Possible Mori Balance (crossposted to suggestions & feedback)

Moris: You can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em. We love to watch our favorite killer inflict some gory punishment on those darn toxic survivors. But let's be honest: moris just aren't fair. So, here's my suggestion to try and balance those bad boys:

  1. Cypress Mori: Leave as is. I think this one is about right.
  2. Ivory Mori: "Allows the killer to mori survivors who have been hooked twice." This would make it similar to Pyramid Head's Final Judgement. It's strong, but not TOO strong.
  3. Ebony Mori: "Grants the ability to kill one survivor who has been hooked by your hand during the next trial." This is the old Ivory mori. In my opinion, taking a survivor out of the match early enough is pretty darn strong, and should be an iridescent offering.

What do you all think? Are moris too strong? Are they over hyped? Should my Ivory and Ebony ideas be swapped? Just some ideas for ya. :)


  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    I think adding the twice hooked would make it more balanced. would you not put any hook requirements for the last survivor for the cypress? people are going to complain about moving the ebony but your logic is good.

  • frysauce01
    frysauce01 Member Posts: 30

    I think that the cypress is in a pretty good spot right now. Usually people don't bring them because they're so weak, and to make it weaker would probably be a bit too much I think. Now if only someone could find a good way to nerf keys! XD

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Adding the hooked twice(aka on death hook) makes mories useless.

    Also even with the death hook condition cypress mori(Aka the useless one) inherently has sense the last survivor is auto death hook.

  • frysauce01
    frysauce01 Member Posts: 30

    Yeah... the point is to nerf them really hard, but still keep our cool death animations. :)

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Moris are supposed to be kills without sacrifices. A cool thing that gives you different points but makes the entity displeased for burning that offering. I don't think they were intended to give you that big of an edge before the first gen has even been completed.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    The Ebony mori was made to be a power-trip offering.

    In the past the Ebony mori COULD KILL YOU WITHOUT HOOKING YOU FIRST.

    The Ebony mori was made so killers could feel powerful not for the kill animation the only mori whose conditions haven't changed is the cypress because it has always been solely a "Glory Kill" offering.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    A good change to Ebony would be that you have to hook every remaining survivor once then you can kill them all by your hand. I say remaining because of DC's and stuff. Ivory being a cool animation with no real advantage completely takes away its purpose.

  • frysauce01
    frysauce01 Member Posts: 30

    I mean... it's no fun for survivors. It's the same if they bring a key. It just ends the game too early.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    The current feeling of a mori would be like if all four survivors could escape via hatch after one generator is completed.

    It's not fun to go against, even in the best of situations. I've only ever escaped once in a mori offering. Maybe I'm just a terrible player, but I know I'm not the only one who doesn't like the current state of moris, which feel like they hurt the game more than they help. They're a near-guaranteed depip. Almost every game is sub 10k points for everyone. It's not a good experience.

    I've always thought moris should be built-in, but only allowed on either the obsession on final hook or the last survivor on final hook.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    If they have to be hooked twice for the ivory, it may as well not exist, or count as a full on sacrifice, points wise.

    A better idea would be to make it so you can only use a mori after everyone has already been hooked once. Not one at a time, literally, unless you hook all 4 survivors at least once, you can't use it.

  • Vola124
    Vola124 Member Posts: 9

    I think getting Moried should give survivors a substantial blood point bonus. Your game is being cut short by something completely out of your control, so compensation for potential missed blood points makes sense to me. This obviously wouldn't include devour hope since there's actual counter play.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    We could make it similar to keys in that keys only require survivors to do half the objectives to get out. I feel like the most common key hatch escapes are 2 people escaping which is about 3 gens done. 5 gens done + 1 exit gate so it's pretty close to half the objectives.

    Ideally, a killer should hook survivors 12 times. Therefore, if a killer gets 6 hooks they can start to mori survivors who have been hooked at least once. It's to be fair for survivors who have not been downed/hooked yet.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Everyone always makes the same stupid suggestion requiring 2 hooks to mori. If you do that, bringing a mori not only becomes pointless, but is actually a bad thing. Most mori animations are longer than hooking someone, on top of that you miss out on using perks like BBQ/Pop etc from using it. The only reason it works on PH, is because he has an entire power built around it.

    Fixing moris and keys is simple really.

    To fix keys:

    • Make it so keys can no longer be found in a trial, they must be brought in.
    • If a survivor is sacrificed while holding a key, that key is removed from the trial.
    • A key now only allows 1 survivor to go through the hatch before the hatch immediately closes.
    • Once a key has been used, the hatch cannot be opened for 60 seconds

    To fix moris:

    • Yellow mori is removed and becomes basekit (its fun, and has no real bearing on gameplay, since the last survivor is dead anyway barring the extremely rare circumstances of them having a DS or something right at the exit gate.)
    • Green mori and Ebony mori now work off of a token system. Every time the killer gets a hook, the killer gains 1 token. Every time a generator is completed, the killer loses a token. Once the killer has received 3 tokens, they are able to mori a survivor.
    • Green/Ebony mori make it so a survivor can no longer be moried within 60 seconds of being unhooked
    • Green mori allows for 1 mori in a match.
    • Ebony mori allows you to do 2.

    This fixes keys by making it so you don't lose a game due to a survivor RNGing a key out of thin air. It also gives keys counterplay, becuase they can be removed from the match permanently. it also means that a killer can prepare and plan for a key. Keys also no longer become a free win for the whole team just because 1 person has a key. If multiple people have a key, the killer now has time to hunt them down before the hatch can be opened again.

    This fixes moris by giving them counterplay. A survivor team can actively take away tokens from a killer to prevent them from getting moried by doing gens. It also prevents a killer from tunneling someone off the hook due to the 60 second rule. Also, 3 tokens, is the same number of hooks as someone being killed in a match, this means it doesn't accelerator the game too far into the killer's favor unless they actively sought to hook 3 different survivors.

  • caryingwolf
    caryingwolf Member Posts: 14

    What about ebony kill first survivor after one hook 2nd 3rd after 2 hooks and the third after downed if no other survivors

  • caryingwolf
    caryingwolf Member Posts: 14

    Just a thought

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    I actually really like these ideas, the current ebony mori is just ridiculous...

  • caryingwolf
    caryingwolf Member Posts: 14

    Yeah I never use it and when I do I try to wait until after 2nd hook or it just feels like the game goes so fast its not fun