What Buffs/Nerfs Would You Like to See in The Next Mid-Chapter Patch?

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
The title is the the TL;DR, what do you wanna see in the Mid-Chapter patch?

Personally I would like to see a buff to Spirit, LF, Freddy, and Pig (Amanda)! Additionally there are a few killer perks that I want to see receive some love in the next Mid-Chapter update: LINK TO THE THREAD BELOW

However I don't wanna see SC get touched since the developers are increasing the normal healing time which also affects the SC healing time. Now I wouldn't mind seeing SC getting a regression penalty when you are not using it to prevent you from healing near the killer.

That's everything for me, this is the part where you all come in to tell me what you wanna see next!


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Rather than a buff to Freddy's power, I'd like to see a rework of it. He's extremely weak yes, but also very annoying to face.

    A good rework that makes him powerful and fun to face is top priority in my opinion. Same with DS and all of  it's friends and family being dragged out into the street and executed xD.
    I agree, Freddy needs a rework because I never seen a killer's power actually work against them. I been at both sides where I was able to heal a survivor from dying state with Freddy just waiting to attack me and other times when I play Freddy, a survivor would always complete a generator before I have any say in that! He definitely needs a overhaul or something because he's not a nightmare! :)
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited September 2018
    Nickenzie said:
    Rather than a buff to Freddy's power, I'd like to see a rework of it. He's extremely weak yes, but also very annoying to face.

    A good rework that makes him powerful and fun to face is top priority in my opinion. Same with DS and all of  it's friends and family being dragged out into the street and executed xD.
    I agree, Freddy needs a rework because I never seen a killer's power actually work against them. I been at both sides where I was able to heal a survivor from dying state with Freddy just waiting to attack me and other times when I play Freddy, a survivor would always complete a generator before I have any say in that! He definitely needs a overhaul or something because he's not a nightmare! :)
    The only one suffering any kind of nightmare is the person playing killer xD
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I'd like to see Claudette deleted like the Huntress was in the most recent patch

    I actually wanna see Huntress' hatchet projectile speed get buffed so a survivor will have less time to react accordingly! Well, after she gets fixed that is :p
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    • Buff to 10 least used perks (5 for killer, 5 for survivor)
    • Full rework for Freddy
    • Rework for Pig's Ambush
    • Overall buff to Spirit
    • Changed Spirit's voice HEEEEEHs
    • Buff to Diversion, Autodidact, H: Haunted Ground
    • Automatic lobby requeue for SWF
    • Endgame screen hidden for all players until end of match
    • Players names and profiles hidden until end of match
    • Survivors not shown until all four are connected; loadout and lobby lock after 20s
    • D/C and lobby dodge penalties
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    I'd like to see Hex perks reworked to something for viable for killer. At the very minimum a smarter totem than right in the middle of a field or 4 feet away from a survivor's spawn point.

    Also, would it be too much to ask for different perks with BP bonuses attached to them? I'm just so sick of running BBQ every round.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    Totems rework placement, Better rework for useless on both sides(killer and survivor), More adjustments for solo survivors.
    Spirit changes, pig changes, freddy changes
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    I’d like to see them fix the top of the Thompson house!
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I have said all I need to say about LF buffs, so I will now express my desires through the medium of art.

    Hopefully they will, we been asking for them for a while! :)
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    We know we're getting Freddy and Spirit buffs.

    Maybe Huntress fixes? Heard she's ######### atm.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Mc_Harty said:

    We know we're getting Freddy and Spirit buffs.

    Maybe Huntress fixes? Heard she's ######### atm.

    I think her hit boxes are messed up. Idrk atm.
  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Nickenzie said:
    IronWolf115 said:

    I have said all I need to say about LF buffs, so I will now express my desires through the medium of art.

    Hopefully they will, we been asking for them for a while! :)

    I mean look at that face, how could they resist buffing that?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Nickenzie said:
    IronWolf115 said:

    I have said all I need to say about LF buffs, so I will now express my desires through the medium of art.

    Hopefully they will, we been asking for them for a while! :)

    I mean look at that face, how could they resist buffing that?

    Right now, LF is sad because BHVR is bullying him and isn't buffing him... :(
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Freddy buffs, spirit QoL buffs. Buff some less used perks, better totem placement, Leatherface buff, pig addons rework. Basically give all the licensed killers some love 
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Nickenzie said:
    The title is the the TL;DR, what do you wanna see in the Mid-Chapter patch?

    Personally I would like to see a buff to Spirit, LF, Freddy, and Pig (Amanda)! Additionally there are a few killer perks that I want to see receive some love in the next Mid-Chapter update: LINK TO THE THREAD BELOW

    However I don't wanna see SC get touched since the developers are increasing the normal healing time which also affects the SC healing time. Now I wouldn't mind seeing SC getting a regression penalty when you are not using it to prevent you from healing near the killer.

    That's everything for me, this is the part where you all come in to tell me what you wanna see next!

    Balance SWF and fix DCing, thats all I care about at the moment

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited September 2018
    It's obvious we getting Freddy buffs/reworks I'm guessing they also going to do some slight touch ups on spirit.
    We're probably going to have to wait until the next chapter or the next mid chapter for bubba and piggy buffs/reworks

    As for perks buff.


    Surveillance: The time limit it needs to be increased or removed, it would also be nice to have some increased regression on it and for the love of god add a notification so we don't have the moon walk constantly watching the gen.

    Beast of prey: This has been discussed they just need to implement it making a button press this way you could choose the most optimal time to use it.

    Monstrous shrine: I have 2 ideas of buffing this either make it apply to all hooks or add some extra factors for example the broken status or a hindered status certain amount of time if you get hooked in the basement. This increase the incentive of actually running a basement build.

    Spies from The Shadows: currently now that avoiding crows is childs play this perk is practically useless especially considering not only this requires you to be in a certain range but it's also chance based. 

    Fire up: definitely need its numbers to be increased it would also be nice if it would also decrease the charge of time of your powers and wipe animation meaning the closer to escape you get the more of a threat to killer it becomes.

    Survivor perks.

    Prove thyself: it's very conditional and is completely outclassed by leader to the point where it's not even funny. a decent fix for it would probably be to make it work like a reverse thanatophobia start off with 9% and for each of your teammates that are injured, dead, in the dying state or hooked you lose 3%. 

    No mither: this is more of a quality of life than a buff. 1) remove the injured music it's annoying as hell. 2) give a double blood point bonus at the end of the match ( if you think it's too strong and will ruin the "blood point economy" only give it if the person escapes)

    Hope: once again this is less of a needs a massive buff and just more of a little bit of quality of life take away the time limit that's pretty much it.

    Left behind: with the fact that the original Hatch closing mechanics aren't going to be implemented. This perk is officially useless.  honestly I don't know where to go about fixing it I just think it should be on the table

    Boil over: I'm not going to ask for extra wiggle speed as someone who plays both survivor and killer I could tell you that's going to be a pain in the neck for the killer side and this is just coming from what you could do with iron grasp I dread to think of the inverse.

    What I would suggest is completely block hook aura and decrease The Killers movement speed whilst carrying you by 3%.
    This would mean the killer has to be aware of their environment to know which hooks to go to once I pick you up are they going to be running blind and slow.

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288
    Total Reworks
    Hex perks and Totems (inconsistant)
    Freddy (lol)
    Cannibal (Billy Jr. Only used for toxic styles)
    Pig ---> Removeing RBTs to be more consistant and less RNG. Her Ambush also needs looked at because its also Billy Jr. but with limited distance and no insta down.

    Play With Your Food (situational)
    Spies from the shadows (inconsistant)
    Deja Vu (trash)
    Alert (not helpful)
    Vigil (not good)
    Up the Ante (trash)
    Disstressing (not good unless paired)
    No Mither ---> keep the same but start the trial healthy and give no indication

    Self Care (should not be infinite)
    Adrenaline ---> remove the heal or the speed but both make it too good
    Borrowed Time ---> 1 time use but protects both people. Does NOT work when the gates are powered
    Insta Medkits (reward being downed)

    General Complaint
    The devs stated that they are ok and it is intended that not all killers should be viable high ranks. 
    (Aka: Not all killers are created equal) and I think that is unreasonable and a bad game design. There is no reason for that to even happen. Im sorry, but that may have been the stupidest thing that the devs have said/done since the [*fixed a bug that made it so pallets and flashlights had to be timed and did nit work anywhere during animations]
    Like ######### why bother buffing trapper and Wraith if you never intend fot them to be good, but just less bad? Excuse me? Im really struggling to understand the logic that went into that statement. Why would you not want all killers to be atleast relatively equal in power and be vaible to play the game. The consumers are supposed to make the meme builds, not the developers.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,290
    edited September 2018
    1. Freddy rework - I'd like to see survivors only seeing Freddy in some sort of sleep state kept along with Freddy seeing the aura of survivors in sleep state but that's the only thing I really like about Freddy. Survivors having half action speed is good but since it's so easy for survivors to wake up who are not in a chase it's kind of weak unless you get the perfect setup. Hands down Freddy was the biggest missed opportunity this game has had (Before nerf) and he should get a rework to make him fun for everyone but also make him playable without being dependent on addons.

    If BHVR goes the route of only balancing him instead of a rework
    *Sleep time 4 seconds
    *Self-Care removed from list of stuff that wakes up survivors (Only the perk)
    *Remove downsides of addons
    *Freddy no longer locks on to awake survivors when attacking although can still swing to attack them if he times it to where they fall asleep

    For a rework the main aspects of Freddy I'd like to see changed are how survivors are pulled into sleep state. Tagging each individual survivor is annoying and if it's a group some survivors can block the power by standing in the way.

    1. Leatherface buffs and Addon changes

    2. New end game objectives and other map objectives similar to totems - This would mostly add to the late game and not really be a buff / nerf.

    3. Testing of the new DS, built in Blood Warden, hatch changes and slower healing speed in next PTB. Can't say I want all of these added but I want to see them in an actual game to see how good they would be.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    Rather than a buff to Freddy's power, I'd like to see a rework of it. He's extremely weak yes, but also very annoying to face.

    LOL says the Doc main.

    Freddy just needs QoL changes and some buffs. His power should force you out of actions like Doc's shock (except pallet drop/vaults) and skill checks need to be different in DW to make it harder to wake up. Then just remove the negative effects of his add-ons, allow for survivor aura reading perks to work against him (however, Rancor should not reveal his aura if they are awake only bc it's a killer perk effect), and make him intermittently appear in the real world, sort of like when you transition but way less frequent (and Pill Bottle removes the effect entirely). Then fix up DW so it's easier to see for everyone and Freddy would be in a good place.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    M2Fream said:
    General Complaint
    The devs stated that they are ok and it is intended that not all killers should be viable high ranks. 
    (Aka: Not all killers are created equal) and I think that is unreasonable and a bad game design. There is no reason for that to even happen. Im sorry, but that may have been the stupidest thing that the devs have said/done since the [*fixed a bug that made it so pallets and flashlights had to be timed and did nit work anywhere during animations]
    Like ######### why bother buffing trapper and Wraith if you never intend fot them to be good, but just less bad? Excuse me? Im really struggling to understand the logic that went into that statement. Why would you not want all killers to be atleast relatively equal in power and be vaible to play the game. The consumers are supposed to make the meme builds, not the developers.

    Yeah, this made me lose some respect for the developers but I think they already changed their mind about "Not every killer is supposed to be viable."
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2018
    Besides the Decisive nerf, I would like see some Killers get buffed so they don’t have to rely on add-ons as much. 

    Doctor could use either a movement speed buff while charging his shock therapy or the base range could increased. As of right now, the base range of shock therapy is so small and you move so slow while charging it that it’s difficult to shock someone unless you’re really close to them.

    Leatherface could use a movement speed increase while charging his chainsaw.

    Trapper should be able to arm traps that are already on the ground. 

    The hook changes from 2.2.0 should be removed at least until the possibility of a free escape is completely removed. Even then, they should only bring back i-frames for when a Survivor unhooks another Survivor. If you kobe or get caught unhooking near the Killer, then that is your fault and you deserve to go down. 

    Killers will get a BBQ token whenever a Survivor DCs. 

    MYC will light up when you are outside of the required range for it to activate.

    Blood Warden’s timer will now be shown.

    This Is Not Happening and Resilience are now a single perk.

    Cypress Moris are now a part of every Killer’s base kit.
  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Buffs: autodidact, WGLF, prove thyself, no one left behind, monster shrine, SB, Diversion

    nerf: all insta heals and insta down addons especially huntress insta down

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    @Mr_Jay_Stark said:
    I’d like to see them fix the top of the Thompson house!

    In the name of all that which is evil, THIS PLEASE! And several other similar places come to mind, as well (lower schoolhouse if basement doesn't spawn there), etc.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    @lyric said:
    Visionmaker said:

    * Buff to 10 least used perks (5 for killer, 5 for survivor)
    * Full rework for Freddy
    * Rework for Pig's Ambush
    * Overall buff to Spirit
    * Changed Spirit's voice HEEEEEHs
    * Buff to Diversion, Autodidact, H: Haunted Ground
    * Automatic lobby requeue for SWF
    * Endgame screen hidden for all players until end of match
    * Players names and profiles hidden until end of match
    * Survivors not shown until all four are connected; loadout and lobby lock after 20s
    * D/C and lobby dodge penalties

    Lobby dodge penalties are a must 

    not while SWF isn't optional to face

  • kimukipi
    kimukipi Member Posts: 137

    people asking for lobby dodge penalties make me laugh. Unlike DC, lobby dodge can be for multiple reasons. Personally, I dodge lobbies if there is an a-hole with 400 ping refusing to leave or there is 2+ toolboxes (as if games don't go fast enough already). Anything beyond that, I don't give a damn. So, you got dodged? Just move on and deal with it.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Up the Ante needs to be a luck increase independant on player counts, nothing triggers me so much than using it only to see playees DC the second they meet a Killer they dont like.