How do you react when your hit by noed?

Part 2 yesterday i did reactions to bloodwarden and this was another mentioned perk so i thought id do it as well. You've done totems and gens (or so you think you've hit all the totems) the killers smacks you once and your instantly down with noed on the side of your screen. How do you respond?
OH #########
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I get mad, but then I remember i didn't do bones.
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Typically I fall on the ground.
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i go "sigh"
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I get a flashback of that totem I passed and didn't cleanse and a single tear trickles down my cheek.
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The first time this happened to me I was like "What on earth is going on? Why can't I leave? Why is the gate block? Is this a bug?" Oh wait - that's Blood warden. Meh I still react the same way to NOED which is:
Cause we are all going to die anyway so why not have some fun before hand.
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"another baby killer who needs noed to win"
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Depends on the killer honestly.
If it's Trapper, Wraith, Freddy, Myers "Sigh, I should've saw that coming"
If it's Bubba, Nurse, Spirit, and especially Billy and Huntress??? I just laugh and call them scrubs for needing that handicap with they already have an instadown OR a strong ass power
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Either get hooked and die or run to the exit gate and leave. Both options require my heart rate going up and smashing my fist off my leg will jumping up and down like an idiot. It's fun!
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This is the reaction everyone should have. It's a game so have fun. Just pallet drop and tea bag everywhere
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Open a thread to whine about it being op
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I’m not surprised one bit. I just roll my eyes.
Have the most points, do the most bones, do the most work, get hit with NOED and die on 1st hook because the other survivors didnt do any totems and are too afraid to come back due to NOED.
Worst part is they just stand there at the gates. Either leave or look for the totem ffs. Just standing there does nothing.
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Usually laugh it off as it seems to happen every other game. Also sigh at my team for not doing totems and just rushing gens since I do every totem I see, but it never matters in the end.
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I usually call it a Second before I get hit.
When I am downed: "Called it."
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I'm lying there on the ground thinking that when I play killer and rarely use noed, survivors ALWAYS do all the bones, but when I play survivor I have to deal with this ######### alone or face the consequences 😅
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I wait until post game to chastise fellow Survivors for not doing bones like I suggested in pre-game chat. :P
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"Of course. Let's just hope my teammates aren't altruistic."
Pretty much what goes through my head. It doesn't even shock me. I really, honestly just hope my teammates don't actually come to save me and give the killer positive behavioural reinforcement.
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"Please. 99 the gates. Cleanse the totem. And SAAAAAAAAVE MEEEEEE." they hop it through the exit gates...
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depends on if i've been doing bones or not... if I have "oh crap no one else was doing bones we're boned!" if I haven't "Welp we're boned, no one did bones!"
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I say feelsbadman
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"Knew it."
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When I get hit by it: "AAAAAH NOED!!!"
When someone else gets hit: "F in chat. Your sacrifice will not be in vain"
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I have two reaction depending on how the killer was playing.
If they've been playing like crap, "Yeah, that makes sense."
If they've been playing well, "Wow, that's surprising."
NoED doesn't really bother me at all. Other survivors who play stupidly when they know NoED is active do though.
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Yup LOL.
I don't teabag as I know some people are sensitive to it but I can see why people do it.
At least we don't need to go for heart exams. Free exams right there!
Yup, I so agree - it's hilarious if you allow it to be.
There are track marks everywhere and it makes such a fun mess!
I do the same thing is someone is wearing something that makes me the object. (I never wear anything that make me the obsession.)
Why hide? Run around all over the place - jump on a gen - do a bit - run again - do a bit - go save a teammate and keep moving. (Just stay away from other teammates so you don't take them down with you.) :-D
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I blame detective's for not working, on the very rare moments killer gets use of Noed in my games 😁
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My first reaction is "dammit, guess i was the only one cleansing"
Followed closely with "Find it! and come save my ass".
If it's a teammate hit by it its usually "guess i didn't get all the bones... where is it? I need to find it"
Unless i know 100% that teammate is on death hook and on the other side of the map then the reaction is "crap noed.. oh well sucks to be that guy"
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Usually I guess based off how well the killer is playing
purple rank killers have noed equipped the most
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I don't get hit by noed.
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I don't feel I've been outplayed, that's for sure. If I did 2+ totems I feel annoyed. If I did 3 or 4 I'm pretty frustrated, especially when I made it a point to search the entire map looking for them all.
I swear sometimes totems don't spawn or are invisible.
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My friend (when she rarely plays) and I run Detective's Hunch. I don't really see a lot of NOED in my games, whether I'm solo or not.
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I once again find myself wondering why I was not informed of the Exposed status effect before the hit, since that is how status effects are supposed to work.
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I usually don't expect NOED since we are a 2-3 squad SWF and we take off all the totems, sharing the information about how many totems has been deleted so far in the game. Since we have a bit of experience in the game (not much, but i've 500h, one of my friends has 1.2k hours and my other friend has 200h) we know "more or less" where totems usually spawn so we've a slighly possible locations to search off before doing any gen.
Risky? Yeah it is. While searching totems we got chased, hooked and probably most of the time killed but hey. This game is about having some fun, we like to take off totems before doing gens so...
A healthy gamestyle.
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Mild annoyance, but it is what is is.
I prefer the complete "oh #########" moment when blood warden happens compared to noed, but it's all good either way. They're just perks.
I only consider a couple of perks truly poorly designed and NOED is not one of those. Though it wouldn't hurt to have a totem counter or at least some sort of sound effect when a totem is cleansed because it's impossible to know if all totems have been cleansed as a solo player.
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I just go eh. Because its so common nowa days
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"And there it is... Another no skill player that relies on busted game mechanics to win."
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Oh cool... another noed
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I have a very good chunk of games where I cleanse at least three totems, and its not uncommon for me to cleanse four or even all five. I'm attracted to totems like a moth to a flame, so it's not surprising. So when I do get hit, its usually frustration since its probably the the last totem left standing and there is a good chance I, or my teammates, spent twenty minutes looking for it.
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If its a killer who has built in insta down ability in their power like Billy, Myers, Oni etc then I just roll my eyes.
Anyone else its not a surprise. I'd say Noed is probably one of the top three most used killer perks.
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I just sigh loudly while thinking how garbage and pathetic they are to need some free handout hooks and kills, often times with me dying to NOED on first hook. I feel I am allowed to think this way since I consider myself a killer main that never uses NOED and it should only be used against SWF shenanigans.
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I dont react, I expect it every time. Im prepared to get hit by it.
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If I was unable to guess all the killer perks I just assume it's there and hope the other survivors also broke the totems as they found them. I typically break 2-3 a game myself.
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"Called it."
cause you know, killers that run noed are very obvious about it. By obvious I mean they are not that great for the rank they were in and seem to not run the match like someone whos racing against the clock.
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Usually what happens is I either go "well shoulda done bones" or I just sigh cause I was trying to get the last like 2 totems and my teammates pop the last 2 gens.
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“Oh, well he was pretty bad, so I’m not surprised”
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It doesn't happen...I do the bones....I do them all day....🎉🎆
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If I'm running Soul Guard, I'm thrilled especially if they're slugging. Sometimes I'm just happy that the match is getting interesting after a very boring experience. The only thing that sucks is when that one Urban evading spine chill potato that has been hiding the entire game bolts for the exit gate opens it and runs out.