Legion or Spirit?

Looking to spend some iridescent shards and I can't tell which one I should get. With the right perks Legion can be deadly, but I know the Spirit is really good as well. Which would you choose?
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Spirt first, then Legion
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depends. If you wanna challenge or torture yourself then go with legion who i main. If you want a good killer then spirit
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If your getting both eventually, get spirit, then Legion. But if you can only get one: Get spirit for power, Legion for fun.
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Spirit please. Even though 50% of killers play Spirit I think most survivors would take another Spirit over another Legion.
Also Spirit is fun to play and strong, Legion is neither.
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It's already been pointed out, but Spirit is consistently more effective of a killer than Legion. Pretty much everyone considers her a "top tier" pick, while Legion dwells in some bizarre limbo between mid-tier and low-tier (depending on who you ask).
However, Legion is pretty great at racking up that sweet sweet BP. Spirit has a narrow window for actually getting bonus points from her power (the "Grudge" bonus), where Legion basically maxes brutality after a handful of chases.
If their personal perks are at all a factor, Legion also gives you Discordance (which IMO is the best of the 6 available between them). Though Spirit does offer both Haunted Grounds and Spirit Fury, which also have their uses.
Either way, you can't go that wrong if you're just looking for something new. Both Spirit and Legion are more similar than I'm sure many people thing (both gain better mobility through their power, lose an element of standard tracking while using it, and have to manage cooldowns for power availability).
Maybe watch some gameplay of them both online to see if one of them more strikes your fancy?
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It depends on your goals. Legion is great for giving you BP and has 1 good perk. Spirit is by far the better killer. But her perks are pretty bad.
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I like legion more, but spirit is the stronger killer.
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Yeah I heard that Legion is great for racking up bloodpoints of which I'm still in high demand for, but Spirit looks like she is a great killer when used right. And since I have a great pair of headphones I could see Spirit being worthwhile. That being said, since I'm still in high demand for blood points, I may have to go with Legion first.
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Spirit has lots of Pros, the only negative is that she’s dam slow without her power.
Legion has lots of negatives, tiny knife, running simulator power, fatigues a lot, no anti loops, kind of rubbish add-ons etc. The only positive is that they have a bunny skin
I recommend Legion
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I find legion extremely fun to play. There are many perks that work great on them that simply can't work as good on other killers.
But spirit is way better at a competitive level of play. Get a good headset and you got half the job done
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If it ever boils down to purely boosting the BP grind, it's probably also worth mentioning that both Freddy and Doctor are also excellent Bloodpoint generators if you already have either of them. And Spirit is still okay at accumulating it too; she doesn't tend to get shafted on deviousness BP like Plague and Pyramid Head do.
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Personally i find legion more fun
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