What Niche License Would You Want?
I see tons of speculation for the bigger licences (IT, F13, FNAF, Candy Man,etc.), I thought it'd be nice to talk about the little guys for a change. I went way overboard with the options.
What Niche License Would You Want? 64 votes
Slender Chapter
I want a good deal of these.
I love Slenderman and all the mystery behind him, plus he's had an arguably large impact on the horror genre
SCP has so much opportunity and uniqueness it could bring to the table
Sirenhead is just really cool, and would be scary as hell to see run at you (and Trevor at one point said it'd be cool to have in game)
and you gotta love Sidney from scream (although I don't see that as a niche licence)
and as an extra for the other option I kinda want Baldi (fight me), and yes I know he isn't the most scary looking or feeling but his scariness from his game comes from building pressure and stress, so his power could be based on that.
so basically I want a whole lot of licences that start with S and a teacher with an unhealthy obsession for math.
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SCP Chapter
I would love to have SCP 106 or SCP 96 as killers.
The problem with an SCP chapter would be that the SCP "franchise" is under creative commons liscense, so BHVR cant make any money out of it.
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Supernatural Paragraph
I’m a broken record at this point. But hell, I’ll keep on hoping for Supernatural DLC to happen.
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Classic Monster Chapter
Werewolf when?
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Other (Please Specify)
The dark tower series or the stand. Randall Flagg, Mordred Deschain, or the crimson king as killer.
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Other (Please Specify)
Where is the candyman option?
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SCP Chapter
Candy man is one of the most speculated licences right now, he is not a niche want.
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Other (Please Specify)
Or maybe he is no niche anymore🧐
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Other (Please Specify)
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Supernatural Paragraph
I was torn between Supernatural and anything Ghost Face related.
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SCP Chapter
Hes not, thats why I didn't put him in.
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Other (Please Specify)
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Other (Please Specify)
Bioshock Chapter:
Big Daddy as killer, Elizabeth and/or Booker DeWitt as survivors
EDIT: Bubbabrotha pointed out Jack as a better option for survivor to keep chapter within Bioshock
Post edited by HarHen on3 -
Plankton as killer, SpongeBob/ Patrick as survivor.
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Other (Please Specify)
I would like to see a Fnaf Chapter. I think Springtrap would be awesome to play against! Like, imagine if you just heard metallic footsteps coming closer and closer. I would love it!
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Other (Please Specify)
Matt Cordell from Maniac Cop
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Other (Please Specify)
I'm also waiting for that
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Classic Monster Chapter
I'd love to see an original werewolf Killer. Oni is the only Killer we have with a sort of "transformation" ability (unless you wanna count count Plague's Corrupt Purge) and I'd love to see something similar. Preferably a female Killer, as we're still lacking in that area.
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I want chapters that fit within the universe. This means IP's that are for 18+. I do not want slenderman, FNAF or supernatural because it broadens the base demographic of the game to include individuals who have no business playing this game. I also don't want every schmuck whos been made into a tv show or movie. The chapter should reflect the prestige of previous chapters like it's a hall of fame.
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SCP Chapter
Yes yes we get it. You dislike other peoples opinion and use objectively incorrect arguments like claiming all they are is kids media to justify it.
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There is no question that it is kids media. This is a 17+ or 18+ game (depending where you live), it should not be catering to people younger than that.
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SCP Chapter
Really? Do they Really? Does this cater to children? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNadDPoOavk (Skip to 2:35 for it)
How about this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE06XyFprpU (Skip to 1:20)
Or maybe this? "Her options were Starving, Freezing, Impalement, Electrocution, Boiling alive, or Decapitation" (This happens to a middle school student)
No your definitely right, they wouldn't fit in DBD at all. Stranger Things is so much scarier and gorier.
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I question if you're old enough to belong on these forums.... I watched your video, it was pathetic and embarrassing. If you are an 'actor' from this youtube channel I'm sorry but you don't belong here. Unless you're the goatee guy, he looks over 18.
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Other (Please Specify)
I'd honestly, honestly love for a roleswap thing for killers and survivors. granted that'd give us how many new killer/surv at once?
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SCP Chapter
What you think of the acting is irrelevant. I think its poor but thats not the point. You said it was kid friendly, is cutting open a trash bag filled with your family members considered family friendly? If so I honestly wonder what you deem adult. Also, what about both of the other examples? And what makes something like Stranger Things so much worse?
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Cutting open a trash bag filled with body parts and the killer mutilating people on screen is a lot different than cutting open a trash bag filled with what appears to be delicious kool-aid. If you can't distinguish between the two we aren't going to get anywhere. I do not like Stranger Things in this game and I was against it. The problem with these developers is they see the $$$ in broadening the playerbase with things that do not belong here. So don't fret, you'll likely get your FNAF, slenderman and whatever childish nonsense that sells nowadays to a bunch of kids who know very little about real horror.
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SCP Chapter
So your using arguments you know the game has disproven in order to put down opinions of other people? And I can find more examples if you want, that was just the first one I found when I searched. You still haven't commented on the other examples you know, why is that?
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I'm using arguments the game has disproved....I don't know what you mean by that. Please elaborate. I haven't commented on the other examples...no offense but your other examples do not carry any more merit than the other I did comment on. How old are you?
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SCP Chapter
Your trying to discredit these licences viability and ability to fit when you actively acknowledge Stranger Things as something that doesn't fit. Also, have you watched the video and read the transcripts? Because I see that knife being pulled out the body to be pretty adult, I also consider giving a child a multitude of ways in which they will choose to die to be pretty adult. I ask once again, what does NOEM have that Supernatural doesn't? And I'm 22, since you seem so hung up about it.
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Discrediting the licenses for being something that doesn't belong here while also discrediting something else that IS here that DOESN'T belong here is in no way a flawed argument. The entire reason why I didn't want Stranger Things on this game is because it opens the floodgates to people such as yourself who want things that are straying more and more away from the Horror genre.
I bought this game because it was supposed to be serious horror 17+ videogame, what I'm left with is arguing with children on the forums. 22?
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SCP Chapter
Funny, Stranger Things is one of if not the most successful chapter in the game last I checked. Why is that so? If these other chapters are so much better and scarier. And you have still yet to answer, what gives something like NOEM that seal of approval you have? What does it have that Stranger Things doesn't? Maybe it's your unrealistic expectations for what is considered adult horror that doesn't fit, not the licences. And the only childish thing I see here is claiming anyone who disagrees with you is a child.
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Dude, I'm done arguing with you. Your points are all completely ridiculous. Popularity doesn't make something 'better'. If Taylor Swift sell's more albums than Led Zepplin this year does that make her music better? If Michael Bay makes more money off of his films than Hitchcock's estate does that mean his films are superior? Your argument is exactly why Stranger Things, FNAF, Slenderman etc have zero place in this franchise. I don't know what the ######### NOEM is but if you are trying to say ANOES that's embarrassing. I'm not saying anyone who disagrees with me is a child but you are literally a child. You have very little knowledge of the horror genre. If you actually watched the original ANOES and can't see what makes that HORROR vs some episode of Supernatural there is absolutely no chance I have at swaying you.
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Scream Paragraph (1 Survivor, Ghost Face costume)
I think Jack would make more sense. His face eventually was shown and big daddy's werent in infinite
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SCP Chapter
This wasn't an argument. This was you calling me a kid 3 times and refusing to give a reason for any of your views. How many times did I ask you the difference between something like NOEM and Stranger Things? And how many times did you answer? And the difference between your music comparison is genre and notoriety. People like Taylor Swift make music for more popular genres than Led Zepplin. People also know Taylor swift more than they know Led Zepplin. These DLCs are in the same game and are far more iconic than Stranger Things. Saying "You know, and if you don't your wrong" Isn't an argument. Your beating around the bush and entitlement is why people don't take valid complaints seriously.
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######### IS NOEM? You're right, this isn't an argument because you have no idea what you're arguing about.
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SCP Chapter
Have you not learned what an abbreviation is? You screw up on one letter and suddenly it becomes gibberish. Also, are you going to reply to the other points? Or are you just gonna pretend they don't exist?
Edit: Spelling
Post edited by SCP_FOR_DBD on1 -
sigh. I want you to look at your post really, really hard before continuing. I'm going to do you one better by pretending that you don't exist.
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SCP Chapter
And I want you to as well. Specifically the part that says "You screw up on one letter and it's gibberish." It's okay, checking is hard.
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SCP Chapter
Not to mention, your still ignoring everything that actually matters. You know, the arguments?
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SCP Chapter
I just read your edit. After all this your just going to abandon everything when asked to elaborate on your argument? Nice.
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I'm not going to give you anymore attention that you don't deserve. You need to educate yourself on a topic before you form an opinion on it. Sit your ass down and watch some actual horror movies first. Once you do that we can talk.
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SCP Chapter
Oh believe me I have, and to be honest, Scream is the best. Come back when you stop assuming everyone who disagrees with you is a child or uneducated, I'm excited to hear what you have to say then.
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Other (Please Specify)
Jack makes more sense, I agree. But I would still like to keep a Big Daddy as the killer because of how iconic it is
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Scream Paragraph (1 Survivor, Ghost Face costume)
For sure a big daddy as a killer. Maybe an alpha cause bouncers and rosies were huge and it might cause clipping issues.
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The Thing Chapter
Went with the Thing because it'd be awesome. I considered classic monsters but pretty sure most of them are public domain so wouldn't need a license.
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Other (Please Specify)
Maniac Cop.
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Supernatural Paragraph
I would love Supernatural. Survivors Sam, Dean, and Castiel would be my mains lol
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Slender Chapter
Slenderman or Candyman
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The Thing Chapter
I think the thing is a great villain and monster in general. Not to mention a killer who could possibly disguise as other survivors? Could be interesting if they could figure it out.