Low Tier Killer buff suggestions: Trapper, Wraith, Clown

I have tried these killers when I started and they are fun but extremely weak. I wondered if that was just me maybe so I looked it up and it seems like it is agreed by most good players that these killers are on the bottom of the list.

To keep this short here are my humbled opinions on how they can be improved.

Clown: make it so that inside the cloud and for 2 seconds after the survivors have the same effect applied to them that killer experiences when they carry a struggling survivor. This would make it harder to control where you are going for a survivor, maybe even miss important vault or slow down by bumping into stuff. This can be also amplified with some new add ons, sort of like boil over does the struggling effect.

Wraith: make it where you may none lounge attack from cloaked state, which will break the cloak. This may sound op but it can be balanced by giving the cloak power a cool down. When you think about it this does not make him that much better or worse than ghostface. You can't stalk and insta down but you can sneak up on people easier, in theory anyways. Also the add ons that that affect the bell, like the wax iridescent one can be reworked, say maybe work for cloaking instead for some mind games.

Trapper: needs serious love. cut down how long it takes to set up a trap, basically remove the first portion of animation where he winds it up before pulling it back and finally setting it down. This would cut the time it takes you to set up the trap in a half. Then also if injured survivor steps into a trap, they are put into dying state if they break out themselves or someone breaks them out, because right now once you are injured traps are kind of do nothing unless you have add on that makes it very hard to break out of one. Lastly the traps themselves, I know that this is controversial but I would give trapper all of his traps at once. 5 Traps, +1 for gray back, +2 for yellow bag, and +3 for purple bag. Let them stack so if someone wanna run two purples, thats 11 traps they got. Will it be too op? Well no more op than hag or freddy or any other good killer really. Difference here would be is that while your traps are more powerful that say hags or freddys in some way but you wont have infinite amount that just keeps recycling them. If you place them, they are there unless you pick them up but at least you wont have to run around the map, allowing 2-3 gens getting done so you can then try out your master plan that might not even work. These traps can be actually seen and avoided, disarmed, so it's not like it's that op. Say even if trapper decides to trap one side of the map. They wont be able to trap everything there, and you still have enough gens around to ignore the 1-2 that trapper spent entire game trapping, it's give and take.


  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited July 2020

    So give wraith like an ambush attack like pig, I mean he kinda has that already when getting close and then uncloaking but hitting while cloaked.... Hmm

    Doesn't sound too bad

    For trapper, let him start with more traps

    Clown just needs his reload time reduced, faster walk when reloading and slightly cool down reduced cooldown, basically have his commons add-ons basekit

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    Anyone else? These killers are in dire need of some buffs or god knows, I will have the 30 4th anniversary cakes just collecting mold on my trapper. Have not touched wraith and clown much either after I compare them to literally the rest of the cast.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I think better buffs for these killers would be

    clown: cut reload time down by 2-3 seconds

    wraith: make bone clapper base kit and increase his move speed while cloaked so windstorm isn't necessary

    trapper: change trap escape from RNG to a constant amount of time. Give him a default carry capacity of 2.

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    So the issue there is that these changes wont really make them that much better at all. Clown would still only chug bottles that help in chases but are completely shut down by premeditated pallets. Wraith will still not get much done in most situations, and trapper will still waste time collecting traps all over the map and setting them up as 2-3 gens pop.

    Why I believe that the suggestions that I made are balanced? Well we play a game where huntress and deathslinger exist, that for the most part out class the clown as far as range goes. A game where ghostface, spirit, and shape exist, able to utilize their kits for stealth and even pull people off gens easy like that so wraith having to clap his stupid bell falls way behind all of them. This is also a game where hag and fredy exist, where their traps can be set in either 1 sec time or while moving and also with teleportation powers and also having no need to pick them up as well as with recycle mechanic.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I think it'll help more than you think it will

    Even just the brown bag on trapper makes a world of difference when playing him

    Wraith with bone clapper/windstorm is actually decent and would be good if he didn't have to run these addons just to be decent.

    Clown's map pressure is bad because he spends 5 damn seconds reloading just use his power 4 times.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Also i think that these 3 killers are weak. It is for these reasons that nobody uses them in red ranges and in case of a genrush, you literally can't do ANYTHING.

    I suggest other buffs

    Trapper: No longer does any animation when setting a trap.

    Clown: Does not slow down while recharging.

    Wraith: Pressing M1 directly pops up and hits but when invisible, it takes longer.

  • Sciffer
    Sciffer Member Posts: 41

    I got to say that I see lots of people say clown needs no slowdown when recharging and honestly sure, that could be helpful but most of the time when I play him I recharge after downing someone and it's hardly noticeable. Thats why I suggested having the intoxication do extra effect where survivors would stumble around as killer does when survivors are struggling. That with no slow down on reload would make him probably mid tier at least.

    Wraith does need to be able to just hit out of invisibility and give the invisibility a cool down.

    Trapper can't be fixed with one or two small things, thats why I suggested what looks like a semi rework. Picking up traps all over the map is simply too much when you consider that you can step into your own traps, that they can be seen rather easily, that it takes 2 sec to set them up, so on.

  • kennelproud
    kennelproud Member Posts: 9

    The problem with Trapper is that he is a set up killer in a game where the survivors can do every gen in 5min. This game aggressively favors killers with one shots, high mobility, or unique mobility. This is a game where if you don't find and down someone in less than a minute you can lose.

    Trapper CANNOT be fixed without a complete rework. He has more counters than any other killer. His traps are easily spotted, have little to no risk to being disarmed unless you put a iridescent add-on in the mix, must be collected, and he can be harmed by his own traps.

    Here is a specific list of ######### that renders Trapper weak:

    • Maps with the ability to track killer belongings.
    • Small game.
    • Slippery Meat.
    • Dead Hard over traps.
    • Indoor maps.
    • Traps must be collected from across the map
    • Traps are incredibly bright
    • Traps can not put survivors into the dying state without an add-on
    • Trapper can only carry 1 trap base making bag add-ons a must have.
    • Trap hit boxes are wonky and he can step in his own traps.

    He is incredibly weak and dated. It's a joke that he has been left as he is for so long. I mean for ######### sakes you don't even need a tool box to disarm his traps. You at least need a flashlight for Hag.