Which Killer Would Be The Worst To Meet In Real Life?

BillTGYT Member Posts: 7
edited June 2020 in Lore

Which Killer Would Be The Worst To Meet In Real Life?

And Why Is That So?


  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162
    edited June 2020

    I agree with @Dabihwow, but I think another killer would be The Deathslinger. With his lore, if you've wronged him, he will stop at nothing to get his revenge in the most brutal way. He'd probably hunt you down throughout his entire life. The weapon as well is worse than a gun, because you'd be sure to suffer.

    The Plague's effects would be horrific to go against in real life to be honest. Just mass vomiting every 30 seconds or so. Realistically speaking again, you'd probably be dead by that. You'd be utterly miserable from it, but then you'll lose all your energy from it, and just eventually die a slow and agonizing death. It would be even scarier as well, just imagine having this Plague and then spreading it to cities and such, with pools of devotion nowhere in sight with nothing else being able to treat it. Scary #########.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    yeah but realisticly I would have some anitbodies and vaccines who fight that, cause the plaguew happened a long time ago so everyone is probably used to it by now

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Plague. Hands down. I would be barfing and weeping the few moments prior to death. Hahaha So gross.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545
    edited June 2020

    Pyramid Head for me, because once he kills me I dread to think what torment I'd have to endure in the Otherworld.

    Second would be Adiris, since the idea of being puked at in the face until dead brings together both a disease and - in essence - waterboarding. Drowning is not a fun experience.

    And bronze goes to The Hag. Being eaten alive is not for me.

  • acampingdocter
    acampingdocter Member Posts: 20

    I would say doctor because he makes you halutinate (sorry if I spelt that wrong) and see scary stuff before he does his experiments (you know what I mean if you watched his cutscence)

  • Kall
    Kall Member Posts: 45

    Any killer that doesn't straight up kill me. In the context of all the killers I guess Myers would be the most humane of them all. Everyone else? *Shivers*

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Oni, at least other killers will give you a quick death, whilst oni will rip your tongue out and bash you with his Kanabo.

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    Have you seen that movie scene where he kills that woman in the most disgusting brutal way? I'm not going to go into details but watch all the silent hill movie scenes with PH in it and understandably others will agree with your comment.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2020

    I'm gonna say Clown and Ghostface just because these are easily some of the most grounded and realistic characters in the game that you might actually see in real life.

    Ghostface is the prime example of this, the entire point of the Scream movies was Horror movies happening in real life and this fact always scared me. That's honestly why Ghostface is one of the scariest characters in the game because it's honestly entirely feasible and plausible that this could happen. He's a psychopath that acts perfectly normal during the day and then has a field day at night murdering for fun. Obsessively stalking his individuals chartering and logging all their movements and daily schedules, and of course the classic creepy taunting phone calls and text messages which is obviously reminiscent of a real and actual stalker which if you are aware is a truly horrible, creepy, and scary experience to have to go through on its own, even if nothing violent happens.

    BIG yikes.

    Clown much like Ghostface is also eerily grounded. His origin story about where he comes from, a naturally athletic and strong teen with some violent and off putting tendencies at first that eventually developed into some truly dark and horrific behavior after indulging in "Drinks, junk food, [and] drugs ... to excess." So, despite already being naturally strong, he drugs his victims to secure his catch and overpower them even further. Being drugged, disoriented, running away from a huge Clown is creepy enough, especially if you put it into context. He catches you at fairs and the traveling circus, where your guard is down you're enjoying yourself and all of a sudden this guy is eyeing you from the edge of the fairgrounds. Jesus christ.

    Post edited by Seiko300 on
  • dbarranco
    dbarranco Member Posts: 97

    I would dread to meet any of them. While Ghost Face is very creepy I feel like The Plague would be the worst for me. Imagine non-stop vomiting until you die a painful death. Not fun.

  • SnailTea
    SnailTea Member Posts: 20

    Oni. I'd like to keep my tongue when I go to the afterlife.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Abby from the Last of us 2

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Demogorgon, because at at least every other killer is human or human-like. If we did meet it would probably try to instantly kill me with no hesitation.

  • InkedRaider
    InkedRaider Member Posts: 19

    The Plague. 2020 is bad enough without another deadly pandemic. Honestly one deadly pandemic is too many in my opinion but I'd really rather not have two..

  • Hex_Boner
    Hex_Boner Member Posts: 4

    I definitely feel like every killer would be sour to meet. [With the exception of Ghostface, I feel like he would just entirely ######### around with you.] But I think either Plauge since vomiting constantly is a horrid feeling, or Doctor since he takes so much satisfaction in your pain compared to the other killers.

  • Pandamonium
    Pandamonium Member Posts: 77

    The doctor is just very grim and sadistic, especially after seeing his tome cinematic, where the victim just looks like they're in excruciating pain. I would also just hate meeting an irl hag due to her voodoo magic and her ripping out your organs for her to munch on.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    we are having two or three pandemics going atm. the plague itself (black death) has moved from 'here and there' to 'yep, it's here in colorado (i think), while china is dealing with another sars virus

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684


    Just idmagine running away from her and shes jumpscare teleporting in front of you

  • Fran1994
    Fran1994 Member Posts: 64

    Wraith. No doubt. Being hammered to death with someone else's spine and skull must be extremely painful, even more if you have to be afraid of where the hell it's coming, due to his ability to cloack at will...

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,911

    Michael Myers of course. He doesn't need a reason to kill you. He can be shot, stabbed, set on fire.....he will just get back up again and keep on going.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Lore wise legion is teens that would probably default dance on your corpse.

  • Gatlin_PigMain
    Gatlin_PigMain Member Posts: 2

    I believe the doctor, mainly because his obscure and torturous appearance and his unrelenting wave of electrical power

  • sotd_coauthor
    sotd_coauthor Member Posts: 45

    If anyone reading this is into learning about True Crime and real killers, you'd probably agree that The Clown has some striking similarities to two serial killers- John Wayne Gacey and Jeffrey Dalhmer. And before anyone says this, I'm not sympatising these horrific people and their actions, just pointing out where the devs might have gotten inspiration.

    First off, and the most obvious, John Wayne Gacey was a real killer clown. It was his day job, dressing up and entertaining children, while simultaneously being wanted for serial killings. While this is I think purely thematic, Dalhmer has a lot in common with Clown. While Dalhmer was a confirmed sexual deviant and Clown is only hinted (or speculated to be), the way in which they both captured, tortured and killed their victims are eerily similar. Both hid in plain sight, acting like normal people and blending in with the crowd, then seducing them back to their living space, where both drugged their victims, but kept them alive, and even keeping pieces of them when they did murder them. Clown in his lore kept the "prettiest finger", and in his mori you can even see him doing this. Dalhmer also kept pieces of his victims for later use. This is pretty heavy but if you enjoyed this I'd highly recommend reading into it more and trying to find more similarities because personally I find it adds a level of unnerve to realise that some of these killers, who at the end of the day we're all a little detached to, are based off of real events and facts. Creepy stuff!

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If I would see anything I would say definitely doctor most of the other Killers will murder you with varying different degrees of a brutality.

    Even super sadistic Killers like ghostface, Freddy and Clown would probably just end up killing you in a brutal ways.

    Myers, Trapper and huntress will typically just kill you in whatever way they can how brutal it is just depends on what they have at hand.

    Pyramid, Oni and deathsinger seems to have tried and true methods that they use your death will be pretty simple and often then not quick unless you actively do something that pisses them off

    Demo kills you on a matter of Instinct no malicious intent just Animal Instincts.

    Nurse would most likely have some remorse for the action.

    You also might at least be able to convince Amanda or maybe Legion to not murder you. The worst you leave the situation is injured

    Doctor on the other hand will torture you to no extent for his own research and amusement and your death would pretty much be a unintended by-product of that torture and that's only if you're lucky. Otherwise you'll end up a vegetable that he can play with and test as he sees fit.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    Idk maybe all.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Pyramid Head or Freddy. If I see Pyramid Head I've done something real bad, and there is no way to stop Freddy. I just hope Freddy isn't a total dick with my phobia.

  • leviivel
    leviivel Member Posts: 277

    For me, probaly Michael, doctor or Freddy Michael is freaking immortal end of story, doctor would just be impossible to deal with, he’d torture you with electricity which is extremely painful (Im able to tell with experience) and your unable to hide from him in any type of way, and Freddy can just send you to the dream world and make an ant kill you...

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Trapper would give you a hardy handshake.

    Wraith would look away

    Billy would [BAAAAAAAAAADDD WOOORRRRDDD] (I'll leave it to the imagination)

    Nurse would give you a big ol' hug

    Myers wouldn't hesitate to bash you upside the head and walk away

    Hag would hiss like a cat

    Doctor would shake hands with you but when your hands touch you get a little shock.

    Huntress would kidnap you and sing you a lullaby while sacrificing a deer to Satan.

    Pig would Pig.

    You wouldn't see Freddy.


    Clown would down a flask of bleach with you

    Legion would make fun of your shoes.

    Plague would start a worldwide pandemic traveling through cities well known.

    Hey can I have a picture?

    Your pet dog but huge in stature.


    Deathslinger is that really chill uncle with a few months to live.

    Pyramid head is in Egypt for obvious reasons


    Bubba would prepare me a buffet of babies (thank you Bubba)