Deathslinger is sooo close to red ranks viability

Hes just a few tweaks away from being truly formidable.
Now, Im sure some of you dont agree with my opinions on Slinger buffs, so this time, I thought Id ask the community in general. How would you buff our only gunslinger?
To address people saying "he has no counterplay". Look behind you during a chase. Break LoS. Take advantage of his terrible footspeed. Old Legion was the worst killer in the game, but had "no counterplay"
Deathslinger doesn't really need any buffs.He already is in a solid spot.
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I feel like hes at the top of the bottom tier. Better than Clown and Legion, but pales in comparison to everyone else.
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I find that killers places in tiers are subjective. For me, Legion, PH, and Oni are my top tier, most consistent killers.
On to the topic on hand:
If I were to buff him, I would do so via how his lore describes him: as an engineer. I would give him 2 devices by default. They can be placed on complete generators, and will have a timer of around a minute. If survivors do not disarm the device, it will break the gen completely, setting back their progress on that generator, and making another one for them to complete.
Both sides will see the aura of the device, however, the killer will see the aura as white when it starts, but turns red as the timer ticks down. Survivors will see it as the aura of a yellow gen.
Disarming the device will take roughly 30 seconds, where the timer will not be paused unless the 30 seconds exceeds the remaining time on the device. If the timer goes off within 4 meters of a survivor, they will be injured as it destroys itself. The killer would be stunned if they are within 4 m of the device when it finishes.
When a device is disarmed, it will injure the survivor who worked on it, but not put them in the dying state.
When a device is disarmed or goes off, it will take the deathslinger 45 seconds for it to replenish.
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I'd keep it simple. Maybe a 5% faster base reload. Or they could make him move at 112.5% (4.5m/s). And I find the weird sensitivity reduction while aiming to be jarring. Other than that he's in a good spot I think.
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I'd put him upper mid tier. With that said, I consider mid tier to be pretty dang weak in this game.
Not sure how I'd fix him.
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He might have poor map pressure but he can end chases very fast in the right hands. I’m pretty sure any buff would make him borderline OP.
Take away his ability to quick scope & trade it for some decent buffs.
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Double his reel speed. Cut the chain durability in half.
In terms of what hits he can or cannot get these 2 changes perfectly chancel out. However it means he gets those hits faster, and while this doesn't effect the 1v1 aspect it DOES effect the big picture 1v4 part of the game.
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I've been around the forums for a long time. I've seen a lot of "out there" suggestions to this game. But this has to be one of the most overpowered ideas I've seen. You might as well just say survivors need to complete 7 gens vs deathslinger because there is no realistic way the survivors would disarm those devices. Every game against deathslinger would be a 3 gen nightmare. Maybe if there was a 90 second window and the device took 10 seconds to disarm. Maybe even make it so it doesn't completely reset the gen. Like 40% damage to the gen. Then it might be somewhere in the neighborhood of balanced.
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I’ve seen so many people say that Slinger is closer to bottom tier but I think he’s about mid to low B-tier. It’s true he doesn’t have great map pressure but with the right perks (STBFL) plus great aim, he can end chases pretty fast. However, I don’t think he needs a buff at all since he’s already extremely powerful in chases.
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Deathslinger definitely needs minor tweaks to be viable. He's not consistent at chases and if survivors are smart, they will pre drop pallets and make it difficult for him. That's all you need to do against a 110% killer who cannot apply any gen pressure whatsoever.
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He got chase potential. That grinds my gears.
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As much as I dislike him, I'd be all for this change. They don't actually cancel out though, because he will hit people less around junk loops etc because of the lower durability. The reel speed wouldn't matter in that situation. But it would if there was a lot of open space. Would get it over quicker as a survivor and overall speed his gameplay up because the thing I hate the most next to being chased by him is the painfully long reel-speed.
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I know you probably mean well but that change would make him the worst killer in the game. Just 50 charges on the chain would make it impossible to win more then 50% of loops he can outplay now. Faster reeling is pretty insignificant buff for such insanely huge nerf.
He´s already pretty well balanced and doesn´t need any changes.
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Small QoL is all he really needs imo, hes decently strong, i just think reeling in is incredibly janky, reload is abit too slow, an add on that gives him more shots would be cool
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No buffs or nerfs are needed. Hes fine as is. Anyone who says otherwise is an entitled survivor or killer main.
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Deathlinger has no counterplay. That Was now proved more than enough times. Stop telling lies.
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The fact that this troll account is still around is baffling
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Missed shots reloads are quicker than shots that connect to the survivor.