Can I Get Banned For Letting This Survivor Bleed Out?

I was playing huntress on wreckers yard. I slugged everyone and I hooked one person in this corner. This hook became unavailable. The second person I slugged was initially in killer shack and they crawled to the corner with the broken hook.

I picked them up and walked for a little and I realized I would not be able to make it anywhere. I dropped them and they crawled back to the corner. I let them bleed out for a minute

In the Post game chat, they complained about wasting their time and I should have managed my hooks better. I said it was her fault for staying the corner in a dead zone.

Can I get banned if they all report me?


  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    No you can’t as the survivor is eventually going to bleed out. So don’t worry.

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    Nope. They chose to stay in the corner where there's no hooks, and you're not obligated to pick them up. The game will end eventually, so you're not taking the game hostage, so you can't be banned.

    They wanna sit in the corner and bleed? Let them.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Apparently they could’ve bled out next to a hook and it’s not griefing. I don’t know that there is any reportable offense in this but can agree it is a terrible way to lose. I prefer going into another match myself.

  • Stanley12363
    Stanley12363 Member Posts: 34

    Nice. I just wanted to make sure that I am not in trouble or anything.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839
    edited July 2020

    In this instance, it wasn't your fault. What are you supposed to do, let the survivor go?

    Personally for me, if a killer bleeds out a survivor for no reason at endgame when they can get to a hook should be bannable, but that's just me.