Please can we just completely remove ruin from a hex to a normal perk, it's useless anyway. This is ridiculous, ruin helps a bit but only if it stays up. Remove the hex from it and make it a normal perk
Its not useless its actually quite strong. Way too strong for non-hex unless you nerfed the numbers dramatically
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Ruin is great when you force survivors off gens, if you can't do that, then it not be useful.
All we basically need is better totem spawns, that would buff all hex totems.
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Basically what people have said above, if you are using a strong killer like hillbilly or nurse, not having to kick gens and going straight to chase, while still getting pretty good gen regression is really powerful. If they are able to change older maps to have better totem spawns than I would see ruin being used a lot more.
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I'd say remove it's "Hex" from it and nerf the regression from 200% to 100%. Basically a perk that auto-damages gens for you. Simple and straight forward.
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it's a joke? the ruin is strong enough to make it a normal perk.
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It is already strong enough as it is.
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I would love to see the day when devs think like that
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I use it on high mobility killer and it is pretty good
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It's definitely too powerful to not be a hex, especially if you throw Surveillance into the mix. That's 200% regression as soon as you force someone off the generator and you have instant feedback to tell which generators are being worked on. Normally that's balanced by the fact that it can be destroyed, but having constant info on where everyone is and what they're doing with no way to disable it would be pretty crazy.
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The fact that it’s a Hex is exactly why it’s NOT powerful.
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I mean if it was removed from hex and made to do normal regression itd probably fit normal perk then. Since survivors would just rush the gen or since its regressing pretty slowly head right back asap.
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Yeah, but what if we talk about hex perks like Huntress' Lullaby? Huntress' Lullaby currently is an underwhelming perk proving itself somewhat useful only in very niche builds on Doctor, or against weak Survivor players. It would be great if the perk became more versatile and consistent so it could encourage Killers to use slow down perks other than Thanatophobia, Pop Goes The Weasel.
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Why not just change Surveillance so it only works when you kick a gen? It would only remove synergy with two perks (Ruin and Surge) and would allow for Ruin to be further improved in some way.
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Gone are the days that everyone expects Ruin in every game. Most survivors are to busy rushing the Gens to look for totems and think they can just push through. I don't think a change needs to be made.
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Just nerf the regression and make it a non-hex
Or better yet, bring old Ruin back
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I personally think ruin is way too strong of a perk to be able to not get rid of it. Sure on some maps it can be found and destroyed easily. And then on others it's a nightmare looking for the totem. After one or two gens pop it becomes a nightmare to deal with, when being chased off of generators. It also actually rewards the killer for being active and patrolling by forcing survivors off of it. It's a good perk....that I typically run with Pop when it finally is gone. lol
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I wouldn't say the perk is strong but if it wasn't a hex its SYNERGY would be too strong.
Ruin on its own isn't really an issue in most matches and can generally be ignored.
Ruin synergizing with other perks (surveillance being the most common) would be incredibly strong if it couldn't be removed.
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It's in a really weird spot imo because it's too powerful to be a normal perk but doesn't feel strong enough to be a Hex perk.
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Perks that are f tier without another perk to compliment it doesn't belong on a casual gamers build because eventually you'll run into 4 survivors with all the s tier perks. Why cripple yourself before the match even starts?
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Some interesting stats on the subject (woo, stats) from before and after the ruin changes:
- The number of matches where all five generators are done decreased from 41% to 39%. The number of matches where only one or two generators were powered by the end of the match dropped by a similar amount, while the amount of matches where three or four generators finished increased by roughly the same amount.
- The average match length fell from 11:28 to 10:59.
- The percentage of matches where Ruin was cleansed (of the matches where Ruin was used) increased from 61.3% to 78%. The average time to cleanse also dropped.
(As always, please do not make blanket assumptions based on stats alone. We would love to share data more often, but if it gets out of hand again, we'll have to hold off.)
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I would assume the third one would be because checking if New Ruin is a thing is way quicker than Old Ruin.
New Ruin: "let's tap the gen annnd it's regressing. We got ruin"
Old Ruin: "oh boy gen- WAIT WHY IS THE SKILL CHECK RED!"
Skill checks are variable in how often they appear so it's possible that they wouldn't notice until the gen is half done or something. So people would know way quicker that they have a hex, which makes them want to cleanse it.
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Absolutely. Whether or not the hex is powerful compared to other hex perks (compare Thrill of the Hunt to Devour, for instance) a hex is still a hex, so the moment people know one is around they would want to cleanse it. So the quicker they get knowledge of it, the quicker the hex would probably be destroyed.
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Ruin would be so broken op if it couldn't get broken. Even just like 1% regression would probably still make it strong just because the surveillance combo wombo. Sure the regression is nice but I primarily run ruin as an info perk.
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These buffs made me laugh.
"Not ever having to kick a generator wouldn't be that strong, I totally promise!"
Every killer would just run Ruin and force a 3 gen if it wasn't able to be broken.
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Do these stats mean anything?
I dunno, is Huntress a 115 Killer?
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Look at these great Totem Spots.
Nothing has changed, we were told they were going to work on Totem Locations and nothing happened.
Instead they nerfed Ruined and the complaints vanished. These were 2 weeks ago.
Hex Perks are a joke.
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Alright... so provide context like this^^ when a BIG change (like Ruin) happens so those who understand have something to work with
Thanks for clarifying though
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Yeah but the thing is most survivors they commit to gens anyway and a highly coordinated team can smash all 5 gens in 5 - 6minutes with or without ruin. We need old ruin back or hen times nerfed to the ground
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Shame you devs can't actually rework hex spawn locations. As it stands, too many maps negate Hex perks due to spawning in the open, or having survivors start the match right on them.
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The best decision that devs can make, it would be that the killers themselves can hide their hex totems on each map.
It sucks that the game depends on a random location.