Regressing exit gate progression

Zeus Member Posts: 2,114

Can we have exit gate progressions regress so people do not 99% the gates? I know you can open the doors manually as killer but sometimes it's better to leave it closed in hopes that you catch up to them quicker. But then, if regression is enabled then atleast end game collapse will work like how it's designed to.


  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551


  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I feel like 99% gates is a fair counter to some killer perks (Blood Warden, NOED [so you have time to search for the totem and possibly save teammates before EGC leaves you too little time]). If a killer has a particular problem with survivors taunting and just not leaving, he himself can open the gates. Same goes for activating Blood Warden and cutting off time for saves with NOED.

    That also would be an unnecessary nerf to solo queue players- I'll 99% gates for the randoms on my team and then try to go to the other gate and do the same. That way, they have a better chance of getting out if they have trouble getting to the same gate that's already open or close to being opened.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,114

    Fair point. It's probably best left as it is now. Dont fix what isn't broken, am I right?

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    99ing the gates flat out defeats the entire purpose of having an endgame collapse, there's meant to be a pressure to end the game and get out. Instead survivors abuse it to make sure everyone's safe and happy and all the totems and chests are done before they leave when they're good and ready. At least a slow regression would mean you can't have a complete safe exit primed and ready without any pressure even when the killer's right on your heels.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Is this from Tru3? As he has been saying the same thing.

    I get where its coming from. It does defeat the purpose of EGC a little bit. Also it was a huge indirect nerf to Bloodwarden as everyone 99%s the gates now.

    I feel like this would be really unfair for the last survivor left though. Also if you get a gate to 99 and the killer camps it, it will regress. There might be another player left who is just hiding in a bush, but of course in swf you could easily have someone else open the other exit gate. The gap between swf and solos seems to be growing rather than shrinking so im not sure giving them another advantage over solos is the answer

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,114

    Im not sure. I usually come up with ideas on my own. He possibly had the same idea but I've never heard him talk about this.

    Besides the point is to have survivors open the door all the way and trigger an endgame collapse on their own. I've always seen 99ing an exit door as a direct way to counter endgame collapse.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I heard tru3 always say this and act like it's such a good idea. But I think that 99% gates encourages altruism. Otherwise, every solo survivor will just leave the moment they can open the gates and the facecamping killer will get a kill.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Just have Killer open. Whats the big deal?

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    the essence of the issue is exhausted, maniacs want to collapse and against altruism. The survivors are suffering and once again it makes no sense to make their game worse. Altruism gives a chance for full gameplay and not the end of the game. Altruism is almost not popular, and if you roll back the progress of the switch, this is another buff in the direction of murderers. In my opinion it is enough that there is now because no one will increase the collapse time by 2 times to compensate for the regression of the switch or give the opening of the hatch immediately after opening the gate with the exception of its closing.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Kind of sad that people can't imagine other people having ideas without it having come from a youtuber.