Playing DBD on PS4 console has different player base compared to PC

I played killer just to see what it would be like to play on PS4 again after restarting on PC and was surprised that the toxicity from players is far worse.

After building up my Wraith to a tier 1 with my usual perks I enjoyed playing until you get to that rank 12 or 13 moment when you start to play much higher ranks but even playing higher ranks they tend me be more respectful which was something I forgot until playing on the PS4.

First match had the DC just before the 3rd hook and received the usual toxic message after killing them all.

Next two matches I had t-bagging at crates/gates etc.

The amount of SWFs on comms is far greater than PC so lack of co-ordination is better on PS4 so messing around with Trapper made me realise how much I hated it on PS4 with most of my traps called out and disabled.

Will go back to playing survivor on PC, the slog to upgrade all the killers is too much hassle.

Anyone heard whether BHVR have given an update about their SWF balancing plans have been actioned yet?


  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    "Anyone heard whether BHVR have given an update about their SWF balancing plans have been actioned yet?"

    What swf balancing plan?

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Ironically I find the survivors worse on PC than on PS4. It might be because a PC is better overall or that most SwF are not on coms. Could even be the fact PS4 has psuedo handicapped Killer due to being less optimized than PC and I get.tue ability to play more freely. Just honestly how I have seen it.

  • TruffleTurtle
    TruffleTurtle Member Posts: 614

    Xbox here. There are more swf but in my experience most aren't top notch players. Most are just people playing together for fun and stuff but you can still tell they are swf.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    I'm also on xbox. I feel like LFG makes it so much easier for people to do swf on xbox. Doesn't mean they're always better. I notice many do just mess around or suck overall lol. I don't see a whole lot of toxicity on xbox. It still exists, but I played PC for a week before and holy crap you get salty messages for everything. Messaging is too accessible on PC imo.

  • Death_By_Raccoon
    Death_By_Raccoon Member Posts: 3

    Ps4 Player here

    So i mostly play survivor, but i still play my fair amount of killer and all i have to say is that when Playing survivor, i get Dodo Teammates that act like they're rank 20 but they're actually rank 1 (idk how) and when i play killer (im a low rank killer, only rank 13, but i still know my way around the game) all i get is a bunch of toxic SWFs or Red Rank survivors or just one or two survivors who bully me throughout the entire game and i never have those teammates during survivor...

    All I'm saying is that this game hates Me :))

  • CL_Crusader
    CL_Crusader Member Posts: 13

    Then Xbox players suck cause holy ######### I am rank 14 killer on ps4 getting rank 1 and 2 swf

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Does seem to be the way of things doesn't it? Player killer you get the best possible survivors. Play solo survivor and you get people who can finish a single gen.

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    PC player(old ps4 player) I found that the ps4 players were more toxic after the game while the PC players will just be toxic through the whole match, sure that happens on ps4 but not as frequent as PC imo.

    I know how you feel sometimes the game decides to torture me bye making me verse Iri head huntress and when I get sick if survivor it's killer time. Only to be bullied by swfs with vault spamming notifications and second chance perks. And then when I want to get off and have a mental cooldown, here you go inexperienced survivors or dependant survivors and a actual non-camping killer.(true story happened today). Somedays when I get that pissed I will let my nurse out only for it to be lery's.🤦‍♂️

  • Deadsea
    Deadsea Member Posts: 143

    It's a competitive game and so there's going to be toxicity at high levels. This game is like playing a sports game online. Emotions are going to run high. Now some think this isn't a competitive game and I don't understand this. 4 people try to escape a human controlled killer while the killer tries to kill them all. So it is a win or lose game. I play on Switch and even with no one using mics or messages, you will find people using emotes to act toxic. Tea bagging, survivors taunting killers with emotes, etc.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    So far my experience is a bit different. But I come from Switch to PS4 rather than PC.

    Admittedly, I haven't made it very high as killer yet -- but I still regularly face Purple/Red Ranks. The toxicity levels are a little lower than on Switch. Granted that may be in part because I'm a LOT better than I was when I started on Switch. I've had maybe one guy who teabagged after a pallet. I get a lot more Disconnects. (I truly hope they feel embarrassed dcing against a lower rank killer) I found that if there's ever a "Make survivors DC" challenge, that all I have to do is play Freddy.

    Haven't gotten any negative messages yet, but time will tell. None of my killers except Leatherface and Myers have more than one perk. I did get two red ranks who brought keys to a match. I forgot to look at them, but since then I've always checked what percent people have on their trophies to get an idea of what rank survivors I'm going against.