Why's everyone mad about the billy changes?

Never really played much billy, can someone explain what they did to him that's making everyone so upset?


  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Thing is though for me is that he felt TOO easy to pick up, and his one-shot required no build up or effort. His balance was also skewed because, yes he was balanced in the pip system BUT that was because he got more Devout and less Chaser. More kills/hooks, but less hits to achieve them.

    This change does also allow for more variety of add-ons and an easier time balancing him.

    II_KURO_II Member Posts: 44

    Alright, from what I can understand, they basically ruined a perfectly fine killer.

    I can agree that going against him is a little annoying because of his one shot, but I love how knowing he could pop up out of nowhere on an open map feels.

    Is it still possible for him to jump out of nowhere cross-map?

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Because normally they rework or buff a killer. Its rare they make a major change thats nothing but nerfs.

    When they do, the mains of that side cry salt. Its pretty simple

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    It's going to be Huntress. Mark my words.

    Incoming overheat mechanic to hatchets.

    It's only annoying if you don't know how to loop him.

    II_KURO_II Member Posts: 44

    yeah, i'm not the best at looping properly, i'll admit that

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    What Billy? Who is Billy?

    II_KURO_II Member Posts: 44

    I play the game pretty casually, but I'd rather get completely ######### bodied by a good killer than have everyone be nerfed into the ground.

    Forces you to learn to play better, and I like that.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    yeah, I'm pretty sure. She has dumb add-ons, like iri head+infantry belt or the 90 seconds exhaustion, so she'll get eventually looked on. Her arm would sore after 2 consecutive hatchet throws, forcing you to wait like 15 seconds.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    Not to mention it's just a waste of time. Behavior could have spent their time fixing legion or clown but instead they devoted resources to pointlessly nerfing Billy. How disconnected can the devs possibly be from their community?

    II_KURO_II Member Posts: 44

    The only thing I would want different about Huntress is that combo, the rest of her is really fun to go against and play as.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    just as it was fun to go against every billy but crack billy/instasaw, or just like it was fun to go against every nurse but omega blink/5 blink nurse, but you know how things evolved.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Speculation but this was done because behaviour seems to have this design philosophy that every killer should have a cd. Examine nurse as prime example. Look at freddys rework with teleport cd. They probably would have an easier time doing this to spirit but since they were reworking bubba billy got moved up on the needs a cd design philosophy. I dread to imagine what wraith is going to look like. I'd argue that billy greatest strength was also his greatest weakness. The chainsaw holds the entire character together he has no other means of attack don't get me wrong its great but the saws flexibility was hard to take advantage of and as a result any changes to his saw would irreparably damages the power of this killer. As long as windows and pallets continue to exist billy will always have counterplay and putting a cd on his saw is bang out of order. Nobody in the community asked or wanted this. Behavior could have gotten a better reception if they had some form of compensation for billy but those add ons look awful. If it works don't fix it.

  • InsidiousSmartfaceLF
    InsidiousSmartfaceLF Member Posts: 93

    It sucks to take the good with the bad. A much-needed Bubba buff with a pointless Billy nerf. I guess Behavior can only do so much for killer before survivor mains complain. I mean if we really need to nerf killers why not start with the ones people actually complain about like Spirit.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    The devs themselves said he was fine, but nerfed him anyway.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    its the exact same story we had with nurse, actually:

    everyone agreed that basekit nurse / billy is fine.

    everyone agreed the Add Ons were busted and needed a change.

    the devs proceed to gut their Add Ons - fair enough, they were perfectly viable without them anyway. its just sad that they are all useless, outright a downgrade to the base power or super situational now.

    the devs also proceed to gut their base power, which literally NO ONE asked for. now we have literally nothing - we can at best TRY to get them to the point where they were previously (Add On less), by running double high level Add Ons that counteract the unwanted new downside to the power.

    i dont think they learned anything from the nurse changes back then. i really, REALLY dont think so.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm annoyed because of all of the reasons above and because the devs are putting in the stupidest sound before he begins a chainsaw dash. Like, why?????

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    The only thing that needed changing was the insta-saw, everything else was arguably fine.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    He was perfectly fine and balanced yet devs decided to do their "No one asked for this but we're still implementing it" hotfix on one of the game mechanics.