I finally understand why every Leatherface camps the hook....

It's bcuz he's dumpster juice lmao!!

First game with Leatherface I got a 4 k but when it was down to 2 people left I hooked one in the basement (springwood map) and as I was leaving the last guy jumped thru the hole on top of my head so it was kinda free. . After that I had a 0 kill game and then a 1 kill game and then a couple more zeros!! I was trying to get knocks with the chainsaw but the whole tantrum when you miss that takes like 10 seconds is soooooooo annoying. I never really get MAD at the game but I was screaming after every miss as I watch the survivors run away and I'm swinging my chainsaw around like an idiot!! Lmao

But a funny sidenote the David that LITERALLY jumped on my head sent me a message after the game and said "Camp harder" hahaha now trust me I have been camped by my share of bubba's but I definitely don't do any camping that's extra weak. . . But now I understand why everybody who plays the cannibal does!!!


  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    I personally disagree. I think he’s a strong killer when you know how to play him. I’ve gone against a few on console who tore through me and my team and that was without camping. I actually love playing as him too and don’t seem to struggle. I actually feel strong playing as him and often 4K.

    No killer in the game is weak, it’s just some are easier to pick up and play than others. Clown is considered weak. I can destroy as him. Legion is considered weak. I can destroy as him. Billy is considered strong. I hate playing as him. Spirit is considered strong. I hate playing as her. See my point?

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    no, leatherface is made for camp. he is the best killer for camper mains...

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I do best with him without resorting to camping. You learn to corner with his saw well and you get your downs.

    Problem is when it comes to the egc one hook he's the best at getting 4 downs when folks come to save, so a camp is basically the best strategy then.

    Like all killers if he's camping one hook then the team need to split off do gens.

    Also as LF no matter what you do people will accuse you of camping, even if you leave every hook all game they still do so what you gonna do eh.

  • DustoTheOne
    DustoTheOne Member Posts: 43

    I get it. I mean I got the 4 k first game but I swear they all killed themselves by trying to 360 and run at me and then the last guy alive jumped right on top of me. That chainsaw just takes some getting used to and the tantrum takes FOREVER!!

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    That just means the team you were on did some foolish things. Couoke of bad chases is all it takes to snowball with killers that one shot. Part of tge issue is with bubba it doesnt take much to not make those mistakes. It happens, but its very inconsistent. You HAVE to run very specific add ons and specific builds to stand any kind of chance. Bubba base is truly awful.

    Which is why theyre updating him

  • DustoTheOne
    DustoTheOne Member Posts: 43

    That's my point. Like I've said in the past if you can't get a good game with a killers own unique perks then that killer is not very good. Anybody can have a good game running noed and ruin and bbq and all the crutch perks but if u use a killer with his own perks and it's bad EVERY TIME that killer is no good!!! Like I've said about Michael Myers . Sure he's OP with tombstone and red add ons but who isn't?!? Just running him with HIS perks and let's say yellow add ons he is not the best but let someone run silent mike with all the super perks of course you get a 4k 9 times out of 10!!!

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Well first of all, it isn’t team it’s teams. As I play Bubba quite a lot. He’s never been a weak killer. A lot of people just didn’t know how to play him. Does his rework make him better? It sure does. Was he still a good killer in the right hands before? He sure was. It’s each to their own. But I’ll never accept that he was a weak killer. As for me and my play style, he wasn’t.

    I would choose Bubba over Spirit or Billy any day of the week.

  • DustoTheOne
    DustoTheOne Member Posts: 43

    See I got a 4k in my 1st match but the team were kinda trolls and trying to F with me and F'd around and got themselves killed but I haven't had a good game with him yet but I have been trying to get chainsaw down which clearly takes a lot of practice. . .and patience. . But I'm gonna be playing with him a lot since I want his other faces!! Definitely not one of the strongest killers but I guess it's just like mike with super perks and good add ons and some practice he can be pretty good. The tantrum is what frustrates me bcuz it takes 3x longer than any other killers cool down from a missed attack. . Even billys missed attack cool down isn't THAT bad. . Idk what he was like before or if his rework is even on console yet but I'm gonna keep trying bcuz I want those damn faces!!!

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    But like I said, it’s each to their own. Calling a killer strong or weak isn’t factual. It’s all opinion based at the end of the day. I have fun with Leatherface and play well with him. As do a lot of other players. Most of the killers I main are called weak by the masses, yet I’m able to consistently 4K with them. So it just goes to show that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    because he has great hook potential?

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    The fact that he can down 2 with one chainsaw charge kind of incentivizes camping in a game where people under stress will often resort to it anyway.

  • DustoTheOne
    DustoTheOne Member Posts: 43

    Yeah but if you're actually good at the game and play it to have fun and kill some time then you would never even consider camping bcuz it takes all the fun out of the game. It's like playing monopoly but you start with a million dollars 😒

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Outside of insidious memes which are extremely rare I barely see any learherface campers.

    Its always the stealth killers or low terror radius. Wraith, Ghostface, Deathslinger, and to a lesser extent these days Pig.

    Good luck ever seeing a Ghostface or Deathslinger leave the hook.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    My favorite build is pwyf, nemesis, pop, bbq on him and I do amazing well

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    He was my second killer to level and I absolutely hated him. I often felt like I had to camp as well, but... The thing is he's a some what harder killer and yet when you're new to killer he's going to be one of the first you level for BBQ. He's just not beginner friendly.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I kind of like Leatherface because he's terrible. If I have a bad match with him, then it lines up with the result I expected. If I get a win, then it's a pleasant surprise. I don't really feel that pressured to make sure I get a good result with LF.

    LF's big problem has always been his almost complete lack of utility with his power. He has no tracking, no mobility, no stall, and no anti-loop. All he does have is a slow insta-down (you cannot use it effectively at most loops, only in dead zones) and a pallet breaker (which takes longer to fully charge and use from 0% than just kicking the pallet).

    It's exciting that he's finally getting a rework, though we'll have to see if it ultimately fixes any of his difficulties. His new chainsaw sweep may be adding some proper anti-loop into his kit at least.

  • DustoTheOne
    DustoTheOne Member Posts: 43

    Do you facecamp??? Bcuz if u facecamp you don't do well lol if you facecamp u suck!! That's the point here!!

  • DustoTheOne
    DustoTheOne Member Posts: 43

    I get camped by nearly every bubba I see!! I don't think I've ever been camped by a Ghost face and I know I've never been camped by Deathslinger. Been camped by a couple billys and wraiths always turn invisible and stand close enough to snatch somebody up on the rescue!! That's just bad gaming!!