coil on Trapper, Bloody Glove on Oni, and god knows how many more. Seems the prime times for entitled survivors are late night and morning.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    I got called a hacker when playing survivor a few days ago by a guy with thousands of hours. He accused me of 'teleporting'. I wasn't lagging, but I guess he was salty he couldn't catch catch me. At the end of the game he was blocking my path to the exit gate... we were both on either side of a rock. It was kind of a standoff because we both didn't want to commit to going around either side of the rock. Despite not having iron will, I somehow got past him. He really wasn't the best.

    But other than that I used to get called a hacker a lot just for finding survivors as killer. Sometimes I'll find them because of experience or because a crow flies off. Other times I'm using whispers or find them because of BBQAC. Lots of boosted survivors also deny the perks helped me find them, even when I try to explain the perks to them. Big sigh. Lots of false reports.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Only as killer, usually when using aura reading perks. They can see the perks themselves but I assume some of them either dont know the game that well or only play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Now that I think of it, a steam post from 2017 was recently resurrected from the dead a few weeks ago. Someone was describing how a killer found them and how fishy it was... that killer turned out to be me. I found that post because I actively posted on the steam forum and explained myself (as seen on the second page of that post).

    Finding that Claudette in that locker after realizing the chest had been recently opened made me feel really good!

    Here's the original steam post for anyone interested:

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    plenty of times.

    its because most cant believe that with a good gamesense and some solid predictions you can pinpoint a survivors location without having to reveal their aura first.

    here's an example scenario:

    2 survivors on a gen (discordance tells me that). i interrupt them, hit one and kick the gen. i then proceed to quickly down and hook that player - where could the other one be? obviously he went back to the gen, so while walking towards it i keep an eye on his only escape route, where i dont see them. i arrive at the gen, which is no longer sparking, therefore i know for a fact the survivor was there. i also know he didnt leave through the area i kept an eye out and i know he didnt leave through the other area, cause i came through there - he eigther is still around here or he ditched the gen ages ago and is currently on the other side of the map (which is very unlikely), so i swiftly look around and see a locker, right next to the gen. i check the locker immediately (2nd thing i checked, first i swiftly took a look at the pallet that was there, as thats usually the number one priority spot for survivors to run off to) and find the survivor.

    end chat: "OMG how did you immediately know i was in there? you must be cheating, reported!"

    (was an actual scenario btw)

    when it comes to predicting survivors and their movement, a lot of the things happening are playing out in my head and arent directly visible to the players i play with, therefore it can seem very strange when i happen to pinpoint their locations and find them without the use of BBQ consistently.

    in the end its really just me asking myself these questions: "where is a progressed gen? how many kow about it? and where would i go if i were them?"

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Oh no I understand what you meant. It's just directed to the people who call huntress users as aimbots. Aimbots only make it worse for huntress.

  • Member Posts: 326

    'Lag switching' Apparently. Not my fault someone had a terrible connection.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I was using fast healing build (self care, botany, streetwise and resilience + green medkit, green charge addon and green faster healing addon), went against Tru3 GF (the one that'll hit you with Sloppy Butcher then sneak up on you with Nurses and his power).

    I had gotten hid and was healing inside Coal Tower, saw him sneaking towards me through the window. So I ran to a pallet and got myself to 95%, then looped a single time, threw down the pallet and finished the heal. I got tunneled for the rest of the match, but still escaped.

    In post game chat he said he hoped I'd have fun being banned and I ask "Banned for what?". He then says I'm getting banned for 1 second healing against Sloppy Butcher and seeing him through walls. I then say he should look at my build and see I ran a fast heals build, I saw him through a window and that he saw me healing with Nurses, which means he should know I had already been healing for a while. Final message was "Sure ;) Enjoy your ban."

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    Yes, because I heard people breathing.

    Shocking I know.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    One time as prework freddy i apparently knew everyone location. After the game i told them i had class photo on. They knew about the sleep timer being more but not the second uses of it. Class photo pretty much let you see awake during the sleep transition of another.

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