psychiana Member Posts: 10
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


Post edited by psychiana on


  • psychiana
    psychiana Member Posts: 10

    @anarchy753 Did you even read what a wrote? I do not mind losing like I said. But, NOED and MORIS give and unfair undeserved advantage. Please do not comment unless you are going to comment using your critical thinking skills from an objective stand point.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2020

    NOED isn't fine tho it rewards bad killers for doing nothing and "JUsT DoIng BOnEs" slows down the game for the killer without them working for it. A totem can be the difference between a gen getting hit with pop or being finished (just one example). NOED is too strong for requiring absolutely no effort at all. I suggested this before I think NOED should have a token system and that rewards killers for actually playing good and giving them the chance to secure a win. Current NOED allows killers to be outplayed all game and still get kills that shouldn't happen.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Oh no doing bones slow the game? Exactly what most people are asking for because the gens are flying like hell? Most killers now bring corrupt intervention but rather then do bones for 90 sec you wanna play hide and seek or do the fiew gens that are open? Noed is fine its a last chance perk that you can nullify as soon as you get in the game and it doesnt even make sure you get 1 kill since you still can clear the totem after activation? Making it so the killer has potentially only 3 perks cause the 4th never activateur ?Beside i love how its unfair for killers to have a last chance perk but fair for survivor i guess to have a shovel of second chance perks?

    Noed is fine and you get noeded then its your own fault lol

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2021

    LOL ok bud. Looks like someone can't get a 4k without NOED. If NOED is completely fine because it has a counter than DS, BT, UB, DH are all perfectly fine and should never be complained about ever ok. You should not be rewarded for playing bad. I'm tired of explaining to killer mains why NOED should't be as strong as it is for being a passive perk.

    Post edited by CWill22 on
  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Did I say I use NOED? No, so shut the hell up. I'm tired of explaining to bitchy and NOOB survivors that NOED is fine. Do the ######### bones or expect the killer to have it when he/she has been playing bad the whole game.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    A second chance perk that you literally don't have to do anything to earn. DS and UB are second chance perks but counter 2 of the most toxic things in the game tunneling and slugging. Totems obviously slow the game down, they have random spawn points and assuming you find all 5 totems with 15 seconds of each other and the killer is never near any of the totems in the same time it takes to find and do all the bones you could've finished a gen. I just think a perk as strong as NOED should be earned or have a bigger risk. All 5 totems being done is extremely rare and only really happens when it's SWF. And yes there is maps and Detective's and SG but maps suck Detective's has very little practical use and SG sucks. So having to bring a perk to counter the possible use of a single perk is dumb. I don't think NOED as a whole is OP I just think it should actually be earned. My suggestion is that similar to how Devour collects tokens NOED should stack when you hook someone like BBQ. So if you got 3 hooks you get 3% movement speed, and if you got 4 you get the exposed effect. This doesn't nerf NOED at all for good killers but only makes it so that bad killers aren't given essentially free kills.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69
    edited July 2020

    "JuSt DO tHe BOnEs" dude a bad killer shouldn't get a free kill, just as bad survivors shouldn't get free escapes.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953
    edited July 2020

    Bad killer won't get a free kill with NOED if survivors would do what they are supposed to do instead of crying about it on forums. Yes I have so small pp energy that I cry about NOED while running DS + UB combo because it "counters" toxic killers.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    I don't really have a problem with NOED I just think it should be earned. Yes it is annoying when teammate or me dies solely due to NOED and then gets face camped and despite how well you played all game the killer is bailed out and gets a free kill. I actually make it a point to do all the totems and try to learn all the totem spots but a lot of times it's just impossible to keep track of what totems are done and how many are left. I think NOED should be in the game but I don't think it should be as effective for bad killers.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    You are so incredibly angry for no reason. Ive literally never used UB even once. And because no-one can say NOED is annoying because they aren't doing what they're "supposed" to do then never complain about DS or DH because as a killer your not "supposed" to tunnel. You see how that is dumb and counter productive? I'm simply suggesting a change that would do nothing but stop rewarding people for bad gameplay. :) I hope you feel better soon bud

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Survivors revolve around rewarding bad gameplay. Now piss off.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    How? I'm actually curious you obviously have a different perspective than me and although this is kinda uncivil I am enjoying my discussion with you. I understand DS but it has a small window and rarely comes into effect.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    There is a counter to a perk I don't want to use that counter to the perk I much rather whine about it until it gets changed.

    Coming from someone who played solo Survivor when it came time to doing the challenges for archives literally bringing in small games you could basically do all the totems by yourself.

    If you don't want to do totems that's fine you don't want to waste your time with that but don't complain when the content of just rushed generators and leave ends up turning terrible for you

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    I literally mentioned this but as I said before I agree with you, but once again in solo Q if I get chased all game my teammates usually don't do totems(this is just an example) so as I mention before I would just like to see a killer have to do at least something to make it work.

  • CWill22
    CWill22 Member Posts: 69

    Completely dedicating your gameplay to one thing is very counter productive. Also you continue to ignore that the only thing that I think NOED should stop doing is giving bad killers a free kill. If a good killer uses it and secures a 4k with it or a decent killer uses it and gets a few kills because of it, the perk is perfectly balanced and being used as it should. A bad killer however getting a free kill is stupid in the same way the DS "Locker tech " is stupid. It requires no skill and gives an unearned free pass.

  • aNAAA
    aNAAA Member Posts: 36

    NOED : Why 4% speed boost ? One shoot is already better...

    Morri should work according to the completed generators, If 1 generator down, 1 player morri. 2 generators, 2 morri.. If 0 gen, morri off.