Why is there a killer lock but survivors can still swap out whenever they want?

Nazia Member Posts: 37

In addition, will Behaviour ever do anything about that program that allows survivors to see the Steam name of the killer they're playing, what killer they're using and the Offering that's being used?

It seems like this is a clear case of bias. Why are killer players locked in but not survivors?


  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    If you main Oni, Hag and Doctor and reach rank1 with them when you decide to try Nurse instead of facing rank1 SWAT squads you are going to face tender Survivors so you dont get demolished in 5 minutes and you are not ok with it because you have to chose before you play?.

    Getting Killer locked is a trade off for having easier matches when playing Killers you are not familiar with and Im perfectly fine, I may try to learn Nurse once the MMR gets implemented and fixed (I wouldnt be surprised it works awful at first).

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Just imagine the game finds you a match based on you selecting Nurse (if you aren't that good with her) & you decide to swap to Freddy to ruin the day of a bunch of noobs. What's a survivor gonna do? Switch from Meg to Bill last second. Doesn't change how they play survivor, but it sure is one epic prank.

  • Nazia
    Nazia Member Posts: 37

    You don't seem to get it and have completely ignored my points:

    Survivors can quick-switch at the last possible second to counter what you have. A flashlight squad VS Hag isn't fun. With the new Matchmaking System, killers cannot dodge or are free to quick-switch to someone else who can deal with it.

    Also, completely ignoring my point that survivor players (especially at red ranks) like to use a program that shows them what killer and player they are facing. You don't think this is unfair at all?

    Why is it okay that survivors can quick-switch and use a 3rd party program with impunity but killers are now punished? Do you not recognize the hypocrisy?

  • Nazia
    Nazia Member Posts: 37

    Do you not recognize survivors can use specific perks/offerings/items to counter specific killers as I mentioned 3 times now?

    How is it like to ignore reality?

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Where are you seeing that they can see your loadout based on this? It sounds like your problem is with that program which is a seperate issue from matchmaking

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    Why would they forget, that without killers, there won't be any trials played - if they don't make it reasonable for people to play killer, guess what happens.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    There is no point in doing the 6 second swap if the killer locked....

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    The fact that survivors can not see the killer steam name or the killer , but the killer can see that of the survivor , makes the lobby portion of the game EXTREMELY killer sided , they either needed to hide survivor info from the killer or give the survivors the killers info the fact that either team can see the other during lobby or even during the game is very dumb , ALL names should remain hidden until the post game screen, it's honestly just silly how good a killers tracking ability is when a survivor has TTV in their name lol

  • dudeguy129
    dudeguy129 Member Posts: 48

    But if a a killer sees 2 or more med kits they can just switch to plague completely wasting all healing items and perks basically cool fun for killer , what is also cool if a survivor able to see " the shape " and all of them play an offering for mnt Ormond or red forest , instead of having to suffer through 10 minutes of scratch mirror at Gideon

    I could see if they made super useful perks that hard target a killer like calm spirit vs a clown if you want to use it

    But honestly until they remove how " generous" the hit box is on the survivor I think this change will is a good direction to making killers actually improve their skill instead of just being like I can M1 and whip my mouse and I'll hit anything or it's fine it he already touched the ground vaulting out the two story building the game will most likely give me the hit as long as I go for it lol

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    IMHO survivors should be "locked in" at the 20 second mark of the timer. (20 seconds remaining before the match starts)

    When "locked in" you can only change cosmetics, perks, offering, and addons for your item. You can't change survivor or item.

    This wouldn't feel too "limiting" for the survivors (After 40 seconds of the lobby being full you SHOULD have your build ready) but will eliminate people last-second-swapping from default Dwight to P3 Legacy Claudette with a key.

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    I GOT IT. Survivors can't switch out items and even their add ons are displayed... but killler add ons are thus displayed too. Fair and balanced, right?

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2020

    Sure there is! Want to dunk on the baby killerino with your 3 other SWF buddies but are afraid he's gonna throw on lightborn and Franklin's because he saw the key and flashlights? Or gasp bring the dreaded EBONY MOMENTO MORI because he saw everyone in P3 Legacy and made the correlation his match is indeed against a Survivor Team Six SWAT Team who are going to sweat their butts off?

    Just throw all your meta stuff on one survivor, and queue up in the lobby as default baby dwight. At six seconds, switch. Killer will have no preparation.

    THAT's the issue.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    but those things are not locked on the killer so its no big diff...

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282
    edited July 2020

    I get amazed when someone sees a flashlight was brought in, downs someone in the open, doesn't sweep the area or even attempt to looks towards a wall, then is shocked they were flashlighted.

    Also, the whole purpose of a flashlight is to blind the killer, I'm not sure how someone being blinded is some big uproar. And no, I am not talking about 4 man swf flashlight teams.

    Also, I'm not sure posting a vid of someone getting a 4k (or 4k equivalent) really helps your case.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    are you serously complaining about something that helps you?

    You do realize this is being implemented to make matches easier for you when you play killers you don't usually use?

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    At this point people will start complaining that survivors can do gens but they can't.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    This isn't about that, this is about survivors trying to misrepresent their loadouts in the lobby because they know the killer might use counter-play perks against them. Don't try to deflect.

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    So the alternative is not let anyone change out a load out, thus rendering franklin's the biggest what if perk imaginable? Make it so survivors can't change 30 secs in. Gives the killer plenty of time to adjust without rendering franklin's useless.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    I think I mentioned that in my post earlier. Sorry if I didn't.

    I do support a lock or something at like to 20 seconds left on the timer (so like 40 seconds after everyone has joined).

    All I just want is preventing people from last-second-switching. It irritates me, mainly because most people who six-second-swap tend to act super toxic in my experience, (As in they're going out of their way to try to make the killer's match as absolutely miserable as possible) and I've had a few keys smuggled in under my nose and the hatch escape was unexpected.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723
    edited July 2020

    They wont lock survivors because survivors don't have exclusive abilities like killers. Unfortunately this means that if I load into a match as the hag, and there are 3 or 4 flashlights, I either have to put on Franklin's, or deal with it.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Survivors should be locked at ~20 seconds so the killer got time to adjust his build if there are four flashlights out oft nowwhere. But the killer lock at matchmaking is fine.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    The second the developers negatively change anything Survivor related, they lose money. And that's not OK.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I'll trust me I'm not condoning the last seconds swaps is pretty much an awful thing and something that's likely to get you tunneled to death if you tried to do it to me .

    However I was just answering the question ar hand

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,937

    I love it how everything they make is "biased" immediately all of a sudden.

    All Killers play differently in some Way, so they need to make seperate Ratings for each Killer.

    The Difference in Survivors is just the Look and Moaning Sounds and maybe the Height.

    I agree, they need to do something about this Program, because whoever uses it, is just pathetic.

    I couldn't care less if a Survivor quick switches to a Flashlight because they are so easily counterable, even as Hag unless they have Object.

    But playing 1 Match of Hag every 2 Months like me and somehow I concidentally get Flashlight Users with Object can't really be random.

    Quick Switching is rare anyways and most of the Time only 1 or 2 People do it. Maybe I don't even see it because I check messages or watch Streams during waiting.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Survivors can, and will switch in last 6 seconds so killers do not have time to change perks, for example Lightborn.

  • Leyoyo
    Leyoyo Member Posts: 105

    I hope they will lock survivors too , no one will complain that way

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    they're doing individual killer MMR which is good and which people requested - and which would obviously require a killer lock - and people are treating it like an arbitrary nerf because the devs have a burning hatred for killers 🤔

  • DBD_Noobinoob
    DBD_Noobinoob Member Posts: 89
    edited July 2020

    What exactly does this program?! Does it work on every platform or only PC? I assume (hope) it doesn't work for console players?! That sounds terrible, why doesn't BHVR do sth about it???

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    You know Survivors dont even know what Killer they are facing, right?.

    But thats your issue as Killer for believeing one Dwight with base cosmetics is going to be a random newcomer who doesnt even know how to fix a gen, he can be a newcomer or most hardened veteran in existence. Its your fault for missjudging someone only because the cosmetics he is using. If he changes at the last moment you can still burn a Mori with your selected Killer, the lock affects the Killer not offerings, perks or addons.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    This whole thing in practice is stupid lol wait until you see trutalent wrecking r20s bc "new killer" lol. Unless you're learning nurse, most killers dont need to be set way back to r20 to learn a new killer. You still know how to run tiles, manage map pressure, mind game...while the r20 survivors will know nothing at all. This is one of the dumbest things the dev's have done.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    I guess you're both ignorant on the long list of surv nerfs. Ffs read patch notes, play spirit. Yall have no idea what you're saying.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    the reason the video was posted was NOT for the 4K equivalent, but to show what the last second switch looks like and now that currently you can still tell what killer is there and with the impending stated change that killers will no longer be able to switch once they click ready to start searching for a match this is broken to let survivors continue to do this!. I do not support anything that does not equally affect killer and survivor here. if killers are locked in before going into the lobby, how about this: lobbies are not formed till there are 4 survivors AND one killer, and then all 4 are immediately put into connecting to the match and blamo problem solved, doesn't matter if they know it's a doc anymore they can't do anything about it! YES! problem solved, and no more toxic switching you will either be ready when you click go or you will go in not ready and you have to play with what you have. I think that is fair to everyone, and it keeps the aspect of this new MMR system alive and even makes it more challenging.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    This is why I suggested having a delayed lock-in for survivors. They would be locked into whoever they are playing shortly after a full lobby is gathered, but still have a brief window where they can change their character (basically changing their "skin" and what's available to it). This would still leave the killer with at least 45 seconds to adjust their loadout in reaction to what they see of the survivor team. Because survivors would be locked in 15 seconds after the 60-second match countdown begins, the 6-second swap would no longer exist.

    That 3rd-party program is something that the devs will have to find a way to resolve, because it is essentially cheating. I never said it was fair, and it is incredibly rude of you to claim that I stated things which I clearly did not. Flashlights are a popular item regardless, and there are perks available which help disrupt their use along with other items (Franklin's Demise is being buffed, plus Overwhelming Presence exists too).

    I have not ignored what you said, but rather suggested an alternate way for survivors in matchmaking to be treated. Because for the majority of players, the survivors ARE NOT different from one another. Instead, you have clearly dismissed everything I had said because it didn't line up with your opinion.

    If you are concerned with the upcoming change, then what you rather have them do? Allow killers to not be "locked-in" within a lobby? Or have survivors arbitrarily be forced into the exact same lock-in mechanic (when a modified version of it would arguably be better for their role)?

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    Well for the sake of equality I guess survivors should be able to see the killer since he can see the survivors and their items. Yay equality.

    P.s. the entire point of this game is assymetrical gameplay.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    yes it is. fine then we should see your add ons, the specific gear and know exactly what perks you are running. look, the game hides the killer to make it suspenseful and make the survivors plan according to that, and the killer all they see is a tool box, but they can't tell is it an alex's box or a commodious? what version of med kit is it? killers have to really look to see a key in hand and steve even hides the key really well 95% of the time. so stop whining, you're getting a benefit in this and all the killers want is that the game is maintained the way it is. I used "EQUALITY" as tongue in cheek humor. it's wrong to prevent someone from adapting to the situation and let others adapt and counter it. This will only drive people away!

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    This matchmaking helps killers. And quit whining? That's literally the point I'm making. Lol

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    lol yea you want it so the killer is locked in and you can use external programs to know who you are facing and alter your play style. that is by the dev's OWN words CHEATING. I am making the point that if everyone was locked into their builds from the minute they readied up and thrown into a match without an interceding lobby, 1) the killer would not see what you are using, 2) you could not alter what you are using depending on the killer.

    This is NOT just a thing for killers to get better matches, it is a thing for BOTH sides to get better matches. I guess you're blinded by your own bias that you can't see that my way makes your complaints null and void.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Well first off, you can hide an item you're bringing with a last second switch. Put a key on Claudette, switch and load up in lobby as Bill with no item, switch to claudette at the end and she has the key entering the match. It's a tactic survivors have used before and can continue to use.

    To add to it, there's honestly a, minor, difference in gameplay between survivors. For example, Claudette is harder to see and has dark colors, Cheryl is easier to see and by default has bright colors, Bill makes more noise and is easier to hear, Ace makes less noise and is harder to hear, etc. It's not a huge difference except for some people who may have poor eyesight or hearing where it could affect them quite a bit. There's a reason why people talk about "Blendette" a lot.

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    This should nto even exist to be honest. You should now be allowed to switch killers to counter what you see in the lobby. That ruins an aspect of the game. That's like survivors being able to see killers and if they bring moris. Survivors could all switch off their medkids if they see a Plague or legion, etc. It's good that BHVR is getting rid of this aspect of the game, so as to make a more fair and balanced queue overall.