

PH and Myers

Member Posts: 63

Thought it was interesting these killers call kill without a Mori, but why does the Entity allow this?

Did these killers find a way to sever their connection to the Entity briefly to achieve this?

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  • Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2020


    Micheal is still... human

  • Member Posts: 14

    I have no clue how Silent Hill works but perhaps it has something to do with that? Maybe Pyramid Head still has some ties with whatever force Silent Hill has and is able to break Entity's rules because of it?

    About Michael, as others said he's embodiment of evil, Basically, no one exactly knows what the ######### he really is besides "human but not exactly. Even then, unlike PH, he needs special add-ons to be able to kill survivors so maybe it has something to do with that.

  • Member Posts: 897

    "The entity cant be bothered by copyright issues" LOL

  • Member Posts: 1,101

    Pyramid head has a special agreement with the Entity.

    Michael Myers is so evil and uncontrollable that sometimes he can violate any limitations or laws put by Entity on him.

    Other killers are either too afraid, almost under complete control or simply are not interested in displeasing Entity because they like what they are doing

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Dr. Loomis was being dramatic for the audience, we all know that.

  • Member Posts: 7,165

    No Dr. Loomis was informing the audience, we all know that. And he was proven right.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020

    Michael has died time and time again, and despite coming back to life, he can still be killed. Anybody who says he's an "unstoppable force of mass death and destruction" is honestly just sucking off up to the character.

    He's cool, he's powerful, but jeez don't overdo it.

  • Member Posts: 7,165

    Michael has never died. The Loomis character literally provides the insight to the audience on what he is since he spent 15 years studying him.

    Its pretty straight forward. To deny it is just silly.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Bruh the guy reeled back when he had a hanger stuck in his eye in the first movie.

    You're silly

  • Member Posts: 7,165

    Reeling back doesn't make you dead.

    Pot, kettle, black.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Myers distracts the entity with his sexy legs and only gets yelled at after the match when the entity noticed

    Pyramid head particiaptes in the sacrifice process but then decided at the end wouldn't it be faster if I just bonked them on the ground, went home that night drafted up a suggestion in 12point, MLA format, Times new roman, printed it and stuck it in the suggestion box. 2 weeks later higher up okayed it and thats why he can bonk people.

  • Member Posts: 1,263

    Everyone is going to hate me here, but I feel like this needs to be said.

    For Myers, it really depends on whether you consider the add-ons and how they change powers to be canon. Why would holding a piece of a tombstone suddenly allow Michael to go against the Entity's wishes? Why would a lock of hair allow him to instantly bring Survivors down for longer. In fact, we know from the opening cinematic that the Survivors don't canonically need to be stabbed twice to go down. We see both Claudette and Jake, without being injured once, go down quickly. Claudette wasn't working on the gen when the Trapper picked her up anyway and hooked her. And Jake just goes straight down and is hauled off, clearly either dead or too weak to struggle against the Trapper's grip.

    This clearly shows us that, while parts of the Killers' powers are canonical, much of the game we play is simply that: a game. While the add-ons and perks exist, they don't exist in the way we see them. Adam doesn't stand around with the Killer nearby and suddenly decides to grab a pebble. That's simply game balance. Having a glass-like hatchet doesn't erase Huntress's hatchets. That's simply game balance. A piece of a tombstone doesn't suddenly allow Michael to kill without permission. It's simply game balance.

    Pyramid Head made a deal with the Entity. That's what allows him to go against the Entity. Or perhaps, once again, it's just game design.

    Again, feel free to hate me for saying this, but it needed to be said.

  • Member Posts: 205

    I mean, yeah, but people are just trying to have fun and think of a lore reason why. We all know it's because it's a game but we kinda just want to know how it would work in the context of the world itself.

    Like of course it's mostly just game design but it doesn't hurt to think about it.

  • Member Posts: 298

    The first Halloween movie clearly shows that Myers always had a very strong hatred for his sister Judith that culminated in him killing her at the age of just 6 and a very strong obsession for her even after escaping from the asylum 15 years after the murder.

    My headcanon is that upon having access to her tombstone, Myers is filled with so much rage and evilness that he can momentarily surpass the Entity's control and kill the survivors straight away.

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    It was to make a point, that point being even a tiny hanger of all things can be used to stop the "unstoppable force". Which is just laughable.

    I refer you to an 8 minute compilation of Mikey getting his ass handed to him:

    So you were saying?

  • Member Posts: 957

    Cool. I started watching the first Halloween and it bored the arse out of me. I couldnt bring myself to sit through the whole thing lol. Looks like it gets better?

  • Member Posts: 7,165
    edited July 2020

    That doesn't change one iota of what I said. Mikey taking pain doesn't stop him from getting right back up again and still going. He never dies. Ever. He endures. He survives.

    You were saying?

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    He endures and survives as long as the audience has got money to spend in a movie theater and the studio wants to milk out more sequels from the character. LOL (more likely streaming service these days...)

    And besides, it does stop him. It stops him until the next sequel.

    You were saying??

  • Member Posts: 7,165

    What has the audience having money got to do with anything? Even if the original Halloween movie never got a sequel, it ended with Michael getting up and walking away after he was shot six times. The movie ended with him being alive, that would have been true whether the movie got a sequel or not.

    Movies come to an end. The story, if there is more story, picks up in the next movie. It doesn't end. Its simply continued.

    You were saying?

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    The audience has to do with everything because the audience has an attachment to the character, you have an attachment to the character, even if that character is an antagonist or villain. If something bad were to happen to them why you'd be a bit outraged wouldn't you? That's why he's never pitted up against odds beyond anything he can handle, even as a villain. If ol' mikey there were put up against a firing squad he'd go down like any other person.

    But that attachment also gives you a bias which clearly clouds your judgement. Which isn't worth my time trying to convince you otherwise because you're already sunk so deep in your beliefs which idolize the character.

    You were saying? Not that I care what you're saying, considering the aforementioned statement. This is my last comment, bugger off fanboy.

  • Member Posts: 7,165
    edited July 2020

    Wait let me get this straight; being shot multiple times, and being stabbed in the neck and the chest, too, are things a normal person would shake off and just walk away from? And that's just in the first movie. A movie that never had any designs to get a sequel until it became a surprising huge success.

    And you're trying to tell me I am being biased because of an attachment? I'm talking cold hard facts. Bias and attachment play no part in this. The original Halloween movie was a little low budget horror movie that never had any designs on getting a sequel. It was written that Michael in that movie was an immortal force of evil that could take inhuman levels of punishment and survive. That's where it came from. The sequels simply carried that established character trait.

    Oh and a firing squad could take him down? Watch; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xu43SbqQMAo&t=1m30s

    You were saying?

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    The audience has to do with everything because the audience has an attachment to the character, you have an attachment to the character, even if that character is an antagonist or villain. If something bad were to happen to them why you'd be a bit outraged wouldn't you? That's why he's never pitted up against odds beyond anything he can handle, even as a villain. If ol' mikey there were put up against a firing squad he'd go down like any other person.

    But that attachment also gives you a bias which clearly clouds your judgement. Which isn't worth my time trying to convince you otherwise because you're already sunk so deep in your beliefs which idolize the character.

    You were saying? Not that I care what you're saying, considering the aforementioned statement. This is my last comment, bugger off fanboy.

  • Member Posts: 7,165
    edited July 2020

    Why are you repeating the same post you said above? That's spam. Pretty sure that's against the rules. As is telling me to bugger off. Looks like I touched a nerve. I had no idea you were so sensitive about the immortality of Michael Myers 😉

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Michael has the strongest will of any of the killers. He is the only killer to have been unbroken. He operates with more or less complete autonomy. He doesnt need the Entity to tell him to kill. Hell, even Freddy has to ask permission to kill a survivor via a Mori

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    More people need to be reminded of the separation between gameplay and lore more often. Lore provides the context in the world, while the also justifying its presence in the game. Meanwhile, the gameplay has nothing to do with the story (in this case).

  • Member Posts: 143

    Technically, he is seeking permission because to kill, he needs to offer an add-on to the campfire, which is something that the Entity gives to survivors and killers. The Killers that actually don’t need permission of the Entity to kill are besides Pyramid Head, the Spirit and the Hag, because they are using their own perks, their own powers, to do the act.

    And he is not the only unbroken killer, Ghostface,Legion,Clown, Huntress,Oni and Hillbilly were not broken in any way by the Entity.

    Yeah, it is clear that the gameplay and the lore are two very different beasts and comparing them is a complicated task. Like, if you look at the trailers, despite being something noted to exist in the lore, the red stain is never shown in cinematics, and my headcanon is that is something that just doesn’t happens 100% of the time, but the real reason is because they are not going to bother to include balance stuff in a cinematic and it would probably look weird. That said, the terror radius is a bit more consistent, but it also tends to be absent.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Which I don't mind their absence in the lore. It would only detract from it if it was constantly there (I know it has a mention in the lore, but so does every mechanic).

  • Member Posts: 120

    Michael can be temporarily stunned in the movies, and because the entity is it's own realm I'm sure it could just shove him in a room that stuns him every 2 seconds

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