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General Discussions

Making Fire Up Viable

Member Posts: 2,055
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Make the fire up stack % count to move speed as well. Or make it only count to move speed, and take away the rest of the benefits.

Dunno about everyone else, but I would take it even if it was just the move speed increase.

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  • Member Posts: 2,055

    Yes, that's clearly why everyone uses it, and totally not on gimmick builds.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited July 2020

    4% increase total though. 1% for each gen, up to stackable 4%

    Unless I a completely reading it wrong. The killer should be 115% - 119% and 110% to 114%, but this is how I am thinking about it. Which is good late game sure, but pretty much useless early.

    If I am reading it wrong, my b in that case.

  • Member Posts: 720

    You can stack it with brutal or bamboozle for the memes, but at that point you may as well just use both separately and have the power straight off the bat.

    3 stacks means 2 gens left, or potentially less than 80 seconds until the game is done. It's not going to help you much there, and bamboozle's primary power is blocking a god window or the window at jungle gyms / shack / cow tree / etc; not really vaulting it faster.

    I don't see how gaining a 1% movespeed increase per token would be OP; considering NOED gives you both a 1 shot and 4% and realistically won't ever be found anyways.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Lol it seems "viable" is the word of the year, folks.

    Fire Up is a very cool perk as it is. You have to have strategies and tile outplays in mind when you put it on. Use it on Doc and never be outplayed at Shack again; you're welcome.

    Fire Up is the fun version of Bamboozle with added action buffs.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited July 2020

    Viable simply means capable of working successfully.

    While technically, you can apply this to most matches, at the highest rank of play, it is not "capable of working successfully" in most cases. It is out classed by other perks that are viable or "capable of working successfully".

    It works in gimmicks and in low ranks the best because that is where once tricks shine, but the higher up you get, the less of a success rate you will have. And at peak performance by both sides, it's not even worth considering, for pretty simple reasons.

    I am not sure if my idea for a buff is even all that great, or maybe it is OP as so many people believe. But how will you know without testing it out?

    Answer, you really can't. You can theorize all you wan't, but until there is solid evidence, you cannot conclude, simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited July 2020

    Anything to shake up this crappy meta TBH, it's so stagnant.

    Nerf the gen perks to hell for all I care, move speed meta let's go!

  • Member Posts: 587

    3/3.5/4% to 4/4.5/5%

    Every 2 tokens you get +1% movement speed.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    @Swiftblade131 yeah I know what it means. Not every perk needs to be "viable" in your example of gameplay since not every perk needs to allow for full out sweat mode. And Fire Up works perfectly for what it does. So what that the intended tile outplay may not work repeatedly against the same players in the same match, it works for what it's put on for plus it buffs pick up speed making it easier to manage hooking and reapplying pressure.

    Your idea is to make a killer gain 3%/3.5%/4% to movement speed after each gen is repaired...yeah, that is a busted and lazy perk. "You're losing, so here, have some free speed to regain pressure in every aspect of the match." Nah thanks, you don't need to test that one out to know if it's busted. It clearly already is in theory.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    Just reverse it. You start with 5 stacks and they decrease per gen done. You get a big boost at the beginning to stop chases sooner and pressure gens but once you start slacking, you lose power.

  • Member Posts: 3,666
  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Fire Up still sees a lot of use as it works well in certain builds. There are plenty of other perks that could use a buff more than it.

  • Member Posts: 468
    edited July 2020

    Double the current benefit and give .75% movement speed per token. If they are worried about stacking perks like Bamboozle or Brutal Strength just make it not stack with an other perks, while also boosting it slightly more by including missed weapon cooldown.

    8%/16%/24%/32%/40% off all actions except hit weapon cooldown, and .75%/1.5%/2.25%/3%/3.75% movement speed.

  • Member Posts: 720

    If there's only 2 survivors left, and 2 gens are left; the game is won. No matter what the killer can get a 3k, unless they are just absolutely potato or there is a key. It really doesn't matter if you can save .2 seconds off a pallet break at that point. Or .1 seconds picking someone up.

    I don't see how getting a 5% movespeed increase by endgame is OP. You can get it at 5 gens left with 1 stack using nemesis + PWYF.

    Stacking PWYF, Nemesis, Fire up, and NOED means you have literally no regression or tracking perks at all; and will more than likely be playing 4-5 minute games. I don't think it would matter if you were flying around by the endgame because that means there's probably 30 seconds left in the match, and you get your one free NOED kill and that's it.

    Killers like wraith/billy can already get to 150% movespeed+ with a NOED one shot. I don't see people ever crying about it on the forums though?

  • Member Posts: 156

    I'd say add hooks to the condition, but then remove the hook bonus if a survivor dies to discourage tunneling. So first hook is +4% speed, second hook is +8%, death hook is back to +0%.

    So at 5 gens done, you'd have +20% to Fire Up actions. At 5 gens with all 4 survivors on death hook, you'd have +52% speed, which is crazy, but it requires you to be in the very weak position of having the gates powered with 4 living survivors, plus it pretty much required you to play nice the whole match.

  • Member Posts: 2,416
  • Member Posts: 2,416

    I think it needs a rework to be honest. The idea of getting stronger whilst the game progresses could be great, but the execution just isn't there.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    @DudeDelicious of course I notice those small speed up is impactful. I do have speed up build (Unrelenting, Brutal strength, SBFL, Enduring)

    Though 15% speed buff on those little thing is too late when 5 Gen is done.

    My idea is keep the stack number the same, but give Killers another 2% for 1min after each Gen done. It will work like this:

    1Gen done: 5% buff for 2min, then goes back to 3%.

    If suddenly 2-3Gen done: it will stack up to 3+5+5 = 13% buff , then goes back to 9% after 2min.

    So last Gen done: Killer has 17% buff for 2min then goes back to 15%

    Those little 2% actives for 10min will help Killer alot in mid game.

  • Member Posts: 720

    "I'm running an anti-heal build, i'm thinking outside the box"

    I don't think it proves anything. You can go into rank 1 matches perkless and still do fine depending on the map and how boosted the survivors are. There's only a handful of killer perks that are super impactful. BBQ, Spirit fury, NOED, and maybe devour hope? All of which can be realistically countered (except maybe NOED)?

    Everything else is honestly pretty minimal effect unless it's like pop on freddy / IF on oni/billy/nurse etc. Fire up is absolutely terrible, even once you get to 5 stacks. I get brutal strength once the game is basically lost and i've probably had to kick all the good pallets already. Definitely worth a perk slot.

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