Walked around gens for a hour and 10 minutes.



  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    You 3gen yourself, if you dont chase survivors.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    I didnt even pressure the gens so they had free reign up till that point to not 3 gen themselves. This is also red rank survivors and i was tombstone myers. I went around stalking for the first like 3 minutes then instakilled 2 of them and noticed they 3 gened themselves checked the 3 remaining gens no progress so i went to look around coming back like maybe every minute? So if they both rushed a gen (which they told me they were a 2 man swf) they could have gotten it done. I messaged one that it is bannable and they came up and let me kill them. Of course the other knew were hatch was and i knew hed just let his friend die so i tombstone morid the one and headed to the hatch and of course he jumped in. A hour and 10 minutes and didnt even get anything out of it.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    I’m guessing you don’t play killer because what you said is just not factual lol. First of all, the killer doesn’t 3-gen, it’s the survivors ERROR to make as it’s a scenario that actually benefits the killer. Second of all, it has nothing to do with not chasing survivors. But a lot of survivors will run to / get downed at the same side of the map which normally results in the rest of the team doing gens on the opposite side, therefore leading to a situation where all the gens are cooped up together. So please don’t try to paint this as something negative that the killer did as it really isn’t. It’s just something a killer can take advantage of.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    😕 in F13 the game is just set to end in 20 mins, if killer doesn't kill in that time it counts as a survivor escape-maybe should be the opposite in DbD.

    I've had some past matches with Trapper where it took 45 minutes to kill the ladt two; so boring and not worth the bp or shards wasted.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Split up and do gens separately, instead of shitting their pants somewhere in a bush, maybe? If they are at least three they can break it, esp when the killer does not commit to chases. And if they are only two, don't be d*ck and try to get the killer quit due to boredem, but man yourself and admit defeat. Sitting in a corner doing nothing serves no purpose whatsoever, you just waste the time for ALL remaining.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Probably afraid since i was tombstone myers. Wanted to get evil incarnate but once the one gave himself up he had his swf friend stand on the hatch so right when the mori was done he instaleft.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Reminds me of the old hatch stand off days.... Where both parties stare at each other until one of us decided it was time to move on...

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    I had a match like this on lery's as deathslinger. I'm not that good with him but the team I was going against were not doing so well either. After two of the survivors were dead the other two just hid for at least 10 minutes not doing anything until I found them. Of course it was two claudettes that were swf.

  • DeadFreakWalkn
    DeadFreakWalkn Member Posts: 20

    Hey guys,

    Let me start with saying I am a newer player with under 100 hours of gameplay experience. I try to play both sides evenly, and I AM a pretty weak killer, though it is fun.

    With that being said... This game is a hide and seek game. Why, so often, are people whinning that people sometimes play the game as such? I find it interesting when I have a couple survivors left hiding on me! People's comments always reads as if they have no time to play a video game, which in itself is a time waster. If every match lasted 5 - 10 mins, I would get amazingly bored with this game fast. If everyone is freaking out about games that may take longer, this game really should implement a timeframe, no different than F13 does. Make every match 20-40 mins. The Lore could justify doing such by stating if you do not escape by Daylight, you are trapped forever. You could even make this a new game ending: stalemate or To Be Continued. I would rather this approach is taken rathet than seeing people whine about a video game eating up time. Really guys? =/


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    I spent a hour and 10 minutes in a match which i get 20k bp which on another killer and playing multiple matches i could make like 200-300k in that time. And the match ended because the survivor didnt want to be banned and let me kill him in exchange for me not reporting him.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Nobody is freaking out about games taking longer, but how is doing nothing for over 10 mins fun? Are you telling me if a killer blocked you into a corner for hours (which is possible) with no way for the game to end but for you to DC, that’s okay? Because it really isn’t. It’s classed as taking the game hostage and it’s a bannable offence. A game can only end when all survivors are dead or have escaped. If EGC hasn’t been triggered you’re forced to stay in the game.

    With you being a new killer, I am going to assume you haven’t encountered anything like this yet. But I’ve been playing for 3 years now and it can happen and it is annoying. I have no problem with chasing and tracking. But if a Claudette is just moving from bush to bush, how am I supposed to find her with ease? This isn’t just something people are complaining about for no reason. The fact people can be banned for it is all you need to know.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    That's wrong, this isn't a hide and seek game. It's more akin to tag if anything, since the gamrplay focuses on running away from the killer instead of hiding.

    The survivors objective isn't to not be found, it's to escape. And to escape, they gotta do gens.

    Also, you're new. You'll see how mindnumbly boring it is when people go full immersed eventually.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    1) What happened until 3 gens doesnt matter, because nobody here play perfect. You dont play perfect either. You dont want to check every rock, right? You didnt check under every rock.

    2) Ranks do not matter, too. Everyone eventually get to red ranks, if you continue to play. For example, me. I have a weird mood. I can play for a week and quit for a month, then return for a week and quit again for 2 months, but Im somehow at red ranks, too, lol.

    3) Technically you are a hunter. If you dont like to hunt around, you can uninstall or join the other side. All I can see is that you failed to bait survivors to do generators. You had no back-up plan. Survivors dont have to hand themselves to you on a silver platter.

    You are a bad or a lazy hunter who is begging for kills. Shame on you.

    Next time equip one of tracking perks, if you dont want to do your job.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    I keep my software ready and have a hotkey set up to be able to hit record at any time.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Okay when peanits even confirmed survivors jobs is to do gens and escape and that refusing to do that is them holding the game hostage?

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    He didnt specified how long it must take. :^) Stop looking for excuses.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    I think 15 minutes is long enough mine was a hour so quit your survivor bias bs. You wouldnt like if i trapped you in a corner as wraith and didnt let you leave. I mean im not holding the game hostage theres other survivors that can do gens right and youll die to the egc? Well peanits confirmed this is bannable as well.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Anyone with a brain can see holding the game hostage for over an hour, falls within the definition of holding a game hostage.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Yeah if she responds she aint worth it because you cant persuade people like that.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    You could have completed four(maybe five) matches with all that time.(or) could ahve patrol other places instead of running in circles around gensthat had no progress like other competent killers would do.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    I wanted to get the game done and move on to the next one but they were the ones keeping me in.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    I don't get why survivors do this if you're defeated just take it and move on. Got a situation like this on father campbell's chapel with a 3 gen I had line of sight on with minimal movement; 2 left who were urban evading/fixated speed walking around. I eventually found one in a corner and thankfully had BBQ to end this madness. I just take defeat as survivor; I had 5 gens spawning on one side of azarov's yesterday which is unwinnable, but I'm not gonna hide and do nothing. I report it with video evidence they know what they're doing even if they claim they don't. Come on over an hour! that's not normal gameplay and they know it.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited July 2020

    You always have the option to quit. If I were you and found out they were hiding, I would roam the map a little more, get higher ground and maybe try lockers. If none of that works, would havequit.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    That’s why I’m not replying to anything she says. They’re a survivor main who doesn’t know the first thing about playing killer. The Devs have already said this type of behaviour can get you banned. But she clearly knows best. Hopefully she gets to join the team soon. We need somebody with her high skill knowledge. 🌚

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    And give them the free escape for doing something obviously not allowed? Nah i commited i got a kill and they'll be banned. Win in my book.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    Were you trying for the achievement with tombstone? If so you need iron maiden. Survivors will hide in lockers to prevent you from getting the achievement

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511
    edited July 2020

    Yeah i was using pwyf nemesis enduring and corrupt (pwyf is amazing so im not moving at their movement speed) and enduring nemesis is a obvious. And then corrupt so 5 gens arent done quickly. Even if i had iron maiden it was double urban and one was claud and it was a swf they wouldnt have fell for iron maiden.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    This is why the time crunch needs to be on the survivors side... that way they can't just do that... They want to genrush anyway, might as well give them a reason for it.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Blocking is blocking. Taking it slow is taking it slow. The topic say that you begin to instantly kill survivors, so Im not surprised that they were super careful.

    I understand that you probably dont want to play with tracking perks, but both sides are forced to equip few perks to improve their experience. Thats how our devs designed the game. If you dont equip the right perks, *** its your own fault ***. Survivors must waste perk slots on BT and DS to improve quality of their games, so I find it completely fair that you stuck there for an hour, because you didnt had a tracking perk. Any killer can equip Insidious and camp all survivors one by one, and, if survivors dont have BT or DS, YOU would say it was fair. Well, it IS FAIR that you stuck. Hopefully, you will learn your lesson.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    I got it with pwyf, iron maiden, surveillance , and insidious.

    3 gen them then when it's down to 2 survivors look for the hatch. Tombstone one of them, sit on hatch with insidious then they come to you

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Hope they learned their lesson with their ban they got because either way they broke the rules i didn't. Anyways im dumb trying to explain what the devs have set. So have a nice day!

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Sure, it can be considered. Begin to record every game, because you dont want to equip tracking perks.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You don't need to record every game. If you notice nothing is being done for an unusual amount of time, fire up the screen capture. If nothing continues to happen from there, you have evidence to report with.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    unless you want to stay for more than an hour, gather evidence for a CHANCE for them to get banned, as the report system is garbage

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    The longest game I had was 30mins. Because I didn't just walk around the 3 gens. I searched the players that were hiding and found them. Guess what 2 of them had urban evasion and spine chill. It's so annoying that you guys are talking trash everytime in the forum. Like, if you're too bad to find 1 players of 3 players why should they get Punished For it? Should they just go and let him kill them? They wasted their own time also so I don't see the problem

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Like, if you're too bad to find 1 players of 3 players why should they get Punished For it?

    Because the three players are preventing the one player from leaving the game without being punished. Duh.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    Good for you. I also found them in the end and I don’t recall stating otherwise? So please don’t try to tell me how I played when you don’t have a clue. The point is, survivors shouldn’t be able to stretch out a game so long because they don’t want to do generators. It’s got nothing to do with being a bad or good killer. I know I’m a good killer and I don’t have to prove anything to anyone. But we all know that a Claudette on Yamaoka Estate is basically a cloaked Wraith.

    If I decide to bodyblock a survivor into a corner for 10-30 mins, is that okay for me to do? This is no different. I don’t feel like using perks like Whispers or playing as Doctor and you shouldn’t be punished for that.

    What we’re talking about is a BANNABLE OFFENCE. So how are we talking trash? Maybe learn to read before you comment to avoid looking like a moron.

    “iF yOuRe tOo BaD” LMAO goodbye.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    I can only speak as a survivor since that is what I play, but I have never understood when other survivors do this. Unless I am winning a cash prize that is contingent upon me escaping I'm gonna do my best to knock out those gens in that situation even though I know it's likely gonna get me killed. By the time you wait even a few extra minutes you could have already been killed, started another match and start earning points you can't earn by doing hiding and doing nothing.

    Don't get me wrong. I want to win, and consider escaping to be a win, but it isn't worth doing nothing and getting rewarded with nothing.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Especially when if the killers patient he will find and kill you anyway like i did then you get nothing.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    This situation is annoying as hell, also can happen to a lesser degree when there's two in a swf left and one has a key, usually also on swamp maps when they can't find it. Also two solos both hiding and waiting for the other to die. When there's two survivors left there should be a minimum amount of gen repair per survivor required if not in a chase, and any that don't do their share get the EGC kill.

  • gdelgadoatw
    gdelgadoatw Member Posts: 4

    And how is it the survivors fault if the game got taken hostage? the killer is tombstone myers and obviously didnt look around hard enough just kept patrolling 3 gens or afk'ing. Its AS MUCH AS THE OP FAULT as it is the survivors for the game getting taken hostage. So OP needs to stop acting like a victim in all this.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Survivors can indeed report a killer for taking the game hostage.

    If you are being held hostage in the game with eitherside not progressing the game, it is reportable.

    I had a Claudette keep me on swamp map for over an hour back when Swamp Map was larger, and since then I have no tolerance for such behavior.

    In your example, the myers is actively doing his part, though. Not holding game hostage

  • funkymonkey
    funkymonkey Member Posts: 32

    As a new player of about 3 weeks, I like to play sneaky as a survivor but I'm always looking for gens and completing them. I'm not great at looping so I sneak about. Players that hide and do nothing is just a waste of everyone's time. Dont see the point of it. I dont see a problem in being sneaky so long as you are being productive too.