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What is Genrushing?

Member Posts: 69

What exactly is considered "genrushing". I don't really understand when people say genrushing is a problem do they just mean survivors aren't supposed to work on gens. It's confusing

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  • Member Posts: 3,826
    edited July 2020

    This. First hook, 4 gens done.

    This was me, yesterday.

  • Member Posts: 364

    When people work on gens fast separately or as a team for a short amount of time. When they bring brand new parts with the best toolboxes and some perks that help with the gen repair speed. Especially when all 4 of them are SWF lol

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    At higher ranks, if you gen rush, you will not pip. You have to throw yourself and engage in chases with the killer if you want to pip.

    This video proves it exists, but there are perks a killer could have use, and can use to prevent it.

  • Member Posts: 957
    edited July 2020

    Ah the gen rush. When all 5 gens pop in 1 minute of match starting and all Survivors leave without any chase, hook or de-hook and everyone de-pips with minimal BP and XP reward and everybody loses.

  • Member Posts: 1,328

    When survivors really only care about gens and just pummel through them. Its better if you find a video about it than have someone explain it to you.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    At this point seemingly touching a gen is enough.

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    From what I recall, 3 of us spawned next to a gen, we rushed it as he was making his way.

    He hit 2 of us I think he went after Nea. We just, dispersed and started working on our gens individually.

    She kept him busy though.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    The fact that gens can go too quick in a game, even with perfect play

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    well this was ganrushing i be shocked if that killer did camp.

  • Member Posts: 287

    Doing survivor objective as fast as possible.

    Which is perfectly fine since killer can tunnel

  • Member Posts: 583

    I mean, that doesn't sound like genrushing though. It sucks that it was the first hook, but it sounds like it was a typical Sunday afternoon for Noob3 or something. The killer just couldn't keep up, unfortunately. Maybe they were mismatched, maybe they were just having a bad game.

    Often times it's okay to pump out the first gen. Get it out of the way, everyone's there, who cares. Killer's coming and it's better to pop a gen and start a chase than to disperse and get caught out without any generator progress--seriously I've run an entire match without being able to do a single generator, I depipped because all I could do was run away from the killer as they were chasing me.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    well with the new start game coming hope it fixes thing who knows.

  • Member Posts: 332

    Genrushing is when survivors solely focus on getting as many gens done as possible.

    The action is not toxic in and of itself. But it's seen as VERY sweaty and in par with a killer tunneling a survivor over and over to get them out of the game. In specific conditions both of these plays are a legit tactic. If a killer is stacking loads of slow down perks and using them well then gen rushing may be your only legit counter. Same with killers and going against an OOO...they have to assume that OOO has comms because if they don't and they do they will get slapped. a problem with the game. It shouldn't be possible and you're normally get the ire of either side for doing it. The major problem killers have with genrushing is when it comes to SWF-once again seen as bad by almost all killers and most solos- since they will...even without comms typically either meme around or immedaite sweat out a gen rush so fast 3 to 4 gens will pop before one chase is over.

    It's not fun and once you start doing it you can't complain that the other side got serious, mad and sweaty themselves. Same with tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    there is no clear definition for the term, whch is why its used by many for a wide variety of scenarios.

    most will use the term "genrush" to describe generators popping faster than they can handle - i dont think thats a good use of the term however.

    in my opinion, "genrush" is when survivors only focus down generators and ignore any sideobjectives that are on the map (not wasting any time with chests, totems or even healing and just working on gens, if possible with resilience and prove thyself to speed it up even further, to then get their adrenaline popping and escape).

    so when i am talking about "genrush", i am referring to that gameplay strategy.

    and persoally, i dont like it when people blame "genrush" for any time the gens pop too fast for them. its not "genrush" if the killer is not applying map pressure, thats just survivors doing their job and the killer not doing his. its not "genrush" when 3 survivors are working on 3 different gens, thats them spreading out, doing their job effectively.

    However when i have 3 or 4 people injured and see Discordance go off on gens, that is genrush, as they are now priorityzing the gens over any other sideobjective to get them done asap.

    genrush is basically the survivors equivalent to a killer tunneling.

    its super unfun for the killer and probaply ends up forcing said killer to play unfun aswell, just to stand a chance (slugging, proxy camping, definitely tunneling - he needs to eliminate players asap or he is going to lose).

    and the best part is, that genrushers are the main target for NOED - the perk was literally DESIGNED to punish them! and they are also those that complain about it the loudest...

    please take the time and do something other than just gens.

    at LEAST heal. as a killer i find it to be extremely annoying and disrespectful towards me if i see injured people rushing from gen to gen / Discordance pop when i know that at least one on that gen is injured. that behavior is going to force me to play in ways i would usually try to avoid and it makes the game just as unfun for me as i then proceed to make it for you.

  • Member Posts: 357

    Having three gens done in less than a minute is genrush.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Four posts and you've already managed to play necromancer.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited June 2022

    There is most definitely a defintion, its just that because gen rushing was addressed players continue to use words like "genrush" or even "facecamp" although both those mechanics have been removed from game.

    genrushing refers to back when Prove Thyself stacked 4 times and Brand New Parts did half the gen - gens would be done in 14 seconds. Look up old yt vidss, I think 14 seconds was fastest

    Now killers call "doing gens" gen rushing when it is NOTHING like the past.

    facecamping, same thing, that term refers to when killers could stand face to face with hooked surv blocking the unhook prompt, it was removed with swivel hooks that now allow unhooking from multi-angle. Now if you look at the surv from 30m away its "facecamping"

    people just call everything genrushing and facecamping ,but both no longer exist as they did

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    The survivors didn't do anything wrong. The toxic part is on the developers for keeping the survivors objective grossly unbalanced compared to the killers.

    SWF just makes gens obnoxiously efficient and fast.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    It's an over used term, but saying it doesnt exist is a lie.

    While it's kinda on the devs its possible and alot of people overuse the term its certainly a thing that exists. It's not that survivors arent allowed to do gens or even rush them and it's not meant as an attack it's just a statement.

    Gen rushing, in the actual sense (not people just throwing the term around) are players that have the intent to do the gens as fast physically possible, so people stacking toolboxes or faster gen perks, let people go to extra hook states to do gens etc.

    Doesnt mean it's a bad play or an insult, it can be a strategy but that doesnt mean it's an unfun experience to verse.

    For example many years ago BNP could insta do a gen, you could run into 4 of those in a match... while it's not as bad now people can still rush gens and with more people getting better at looping it can be difficult

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Why necro this

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    The thing is that the game still kinda opperates under the same rules from 2016. Back then survivors were afraid of the killer, tried to avoid them and would go down after a short chase. No one knew how to do gens efficiently and how to play the game at the top level, but all had fun. Heck, look at this shroud items in the bloodweb, the killer version scatters survivors on the map, because back in the days the dev thought that this would be scary and detrimental to the survivors, giving the killer a leg up in the start. Now no killer would even touch this thing, unless they want a challenge of sorts.

    That all changed over time, now people know how to loop (a concept that was alien back in the days of the games inception), how to do gens, know all the tricks and most survivors are more or less fearless and cheeky beyond compare. I once had a gen completed at the 30s mark, and then 2 others fly once I caught up with and downed the first survivor.

    Yes, repairing gens is the survivors main objective, but the game didn't update its win conditions with the maturing of its player base. Thats why you hear so often that killer mains are stressed out, burned out by playing the game, they actually love. Finishing the first chase and having two gens flying in your face is disheartening in a way that no survivor main can understand and relate to, and when the survs keep the pressure up that high, you have to get lucky to walk out of that with 1K. Probably 0K because they all got BT and DH and will just swarm the hook and make a fool out of you.

    Once in a while you get a group of survivors that haven't honed their skills a a razors edge, that make bad calls, mistakes, aren't boosted to the high heavens with optimized builds, and then you get really fun matches. But the gen rush squads, who focus on just slamming gen after gen, they can really suck the killer instinct right out of your thicc skull.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    Not really. I guess one can argue certain similarities, but it's really not the same.

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