NOED Change


NOED isn't as strong as many people say at the moment but the only problem I have with it is that as a survivor you can completely outplay the killer all game and they still get 1-2k because they camp with NOED and anyone who tries to save is dead. I get the whole just cleanse totems argument but unless in a 4 man SWF you can't keep track of totems.

I think to make NOED more balanced the exposed effect should go away when the killer is within a certain distance from the hook allowing people to still get saved if the killer is camping.


  • Pandamonium
    Pandamonium Member Posts: 77

    I think they should nerf NOED indirectly by buffing small game to gain tokens each time any survivor cleanses a totem, where each token gives 2/2.5/3% additional cleansing speed. Other than that, I don't think NOED should be touched. Based on how well their match goes, I predict whether or not the killer has NOED and once all generators have been powered, I play around thought that they do have NOED by just playing it safe and not be greedy at pallets. Usually works for me.

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    NOED just needs to be reworked, honestly. It's a badly designed perk and should have what it's used for changed.

    NOED is no longer a hex perk. NOED reveals the aura of the hatch to you once it appears. When there is one survivor left alive, they are exposed and their aura is shown to you for 5 seconds. Every 20 seconds their aura is shown for 3 seconds. You may kill the final survivor by your hands.

    Now it secures you the 4k rather than handing you random kills after playing badly.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2021


    Post edited by CWill22 on
  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I love how the argument for NOED is , just do bones, which is really only effective advice to SWFs.

    Then the next line, oh SWFs are OP, and need a nerf.

    Love how arguments are twisted to defend the current discussion and people don't see the irony in these opposing points.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    If killer camps guy on hook when NOED is active and survivors are stupid enough to not find the lit totem and cleanse it before coming to unhook, it isn't the perks fault.

  • Sinister_Fury
    Sinister_Fury Member Posts: 27

    So are we gonna ignore detective's hunch. A perk that lets you see where the totems are located.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,197

    Noed is fine if killer camps guy on hook when NOED is active then the other 3 look for the Noed totum they normally find it in sec or the 3 get out that one on hook die.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I think the current NOED is fine as is, but i really like this suggestion.

    I would start usong NOED alot.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    A lot of killers have been running noed lately to keep up with swf's and the genrush. The " Doing bones" Response is about the same as the "just patrol gens" to stop the genrush... 🤷‍♂️

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Only if ds and borrowed time get deactivated once gens are done. You can't give survivors a free unhook when op crap like that is available

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

    Borrowed Time + We'll make it = Problem solved 🙂

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,097

    Also ignore Small Game, and Maps, and the few spawn locations totems have if you aren't using the perk/item.

    I love seeing nerf noed posts because survivors can't be bothered to do totems. There will be a killer post complaining that totems are too easy to find if there hasn't been one already. 😂

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    NOED is fine, no nerf needed.

    give Small Game a totem counter and your problem is fixed without crippling a perk!

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    The thing is the totem can spawn right next to the hook, I've literally seen it happen multiple times.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    I don't see how BT is OP it literally only activates if your terror radius is at that hook. DS I understand but then again you shouldn't get a free kill for tunneling at the end of the game after you were outplayed.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    You probably complain about genrush being a thing, just pressure gens and there won't be a problem. It's an argument that just makes no sense by just saying "Just Do BOneS". I literally said NOED should only be changed to discourage camping.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    NOED wouldn't be crippled it would only affect people who camp with NOED.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Because camping is the only viable option at each. Bt allows you to make a reckless play, but you can punish it with noed.

    You shouldn't get a free escape for hitting an easy skill check.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    I get that but I'm just saying a killer shouldn't be rewarded for playing badly all game long. Someone shouldn't be one hooked because of a perk.

    Yeah but camping shouldn't be an option. It's a scummy way to play and ruins the game for someone who did well all game and then dies on first hook because of a NOED camper.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340
    edited July 2020

    NOED is fine. Generally it helps secure one kill. If you get more kills out of it, the survivors are bad.

    Edit: If I am soloQ surviving, and it turns out the killer has NOED, I pretty much peace out. Often times the only bones that get done are the ones that are easy to see, so that means that the hex will be harder to find. Sorry teammate on the hook, but you were the unlucky one.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I will say two things about this

    1. You have the option to do bones beforehand with a multitude of perks and items do so while yes solo makes it harder that doesn’t mean Noed needs a nerf that means solo needs a buff with some sort of totem counter maybe
    2. You also have the option to just leave because so what if they get a kill or even two you don’t need to 4man escape every game while it may not be a personal win it’s an overall win still

    4 escape you stomped them

    3 escape you win but it wasn’t overkill to the point they guarantee depip

    2 escape a perfectly balanced game

    1 escape you all lost but one still managed to have a chance at leaving or it’s a nice killer

    0 escape you got stomped

    This here is the main thing I wish those who choose survivor knew about asymmetrical games

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 334

    NOED needs a change, not because it is too strong, but because it is too weak. I have had many, MANY, games where NOED never came into play as both survivor and killer. 90% of my time using NOED it never comes into play. Either I kill off the survivors before gens are done or the survivors have done every totem. As it is now, it is basically a wasted perk slot and only ever punishes the gen rushers who also couldn't even loop a paper bag.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    The game is balanced around a 2k, doesn't matter how they get it. Gen rushing is a scummy way to play and ruins the game, but it still happens. Doing well, then losing to a ds at the gate is just as bad.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    If you think NOED is too weak than so is DS because I rarely use it in game.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,097

    I think killers should pressure gens to counter gen rushing. They can also use perks like Thanatophobia (bonus if with Sloppy Butcher), Dying Light, Corrupt Intervention, Pop, and Discordance to help with slowing down and putting pressure on them. Although, if killer isn't pressuring gens they're probably running NOED so should go cleanse 5 totems before that last gen pops. 😂

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    it would effectively add a Deadzone to the perk, which is entirely unneeded and could easily be abused by survivors to get the save and escape all together even without the killer camping.

    if the killer is NOED camping, do the totem. they are not guarding it after all.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    Noed is fine as is.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    I'd argue the speed boost should be removed too. The killer is basically being awarded an M1 insta down for (usually) failing their objective(s). Why should they get a speed boost as well?

    To go a bit off topic, many argue Adrenaline and NOED are two sides of the same coin (tho I'd argue that Adrenaline rewards you for doing your objective whereas NOED rewards you for failing your objective) one gives a lifestate, one insta-downs, both have speed boost. I'd be totally fine, TOTALLY fine with them removing the speed boost from Adrenaline if they'd do the same to NOED.

    Though honestly I'd prefer they rework NOED entirely. Like maybe you have to empower a totem/totems in order to get the NOED, or earn stacks somehow to empower it. Something to make it less a cheesy crutch perk and something more rewarding to both the killer and survivor if it's empowered/countered. (BTW yes Adrenaline is a crutch perk)