Why is not James the survivor of silent hill chapter?

Upfront, I'm not that familiar with the silent hill franchise. I'm just interested into it.

As far as I know Pyramidhead is the manifestation of James mind and I'm confused why he wasn't included in the chapter.

Can someone explain pls?


  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Well because from what I've gathered this Pyramid head is a manifestation of Cherylls mind and she feels guilt after the events of SH 3

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Because James is the Killer.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409
  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    Imma have to stop you right there, you mixed up 2 characters, James IS NOT Pyramid Head, PH is just a manifestation of James desires and guilt, that's all, the character that BECOMES a Pyramid Head is Alex in (if I remember) Downpour, stop mixing the characters please.^^

  • Daniel1313filho
    Daniel1313filho Member Posts: 30

    Would makes Sense since pyramid head doesn't have a connection with cheryl and pyramid head was designed only to SH 2 but they ignored this and started milking him on other silent Hill games

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Because the devs wanted to include a bit of every game of the "trilogy"

    Midwich - Silent Hill 1

    Pyramid Head - Silent Hill 2

    Cheryl - Silent Hill 3

  • Daniel1313filho
    Daniel1313filho Member Posts: 30

    He isn't PH is a manifestation of the guilt that James Felt and the Desire of being punished for thar

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    It wouldn't make much sense to have a murderer as a survivor.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    PH isn't a manifestation of James' mind; PH is manifested by the cult's God to punish James. he existed before James. even in SH2, we see an old picture of an executioner wearing PH's clothes in the historical society, and it's established that PH does appear at other times when the God wants to punish others. we see this happen directly in SH Homecoming for example. Now, a lot of fans want to simply disregard that game because they didnt like it, but that's not how canon works.

    As for James, it's established in SH4 that he went to Silent Hill and disappeared. He likely never left the God's torture dimension, one way or another.

    Plot wise, Cheryl (Heather) was chosen by the Entity for unknown reasons, though it makes sense that the God let the Entity take her to punish her, because if you finish SH3, you can guess why the God would love for Cheryl to be punished. Note that DbD's description mentions that "a deal was made" when the Entity took PH. maybe the deal is that it must also punish Cheryl?

    As a practical matter, the devs wanted the SH chapter to represent the first 3 games in the series, so the took Midwich from SH1, Pyramid Head from SH2, and Cheryl from SH3.

    anyway, CHeryl is the only one from those games to have "survived" the series.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Alex is from Homecoming. And technically, he only becomes a Pyramid Head in one of the endings. I liked the concept, but I don't think they did a very good job of the execution. 😏

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    My go-to answer for topics like this is usually "licencing issues", but that may not be 100% accurate.

    There is also a massive plot hole around Pyramid Head's existence in the Silent Hill universe that everyone seems to be overlooking: He is JAMES' personal torturer, and something that only he can see. Cheryl should not be able to see him, nor anyone in the other appearances of PH in other SH instalments.

    It's like how only I can see the faceless being in the room with me that gives me crazy ideas for story writing or tells me to write some of my threads, and nobody else can. But I also only see him after a bout of heavy drinking, so that might have something to do with it.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Like to jump in that its heavily implied that Ph has existed in SH lore for a long long time prior to 2. But the one we see in sh2 is specifically for James.

    Who knows which PH we have in dbd.

  • NoFace
    NoFace Member Posts: 151

    Guys they just wanted to do a homage to the Silent Hill games. They chose the map, the killer, and the survivor to represent that.

    Midwitch from Sh1

    Pyramid Head from Sh2

    Cheryl from Sh3

    I've said it before and even @Todgeweiht said it in this thread. Is it that hard to understand?

  • TheMikeOTR
    TheMikeOTR Member Posts: 63

    This whole DLC is meant to be a celebration of the first three Silent Hill. so the map is from Silent Hill 1, the survivor from Silent Hill 3 and the killer from Silent Hill 2

  • GeminiCrow
    GeminiCrow Member Posts: 55

    I think a better way to interpret this is:

    James' guilt caused Silent Hill to manifest Pyramid Head, as it does as a Genius Loci.

    When Silent Hill was done with James, he ended his life. He's gone. Pyramid Head may have been "killed" in SH2, but (maybe a conservation of energy type sitch) but not "gone". In the other games, we get other Pyramid Head types that might just be PH reassembled to the Big Bad that fits the story the town tries to tell us/them.

    Since PH was manifested as a result of James' attention he gave the art of Silent Hill on his vacation. This is the base form of PH.

    In addition, I think the Corrupted outfit for PH is how we might see him in The Entity's world, tortured into protecting this realm over his originals.

    Since Alessa/Cheryl is partly a foundation for Silent Hill's strength and power, and the middle school is strongly attached to her story, it makes sense that it would appear.

    Realistically, they wanted elements from the first 3 games, since they're mostly considered the best ones in the frachise.

  • Demonknight523
    Demonknight523 Member Posts: 1

    I've been a huge SH fan since the inception of the franchise, and I just wanted to drop in my opinion because I was so excited about this expansion into DBD. The most logical explanation seems to be the one about the map (SH1), the Killer (SH2), and Survivor (SH3). But here's something else to consider:

    PH is an oft debated monster in the franchise who does show up in multiple games (as well as the movies, despite how much panning they get). Though he does appear first in SH2 chronologically, he has a sort of "early release" in SH: Origins as a monster known as The Butcher. Before any other purists get on me I know they are not the same monster, but there are many allusions to the fact that they serve the same purpose, and SH: Origins deals entirely with Cheryl/Heather/Alessa's creation.

    Just a die-hard fan's thoughts.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    This type of questions are the reason why cant sleep

  • monster89
    monster89 Member Posts: 147

    Also Let's be honest. Most SH fans would prefer Cheryl over James. Cheryl is much more bad ass, and ass kicking fearless character in her game than James was in his. James is very soft spoken, niave and more of a bore. Less personality than Cheryl.