Another killer main bites the dust

I usually play killer moreso than survivor, but the matchmaking on PS4 is absolutely horrendous. I'm too damn apprehensive to hop into a match because most likely I'm going to be matched with people far outside my skill level. Not to mention sweaty swf can turn an otherwise fun match into a miserable one.
I don't mind losing, I just want a fair and balanced matchmaking system (and if you can't offer that then put in a single player mode!). I'm a casual DBD player, and I'm getting matched with survivors that are either far too good, or far to new. I don't know if cross progression will help this, but the thought of potentially playing against PC players who have been playing this game since day one sounds like a nightmare.
You got a 2k and about 20k points, and decided you needed to write a forum post about how terrible that is?
The wait times, I'm right there with you... but the rest is ridiculous.
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Did you even read my post? I never complained that I couldn't get a 4K, I simply mentioned how mismatched the MMR is.
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He killed the rank 17. He was bound to possibly kill one more if he got the rank 17 out early.
Also 19k bp is terrible as a killer.
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The result was apparently fair and balanced if it reached 2k and 2 survived, though. If you're going to base anything on rank alone then youre going to have a bad time.
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Why does it matter? He could have gotten 4k that's not the issue.
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His score and kill results are basically a perfect average of all other players. On a post complaining about balance, he literally has the most balanced screenshot he could post.
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That's not balanced. That's ONLY good for survivors. If a killer gets a 2k they rarely even pip, while all the survivors, the ones who even died, can still pip. But its "balanced" right? His complaint is about matchmaking, which everyone knows is ######### right now.
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Clearly you and I have different ideas of what we consider "balanced".
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The survivor bias of balanced.
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So instead
So instead of addressing the issue that killer pipping should be reworked, suddenly this is yet another "survivor vs killer " discussion because I pointed out how ridiculous it is to use the word unbalanced on a results screen that couldn't be more balanced?
Yes, I'm the one showing bias when apparently your idea of balance is the killer receiving more than 2 kills and more points than all other players? Okay.
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I guess. 😕 Using his logic if this whole thing was flipped and I was the rank 17 survivor, everything would still be perfectly "balanced".
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Because what you stated isn't balanced period. It's 100% survivor favored only, if you think a 2 kill 2 escape is balanced. No killer would ever think or say this. Also based off your other posts, yeah, you are a survivor main.
But you are right that the pip system does need to be fixed.
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If 2 people dying and 2 escaping is 100% survivor sided then we clearly can't agree on reality here.
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Okay I realize you don't understand this game in an in-depth level and at higher play. To you're survivor sided view of this, you think all that matters is if the killer gets a kill. I can kill all 4 survivors and actually lose a pip. So then what? Sure I killed all the survivors but I lost rank actually. Is that fair?
I can 2 hook EVERY survivor and all 4 can escape and I can either barely pip or black pip and thats okay?
Yet a survivor can do 1 gen, get 1 unhook, get chased by the killer a bit and more than likely pip even if they die. Based off the way you talk I can tell you don't play at a high level, so you don't understand how hard it is for killers which I doubt you even play yourself. But please keep telling us whats "fair" and "balanced" in your reality.
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That was a nice straw man you built of me. I also love how you overestimate how easy it is to pip as survivor and underestimate pipping for killer. Survivor is easier to pip than killer, everyone can agree to that, but not by the degree you just described. Also, we literally agree that it should be easier to pip as killer... so I'm not sure what you're debating at this point.
However, to flat out say that there being 4 survivors and 2 losing with 2 winning is unfair is the only biased thing I've read on this thread.
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I don't want to derail this guys topic, but I do want to address this because people bring it up all the time. In a vacuum you think 2/2 is fair and balanced and it is. You are right.
But this is a 1v4, not a 1v1. Each survivor is an individual and each survivor can perform at drastically different levels of play. You can have 3 survivors Do all the gens, run the killer, do all the unhooking, and you can have 1 Claudette do nothing the entire match but hide and get to escape at the end. Did the Claudette win? It seems that you think getting killed, escaping or getting kills is what you consider a win. In reality, most high rank players don't view the game like this, they view it on point system and pip system.
If in a real game as a killer I get 2 kills, and 2 escape. At the end game screen I get 20k points and each survivor gets 30k+. Fair right? Balanced right? Each of those survivors including the ones that died pipped or double pipped. While I as the killer got 2 kills but how did I get them? 1 hook each? 2 hooked? How long were the chases? I will either at best black pip or at worst depip.
So no, in this game at higher levels 2/2 is NEVER balanced at all, and in actuality is only a good thing for survivors. That's all I'm saying.
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2/2 in a single match is not balance. The balance has always been an AVERAGE of 2/2.
Keep throwing new killers against rank 2a, especially without the random noob joining in on occasion, the "balance" would be completely #########.
Nickeh you can't just take a single game where although he 2Kd, and say "there, that's balanced!". Any semblance of balance will need to be taken from stats over a large number of games.
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Name one match where you received 20k and all survivors received 30k or else it's another gross exaggeration on your part... especially one where 2 escaped and 2 were killed... or even just explain how that's mathematically possible.
I also don't appreciate your childish attempts at acting condescending towards me over calling out an unreasonable argument.
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Are you for reals right now? The things you say are why I am talking down to you, because you have no idea what you are talking about. It is entirely possible for the outcome I just stated to happen, and it happens quite often to a lot of players. Its mathematically possible because this game isnt just about getting kills. It's about how you do it. I can get 4 kills instantly as Oni and come out with 12k points. Or I can get 4k Kills and come out with 32k.
If you don't want to be treated like a child don't join in on a conversation you can't keep up with or comprehend and expect people to take you seriously when you have no way to validate anything your saying other than your low rank solo queue survivor experiences.
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I never once said the current matchmaking is perfect or even great. I did, however, state that using a photo where the end results of the killer is above a perfect average of all scores is a bad way to express that.
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OP is complaining that the ranking system is causing them not to have fun.
If you've played Killer against Red Ranks/played Killer in the past 4 months you should know how possible it is to have a miserable game and 4k.
You can't argue with OP that saying they're not having fun is ridiculous because they got a 2k.
The two things are not linked for everyone.
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Good. Name one instance. Otherwise you're just making things up to prove a pointless point.
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Actually his argument is he wants a fair and balanced game.
And wow I love how even a post about an illogical argument is somehow translated to "this guy never played killer before and I know this because of...reasons.. so burn him!"
You guys are too much.
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Okay, you are obviously a very stubborn thick headed person that can't accept when they are incorrect. You can keep thinking the way you do, and keep thinking that 2/2 is fair and balanced. Have a good night dude
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Actually I'm asking you to name one instance of something you yourself said happens all the time. Please enlighten me.
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Be careful, thinking that way only proves you just bought the game yesterday. Lol
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Sure, you can have that thought. Doesn't mean "most" think the way you do. I agree that reaching survivor rank 1 is really easy, I never said it wasn't.
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your not alone
Playing killer sucks right now and its only getting worse
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OP isn't arguing. They're simply saying, for anyone that cares that:
I'm too damn apprehensive to hop into a match because most likely I'm going to be matched with people far outside my skill level. Not to mention sweaty swf can turn an otherwise fun match into a miserable one.
Also this is what they said, not "[I want] a fair and balanced game".
I just want a fair and balanced matchmaking system
As for the 'burn the non-Killer player' statement, what are you even talking about?
Me saying that you should be able to understand that winning =/= fun?
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You just can't help yourself but be biased on a thread where you threw a tantrum about other people's suspected biases, can you?
Anyway, please show me those 4 man 30k vs 20k matches... also, show me where more people think like you than anything else. Thank you!! <3
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Sorry I was more referencing this other person on the hate train, that was unfair to include it in my comment to you.
And of course I understand, this game is a mess for all players. I still feel it was a bad picture to use as an example when there's so many other better examples to post.
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The devs want a 2 survive 2 escape balance. They’ve said it multiple times. It’s not survivor bias. It’s DEV bias.
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I 100% get what you are saying. A lot of people in high ranks can get there every reset and the game becomes stale so you play for other reasons like you said. You can come up with fun builds try new killers etc. However as soon as you bring up balance with a 2/2 system then it gets competitive. If this game was only about fun there balance wouldnt be an issue, sure I have fun stomping and getting 4k with 12k points. So in the end what you consider a win is up to you personally, whether that be, if you escaped with 5000 points, 32k points, got a 4k or 0k.
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You're fine.
And that's fair enough; the screenshot doesn't really add anything other than visual proof that matchmaking is borked.
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A BBQ/Pop/Devour Freddy will be sorely missed.
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Sure I can understand that point of view too. In the end there will be people like you and people like me who view winning on two different spectrums which is entirely fine.
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I think the only way for it to be truly competitive would be to include a new game mode which limits certain perks and / or addons on both ends; Mori's, Keys, OoO, etc. Limit the maps on rotation to the most fair balanced maps like autohavens for example. No Ormond, or Haddonfield. You would obviously need to balance around the fact that it will more than likely be SWF so they will have communication so maybe limiting gen Items such as toolboxes too, if not SWF then include built in voice chat for the solo players that join.