The missed potential of Demogorgon

This is not a post about how weak/overpowered Demo is. It's about the personality and behaviour of our favourite flower-mouthed monstrosity and what I find to be its lacklustre adaption into dbd.
Although opinions may obviously vary, I think that the Demogorgon we see in game is nowhere near as threatening as it was depicted on screen. And I think a big reason for this is the lack of interaction with the Upside Down.
One of Demogorgon's most terrifying abilities, the ability to drag you to an alternate dimension without warning where no one could hear your screams, has been relegated to generic teleport that simply takes you from A to B. With the minor benefit of getting some map knowledge when placing portals near gens.
I know why the devs didn't go with the alternate dimension idea when designing Demo. The last time they tried something like that they created the first iteration of Freddy. But there's so much potential with this idea that was missed!
Imagine seeing your buddy dragged into the Upside Down and hooked, being unable to unhook them until you go in the Upside Down to save them! Or what about if 3 of the 7 gens could only be repaired in the Upside Down, and being in there made Demo's terror radius static, similar to Huntress' and Freddy's.
Survivors in the Upside Down could have an effect surrounding their icon to give the team information on how many people were in which dimension, survivors in the real world could pull survivors in the Upside Down out if they were within a certain radius, there's so much that could be done here!
Don't mistake me, I'm not asking for a rework to Demogorgon. But I really wish his power was more akin to what I just mentioned. I think it would be so much more interesting than what we have now.
I agree but I'd like to add that Demogorgon on screen is a almost unstoppable monster that took psychic powers to banish it while in this game a person tackling him from a locker with no real momentum can stun him for a period of time. It's pretty laughable tbh, thats why i don't want super monster type killers in the game like predator and alien cause the game wouldn't do them justice. Idc if DBD makes there own monsters but when you get things that on screen were shown to be nearly unstoppable and then they come into the game that just doesn't match what they are it, creates a dissonance for people that expect one thing and get something completely different.
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Damn. I wonder what made them change their mind during development.
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Maybe they got limited by the game ressources or engine. If I remember correctly the base game code wasent supposed to support the game that long.
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I don't recall seeing any of that, leaksbydaylight never published anything of the sort about demo, got any source?.
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I understand what you mean. We can't have the exact Demogorgon seen in Stranger Things because it would slaughter everyone. It needs to be limited so it could fit within the confines of the game.
But I still think they should have stuck with the idea of an alternate dimension, rather than the portals we have now.
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They managed to launch old Freddy. I think it can be done.
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I like the idea that you can go to the upside down as Demogorgon and survivor through the Demogorgon's portals.
However, there would a problem if someone is hooked in the upside down and the survivors destroyed the last portal.
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This is actually why I don't care as much for licensed killers.
They have to fit within the confines of the game mechanics, so they'll never really feel like the real deal. It always feels like something is missing. (One notable exception is Ghostface, because hey...he basically does what Ghosty Boi does.)
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I'd assume that the portals would have a stricter max limit but also unable to be destroyed if survivors had to use them to save a team mate
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Michael Myers and Leatherface want a word with you.
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To be honest I think Micheal would just block a pallet about to be dropped on him and stab whoever was trying to drop it.
So his depiction is not entirely accurate.
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I feel that with pyramid head. I played silent hill 2 and loved it but I think it would be as easy as dropping a pallet on him to stop him.
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Well, was there any pallets to drop in Silent Hill 2? Maybe it would have stopped him.
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I think Freddy is actually pretty close to movies also. You have the Dream World, you have him changing the rules in the dream world, it's honestly a pretty good fit with him too.
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Feel like dragging someone into the upside down wouldve made a great mori. You just have Demo make a portal and grab someone by the leg. They despritely grasp at the ground trying to avoid going under while screaming, only to completely disappear and demogorgon to come back up with his mouth dripping blood.
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Well, ok, Leatherface sorta. Good point. So Ghosty Boi and Leatherface!
But Michael doesn't really feel like you'd imagine Michael Myers. You just walk around and M1 people while they hit you with pallets and run around rocks. I know it's hard to emulate the actual feel of the character in a game that has mechanics and balance to think about, but that's kinda my point.
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Freddy isn't anything like the film depictions, because of course that'd be unfair and he really can't.
No turning people into bugs and squashing them, or coming out of a TV, or any other number of really weird and wild ######### that he did because it was all in a dream.
Rather, you just chase people around and...put down snares? Kinda weird.
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In the original nightmare on elm Street, 2, the new nightmare and freddy versus Jason he is not that sort of killer! (possibly the reboot too, which this freddy is based on)
It isn't until 3 they start using the ridiculous "dream deaths" originally he was a brutal slasher killing you in your dreams. Yes sometimes the kills have over the top elements (most notably jonny depp being pulled into his bed) but they weren't killed by your dream they were killed in your dream. So actually he is accurate to original and reboot.
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Maybe the concept of the upside down was too similar to Freddy's Dream World? I was also confused as to why his powers are designed like they currently are. I mean it's a great killer design, but in the show he doesn't use the upside down just to teleport fast.
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This would’ve been way cooler. I hope one day they rework him and make this a thing. He’s still fun, but wow he had serious potential with that idea.
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Excuse me but,where did you got that information?
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The only licensed killer with fair potential and worthy is Freddy.
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His power is boring and almost nothing like what he does in the show,i expected for him to have an upside down dimension power,and lights flickering when he comes closer but no,so,kinda wasted potential
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I absolutely agree with this. The Demo isn't a weak killer by any means, but the Upside Down never really got any love in DVD, when it was the whole point of Stranger Things.
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very good ideas! This would totaly make him unique and that would be awesome
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I would love that, I always felt like an alternate dimension was the way to go, I just have no idea how it could work.
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The Devs did say they wanted to incorporate the upside down more into Demo power but due to timing they couldn't. Which is why only the exit gates get the upside down effect.
This goes back to my personal opinion that the devs need to do 3 chapters a year instead of four. Put quality over quantity, cause to me more of these chapters quality have been poor or just okay. There's been no real improvement to have been making chapters for this long now.
Sometimes you'll get amazing looking maps but poor gameplay in the map or vice versa. Sometimes a good balance and fun power set for killers or only 1 of the 2. Almost always now the perks (for survivor/killer) and killer add-ons are straight trash. I point to billy reworked add-ons as the best newest example.
Maybe every other chapter you'll get 1 useable perk for both sides. And the other perks are too situational (even when the situation happens it barely makes a difference), requires another or other perks to be good (which to me still makes it a garage perk if it requires another perk to do anything), or its just straight dumpster fire.
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That would be way cooler but I think it would break the game. Not balance wise but I mean it quite literally would ######### up the game. As a Demo main I love the idea though, I just want to keep the shred above all else.
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I tried to realize the missed potential:
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I wasn't really thrilled with them adding Stranger Things to begin with. My only hope was that I was expecting them to design demo like this. I was extremely disappointed by the end result and regret buying the DLC.
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As a stranger things fan and a certified geek, I highly agree with you, but I think that they should make like an upside down map or something like that
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God what I would give to drag survivors into portals
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Anything is possible in the realm of the entity. It could make certain killers weaker or stronger for its own sake.