Slugging is Annoying

Pretty much the title.
Im ok with slugging DS or another small scenario: Survivor wants to flashlight save and so on...
Im talking about unnecessary mass slugging. Not only its boring to crawl for 4 minutes, but you also don't get any points. Even the one who helped you get up will get only 10 bps. Why not 1000 or atleast 500?
Or when last two survivors left and killer slugs one to go find another and you have to wait 4 minutes to bleed out, while the last survivor just hiding and waiting for hatch. (Not blaming him)
I don't main a side. I play both survivor and killer.
Because most of the time you Can't win without slugging
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Slugging for the 4k is very annoying LMAO
Like ok, I get it, and I've done the same in my own killer matches before (if the team is annoying or I REALLY don't want the useless blendette or urban evasion NEA to get hatch before I know where it is) but you bet I'm crawling my little slug body away to prevent the killer from getting any hook points if possible. If I waited this long for you to find the other person, I can wait another minute or so to finish fully bleeding out without rewarding you with extra points 😭
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Its only boring for 4 minutes.
Its really not that bad.
I mean it could be pre EGC where youd have 45 mins of a hatch standoff/hide in a bush.
Is it FUN to be slugged? Ofc not, but its 4 minutes at most. Just move on after.
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Yh you can always at least get one pip if you werent camping so you got enough hooks and not decreased the emblem with hook proximity, getting a 3k.
I prefer getting a fast 3k, pip and the last one possibly get hatch rather than a boring long slug for the 4k when probably you dont get the second pip.
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I’m not even going to lie, I do slug and sometimes go to look for the hatch so that I know where to go after I hook the second to last guy.
It also happened to me yesterday as a survivor but I was running Unbreakable so it didn’t bother me.
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It's needed to even be able to win in the current meta. Blame the Dev's don't blame the killer's that are forced to do it. They don't usually like doing it either.
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You're welcome.
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I slug all the time. I don't really feel bad about it either. Usually my slugs are on the nicer side though. For example I hear an unhook and head back, but I don't find the person who did the unhooking, but the person who just got off. I'll usually slug them and completely leave them instead of immediately hooking them again.
I don't always slug for the 4k though, but if I'm annoyed enough or have a challenge to complete I might. But wasting my opponents time as a killer is important. As survivor I also don't mind all that much being slugged, unless there is no good reason for it. Like forcing me to crawl on the ground with a Ghostface teabagging me for 3 minutes straight after everyone else is dead.
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Right so you didnt play many decent killers before the EGC. Not every killer is an adhd riddled child.
I'm also not even talking about just bad for the killer. Survivors are the only ones able to hide. Who's the killer gonna hide from?
I've seen both sides PLENTY of times waiting out the other instead of playing.
Slugging is nothing compared to stubborn children.
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I dont mind it. I like to hide. I see bleeding out as a draw since killer doesnt get pip points for a bleedout.
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Now slugging is annoying? literally in these times it is impossible not to complain about something
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I gotta say i've played 1500+ hrs of which 65-70% is survivor and i think i have bled out slugged no more than 10 times. I realize it can be boring so maybe after you have bled for 1 min after being downed we could have an option to let the entity take us and move on
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As someone that slugs quite a bit with 4k hours mostly as killer ive only let 1 person bleed out on purpose, the rest were simply me not being able to find them which is rare in and of itself.