The Anti-Big 3

D_Orien Member Posts: 115
edited July 2020 in Creations

Still to this day, there's no survivor perks that try and counter slugging and face camping. So I've created my own.


Description: If a killer after hooking you stays within 5 metres of you for 10/8/6 seconds and not in a chase, this perk activates.

You can unhook yourself or be unhooked and are fully healed with a sprint burst to boot. Your second hook will instead count as your first hook. So it takes 4 hooks to sacrifice you.



When you and two other survivors are downed, this perk activates.

You can instantly heal yourself to the injured the state and this action applies to the other survivors (so when you heal yourself, they too are healed).


Now, Decisive Strike is the anti-tunnelling perk but it needs a huge buff, because stunning the killer for 3 seconds doesn't matter when you'll still quickly be downed afterwards. It's buff should be that after using perk, the killer is stunned for 6/8/10 seconds and is blinded for the duration. The timer to use it should pause when in a chase and when downed so a killer can't just wait for it to end.

Post edited by D_Orien on


  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2020

    Slugging is a group thing and Unbreakable only helps yourself to which you can just be quickly downed again. Most times, it's useless and you will rarely get to use it, even if with a slugging killer as most times, survivors are all together. Unbreakable isn't really such a big anti to slugging. But my perk helps everybody and prevents the situation of there only being 1 survivor not downed.

    No Mither is just as useless as Unbreakable, only slightly less. Same purpose, just eternally.

    Soul Guard lets you take one more hit after recovering from the dying state but that happening is rare. Not a good counter.

    Flip Flop and Buckle Up aren't amazing in any way and aren't game changers.

    Kindred doesn't prevent slugging.

    Borrowed Time is helpful but a killer can just wait it out and down you, and you'll be on 2nd hook quickly. Then tunnelled again and then you die. Having 1 more hook to die gives you a better chance of escaping.

    I'm sorry but I am serious. Tunnellers deserve to be stunned that long (10 seconds).

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Not broken. They just punish toxic players. And those perks you think of are 9/10 useless.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Yes. UB is pretty much useless as it's very situational and BT can easily be countered though it's still more useful than Unbreakable.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763
    edited July 2020

    Unbreakable singlehandedly wins games and takes a 3/4k to a 0k with its strength. If you use it correctly you win. What do you mean

    No Mither prevents a killer slugging and forces you to be hooked or ignored, leading to your team being able to reset in that time or you being able to reset your team.

    Soul Guard also allows you to recover fully from the dying state infinitely when a Hex is in play.

    Flip Flop when you've been fully recovered let's you easily escape and lead another chase.

    Buckle Up let's you be the one left standing and easily recover from the situation with information, like the location of the killer and who is most recovered.

    Kindred prevents hook camping, another thing you were against.

    Borrowed helps prevent camping and let's your team form a shield around you in those 15 seconds, or allows you to reach a tile to continue looping.

    If you tunnel sure. But ds is too inconsistent with actually preventing tunneling and the perk requires a full rework to stop being tunneled and not just let you be hyper-aggressive for 60 seconds. 5 seconds of stun is more than enough; again imagine being hit with a 59 second ds and enduring a 10 second stun. You lose the game and this would cause the 3rd Slugging Meta to begin.

    Can I just ask; how long have you played the game and do you by any chance prefer playing survivor?

    And no, your perk ideas are absolutely ######### broken.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Kindred doesn't prevent camping. Knowing where a survivor is doesn't prevent camping. Nothing can prevent camping, slugging, or tunnelling, but these 3 actions can be punished which Kindred cannot do.

    BT doesn't prevent camping. Camping is literally trying to stop others from unhooking you. The killer chasing you after being unhooked is tunnelling and BT does help to an extent but compared to my perk, it doesn't get the killer off you. BT is only 100% useful if you are close to an open exit gate.

    Forgot that about Soul Guard but it's still very situational like Unbreakable and No Mither which rarely happens and more than likely, killer will pick you up or immediately down you after recover.

    I've played the game at least a year I'm pretty sure and I do prefer playing survivor. I'm not so good at killer rn.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    no way. The average survivor main new account that posted absurd "solutions" to camping and tunneling. How unique!

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    "Absurd". Right because punishing toxic players is "absurd".

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Buddy. Camping is #########, I will admit that, but sometimes it is necessary. End game, an idiot is looping around the hooked survivor so you kinda have to be near them, etc. And sure, being face camped for the whole time is #########, but people can just do gens and get outta there since the killer is doing NOTHING but looking at you.

    Let's go through a scenario like this. There's a healthy survivor going for the save and the killer is camping. The killer hits him, he gets injured, and still unhooks you. Let's say your build is DS + Dead Hard + Unbreakable for this example and the unhooke is running Borrowed Time. For fifteen seconds, if the killer hits you, you don't go down and you can run off. They still chase after you? You can loop them and use dead hard, probably wasting a lot more of their team than if they just went to grab the unhooker. And you might even still have DS so they get hit with a FIVE second stun since DS was buffed to 5 seconds ages ago.

    If they slug you to burn out DS? You can get up with Unbreakable and get away.

    In that time, the rest of your team could be smashing gens or breaking the killer's hex totems or whatever.

    If your 10 second DS got added to the game that doesn't go down if downed or being chased, no one would even want to play killer, since no one wants to deal with a 10 second ######### stun.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    I could tell you preferred survivor. Give killer a pretty big whirl, get good as both sides then reevaluate your points. It's not possible to play fair 100% of the time no matter how much I try to.

    Your perks would break the game.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    I've played survivor games a lot. 7/10, killer kill everybody without all the bs toxic methods. There is no excuse for them. One is just a very bad killer too stubborn to get better. Such toxic methods deserve punishment. Whatever is causing one to do any of these is due to their own lack of skill. If someone wants to tunnel, slug, or camp because they are selfish due to entitlement, they deserve to be punished for it. Such methods ruin the fun and do not give survivors a chance at all. I've played killer and many times not killed anyone, but not once have I done this bs. Because I'm not selfish.

  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356

    I realise that that playing against a camping killer isn’t fun, but 10 second stun & blind on DS, or hooking a survivor not counting because you stayed near them for 6 seconds is just completely unfair for the killer.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i am really hoping you are not serious right now.

    in case you are, here's my advise:

    try start playing a bit of killer from time to time. it will quite drastically change your point of view on balance in this game.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Killers can easily get 4k's without doing those toxic methods. Even when being gen rushed. There's the balance. It's skill. Even without perks to add or add-ons.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2020

    what the ######### are you going on about. Bud, the point of the killer is to kill survivors. The point of the survivor is to survive. The killer does whatever they need to do to kill and the survivor does whatever they need to do to survive, right?

    Camping and tunneling and slugging are all allowed in the game's rules and can be valid strategies. For camping? If people are clustering near you or it's end game, it helps secure a kill or waste people's team. Tunneling? That applies a lot of pressure to the game and at higher ranks, you can't hope to always go for 12 hooks every single match. Sometimes you just need to get someone out of the game. For slugging? It's a way to generate pressure and slow down the game. If three people on one the ground slugged, isn't that just a sign that you guys are bad since you couldn't avoid getting downed?

    Is chasing after someone the whole game to the express point of not chasing after anyone else toxic? Sure. Is face camping at bubba and staring at them toxic? Sure. Is slugging everyone and forcing all of them to bleed out toxic? Sure.

    But the tactics by themselves are not toxic. Honestly, you're entitled for expressing wanting the killer to ignore certain tactics because you find it boring or annoying.

    You gotta realize, there are four of you in the game. There is only one killer. Survivors can make a bunch of mistakes since they have three other people to back them up. A killer only has himself to keep control of stuff. Imagine four survivors all running your buffed DS and your four hooks sprint burst insta heal perk. Last Chance is ironically situational (it does nothing if the killer leaves you) and way too overpowered. Like at end game where the gates are 99'd and the killer has literally no reason to leave you, that literally gives you a free win for the sake of it. Your buffed DS? Killers would feel obligated to just slug you and let you bleed out if they suspect you have it OR they have to let you ######### off for 60 seconds since you are literally invincible.

    If you want to force a DS, use a locker. Don't make it a 10 second stun and blind. If you don't want a bunch of slugs, just use unbreakable or soul guard.

    For the sake of argument, rate these perks:

    Entity's Wraith

    Your blood rushes when overconfident prey mock and harass you as if they were the predator.

    Any survivor who flashlight clicks, tbags, and points at you gets injured and put into deep wounds with a 5 second timer, and can not mend. They can not use their item, crouch, or emote at you for 30/60/120 seconds.

    Pressure Gens, Dude:

    You hate it when survivors do generators. That's like...their one job. And you hate it!

    Whenever two generators are completed within 15/30/45 seconds of each other, all survivors get injured and have their repair speed reduced by 80% for the next 60 seconds.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    The biggest problem with all 3 of these perks is that they're really abusable. I think the only one that isn't too abusable is all together unless u do swf tactics to force 3 slugs. Then there's the fact that I can combine these perks with other perks and there's 4 survivors. the killer would be cheesed to death.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Hmm a killer without perks or addons and not doing any of those 3 can get a 4k. I've experienced it many times. Tactics sure, but not fair ones. Like I just said, people be getting 4k's without addons or perks without slugging etc. It's a tactic in Street Fighter to spam the same move, but nobody will like you and it's cheating. Same applies to DBD. If you gotta cheat, you make the game not fun for everyone.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    40 seconds of stun time in a match from 1 perk alone....oof.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    And a survivor team can win without using any perks or items, what's your point? Just because it's possible doesn't you should ignore other possibilities

    also how is it cheating. The only time I consider a person cheating is if they literally give themselves hacks to be able to insta down everyone on the map as killer, or as survivor, just insta heal when hit and have permanent sprint burst.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2020

    A survivor team can win without any perks or items, what's your point? Any decent survivor team running perks and items against a killer with no perks and no camping/tunneling would probably crumple them unless the killer is super good.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115

    Last Chance isn't abusable. It prevents being instantly downed after getting off the hook from a face camper once and forces the killer to hook you a fourth time as punishment for camping you.

    For DS, a 10 second stun is just factually better than 3-5 seconds. If you gotta chase after me after being unhooked and not allow me even a chance, you f-ing deserve it.

    All together gets into the killer's head that they are not going to take the easy way out because they want to be lazy.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Last chance is full on abusable solo and wit swf. Do you realize how short 10/8/6 seconds is? The killer barely has enough time to kick a gen or break a pallet before the timer ticks away. There's plenty of situations where id use it's power to screw over the killer knowing that I've turned into a land mine with no consequence and it wastes killer time.

    Yes it's factually better and I'd factually abuse it.

    As for all together, it's very rarely on the killer that the killer manages to down 3 survivors but whatever here's how i'd abuse it. if I was solo and realized that one teammate got downed, then another stupidly got downed nearby, I'd try to get myself downed or purposefully bring a flash light so the killer is forced to pay attention to me. If the killer ignores me then great I can save 1 survivor and 2 of us go free. If the killer downs me the perk activates and 2 survivors get up while the killer will probably down me again. Either way 2 survivors go free.

    Now looking at the perks separately they're already strong. I combine them with each other or other perks and all 4 survivors do this, then the killer is screwed.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693


  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Great perk ideas, well thought out, balanced, and taking into consideration both sides of the playerbase. If I had one criticism it would be that they're a bit underpowered, maybe if the killer stays within 30 metres near the hook after 5 seconds you can mori them? And for anti-slugging a perk where you can't be put into the dying state, no matter how many times you get hit. They can't slug you then. As for DS, there's no reason it shouldn't also blind you for the rest of the match. After using ds Mathieu Cote will personally come to your home and apologise for you being tunnelled, before presenting you with a bouquet of auric cells.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I think those are the most broken perks I've ever seen someone suggest... quite impressive

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah now im just sure you're basically never playing any actual high rank killer matches.

    please, do us a favor and look at it from the other side aswell - by playing some killer. i guarantee you its not going to take long until you see why your current suggestions are horrible.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Maybe survivors need 5th perk slot.. yes.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Get a couple hundred killer hours, then talk to me.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2020

    Can tell you are one of these killer players who tunnel, slug, or face camp. Only one of your kind would call someone wanting to stop such bs "entitled".

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I'm pretty sure any survivor or killer would make your in game experience for these suggestions just as miserable as the perks you designed.

    Well considering how you have worded your orginal post. I highly doubt you have played much survivor at any rank above yellow. I'm almost certain you either cycle killer dailies or dont play them at all outside a daily.

    So if you have actually played for a year and don't understand why and how these perks are completely busted. It's your own lack of skill as a player. Even survivor mains who are entitled should be able to see just how ludacris your perks are.

    Either way once you get to a suitable level of skill to realize how busted DS, BT, and UB are. You should refrain from suggesting perks ideas.

  • xxplayerjuanxx
    xxplayerjuanxx Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2020

    Do the people replying know its a joke or am i getting r/swooooosh?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763
    edited July 2020

    Then this is some high quality bait since op is defending these ideas a lot

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Um...unbreakable, tenacity, for the people, soul guard all counter slugging. No mither too but well ignore that for obvious reasons.

    Bt, deliverance and ds all counter facd camping easily while MoM could be used albeit very rarely.

    Do you even play dbd?

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I don't think you was introduced to the depip squad. No perks but DS and they all escaped 97 times out of 100 games at rank 1 to make a point.

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    Make it 16-18-20secs with the first perk. Because 10secs is like destroying a pallet and going away or kicking a gem, placing a trap.

  • jorkle
    jorkle Member Posts: 18

    Isn't it against the rules to troll this poorly?

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    I've created a perk in response to this

    It's. Called

    I quit

    "Why the ######### did we take this job, doing ######### we want is not worth 10 seconds of stun plus destroyed retinas and a bunch of gg ezs, entity we fkn quit" Frank the legion

    Upon seeing theese perks you can just legally retire from the entitys realm

    The macth will end and any true gamers will be granted freedom from the entity's realm because quite frankly fk that.

  • D_Orien
    D_Orien Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2020

    Or ya know, you are one of few who just so luckily can make usage of them consistently. Every time I've ran UB for example, never got to use it. So your point is very moot. My experience outweighs yours. If these perks were so good, 10/10 I and others would not be getting no or barely any usage from them. Funny for you to say how you just being lucky to say UB is useful for example = I'm not skilled. Or you actually play SWF 95% of the time so no wonder you'd say they are useful.