SWF after SWF after SWF after SWF
Very few games are 4 man swfs, even less are good and even less are actually running sweaty perks.
Played one game today and got 4 people same language. 100% swf ratio today, plz nerf lol
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I agree, killers just use SWF as an excuse for losing. I know because I’ve done it before, I’ve seen streamers do it numerous times.
If anything I would say the majority of SWF I go agajnst are EASIER to go against than solo players. They tend to waste so much time hovering together to get flashlight saves or pallet saves, you can bait them for free hits over and over.
They also won’t leave even one person behind, often turning 1 kill games into 4 kill games
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Similar to the new match making system, BHVR don't like to give you information so there can't be a problem if they don't let you know you were in a SWF post game.
Until they do expect killer wait times to be long during events for bp farming then survivor wait times to increase as very few want to be playing an unbalanced and unfun game.
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It wouldn't be a problem if the game was balanced around swf.
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Exactly. Swf is literally the "I played bad but it's not my fault" excuse. Here's an example why I always say 4 man swfs aren't always good.
Nearly a month ago I faced a 4 man swf. All 4 players were called TheOld something. They were clearly a 4 man swf. Funny part is I saw one of them give Tru3talent £30 shortly after lol They had 4 Sprint Bursts, 1 Unbreakable, 3 Adrenalines, 1 Spine Chill, 1 DS and 2 Prove Thyself's. They even got Thompson House as their map. 3 red ranks and 1 purple rank. I was playing as Pyramid Head at P1 so I didn't have the best perks unlocked for him yet. Guess how the match went?
I absolutely destroyed them. They were quite possibly one of the worst 4 mans I ever faced. Many people would've dodged that lobby but I decided not to. I've faced every single toxic swf build you can face. All Flashlights? Beat. All Medkits? Beat. Sabo Squad? Beat. All Head-on? Beat. If your a good enough killer you shouldn't get destroyed by these teams. You very rarely get the full 4 man sweat squad people try and convince you is common.
This is why I always say that not every swf are good. Even if you lose to a sweat squad you can still find mistakes in your game where you should've done better.
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Speak for yourself. I play on PS4, and during prime hours, 2 out of 3 games are SWF sweat squads where everyone splits up on gens and the game lasts 5 minutes. It is almost impossible to beat teams that commit to doing that
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As a survivor main I can tell you that SWF with more than one friend is more of a hindrance than an advantage most of the time. You feel added pressure not to leave anyone behind so once you're clear for an escape you risk yourself going back out again, giving the killer a chance to turn one kill into several kills. It's also easier for the killer to use your friends as bait, leaving them slugged in the open so you're pressured to leave gens or come out of hiding to help them. Solo teams are less altruistic, but a killer can definitely use SWF to their advantage. A couple of my friends are absolute potatoes, but I enjoy playing the game more with friends and I play for fun so it's not hard to take the losses.
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there is a big difference between 4 strong solo survivors and swf still and you can tell the difference
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Jesus this fanbase is so exhausting, no discourse or conversation just insults and accusations. This is why there's a divide. I hate this topic the most because no matter how many times people go "Well Discord is super problematic" or whatever nuanced explanation we give, we're dismissed as "You want easy kills!" or "You're making excuses". This is one of the subject matters that never go anywhere like DS and Noed.
Post edited by LuffyBlack on0 -
Yep, an even worse mistake
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Not if they play co-ordinated.
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this how dbd going to be i feel till something changes.
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I got accused of being in a SWF this morning despite the fact that I was solo queued and was streaming to prove that fact.
Sometimes people just assume a team is SWF because they can't accept the fact that they got outplayed (not saying that's 100% the case for you because I did not watch your matches, but just saying. Every team you think is a SWF isn't necessarily one)
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But hey.
you know...like...you're just bad man...even though survivors complain about boosted red ranks and bad match making constantly, also apparently chunks after chunks of survivors are sweaty SWF skill level despite all that, so you must just be ASSUMING they are SWF. What...they were oddly in sync, insanely altruistic, used stacking/synergizing team builds and items and all bought their best gear. Well, that's just called gitting gud as survivor man.
Clearly...YOU...are the bad player and blaming everything in swf.
/end sarcasm.
SWF have been a problem forever. They'll stay a problem. They break the game. Anyone who is solo and not a sweaty SWF themselves know it, even solo survivors got to suffer them and end up getting squeezed by killers grinded into insanely higher skill levels due to the horrible SWF plague but BHR refuse to touch them.
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solo survivor never do