I don't understand how people can enjoy survivor enough to main them

Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

Survivor, moreso solo, just seems very frustrating and boring compared to killer. The only thing that seems to be fun about playing survivor is being chased but after a few matches I just can't deal with bad teammates giving me a headache or just sitting on gens anymore and I go back to killer.

As a killer, however, YOU are the action. You get to be the one chasing the survivors. As a survivor only one person gets to have the killers attention at a time otherwise the best thing for you to be doing is sitting on gens, but as killer you'll always have someone to be chasing therefore you'll always be in the heat of the action throughout the game. In addition to that; every one of the 20 killers has their own unique ability(s) that you can play around with using different perks and add-ons with some of said killers being fan favorites from classic slasher films yet the majority of the player base are survivors. Not to mention we don't have to worry about dumb teammates screwing us over. As for survivors they're all just different skins with the same basic abilities as all the other survivors. Yes they can customize themselves with perks but most of them opt to run the same things every game anyways.

As for gen speeds yea I'm aware they can be a problem if you're playing a low tier killer and get a bad map or if the survivors are extremely well coordinated but pretty soon we're gonna be getting a boost to our early game to make these things easier to deal with.

Overall I just don't find survivor anywhere near as fun as killer. I can agree that survivor does have its moments where you get to lead the killer on a really long chase but I just find killer to be more fun more often. I'm just saying that I'd like to enjoy survivor as much as I do killer, but maybe there's something I'm missing? Maybe some of you can explain to me what is it that makes you prefer survivor over killer? I'm genuinely curious.



  • Useless_Bean
    Useless_Bean Member Posts: 25

    I personally find playing survivor really fun, mainly because of how random the games can be. Like if I'm running urban evation with spine chill is the most funny thing to me, when I notice spine chill light up I go crouch behind a rock and just move around the killer. If you have a team made of potato's that hide out in the open or haven't done a single gen through out the entire 5 mins or longer chase you have endured then yeah it sucks but if you're lucky and get a good team and a good killer omg it's so fun. The on the go strats like save the person on hook, take a protection hit for them if needed, if the killer is still chasing me then find the nearest loop, if there is no loop then its mind gaming around a pallet or a jungle Jim all while trying to finish the gens and escape.

    Basically I'm a huge survivor main and I should probably shut up before ppl tell me to because I speak to much lol

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Playing with friends can definitely ease the stress especially if they're either good or just really funny. I don't have a group of friends that I frequently play with though. Usually when I meet someone new to play with we add eachother, play for like a day, and then never talk to each other again.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Ah so you actually like the gamble aspect of when it comes to what kind of teammates you'll get. Solo itself is a huge gamble which is what makes it frustrating for me because I'm one of the most unlucky people I know.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    That's understandable. Being chased is the most fun part about playing survivor and it's what has me playing every once in a while but otherwise I find my fun in playing killer the majority of the time.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    shhh we need people dull enough to play survivor main. It’s how we get games. ;)

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    And I like chasing good survivors. Not for too long though otherwise it might cost me the match :p

    I agree though looping killers is fun but sadly it's one of few redeeming qualities of playing survivor

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    I agree it's great to play both sides as it only makes you a better player at both roles but I can only play so much survivor before I either become to frustrated with randoms or get too bored and feel like switching back to killer.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    I’m the same way. But getting the horrendous teammates is what makes me a better killer as it puts me in the mood to cause some havoc. 😂

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    It's a very inconsistent experience. High highs, low lows, sometimes, maybe about 2/10 matches, you'll feel like you actually had a hard fought match that actually felt worth the effort.

    I either run into baby killers or killers who have far too much experience. I feel like I almost never run into someone who is at or a little above my skill level, it's usually an extreme on either end.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited July 2020

    Playing Solo Survivor is the only thing I know that makes SoloQ in Overwatch feel like a fantastic experience. I have never had a worse time SoloQing in a game than I have here.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417
    edited July 2020

    Tell me about it. Arguably if you're a dps main the experience is even worse on Overwatch. You have to wait 10-20 minutes just to play one match and if you aren't carrying the entire team your teammates will let you know how "trash" and "useless" you are. Also waiting that long just to get a ######### 2cp map....makes me want to commit uninstall life.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I like the thrill of the chase. Also playing with friends is pretty nifty.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited July 2020

    I laughed so hard. I hear ya loud and clear, lol.

    Mainly, I just play with the friends-family team and we do QPC or QP. I stopped doing Comp back in 2018 when it became clear that the only Comp mode Jeff cared about was the OWL. Hell, 2/2/2 went over so well that they just added Open Queue Comp as a permanent option. Yikes.

    Tonight I was doing QPC and Mystery Heroes alone . . . ungh. A four-year-old game, teammates all near my account level or even higher (I am 1,009 currently) and they STILL don't know not to stagger in or to get on the objective.

    I don't have any friends that will touch this game due to the asinine grind. And I can't blame them. I tried using the Discord for people, but that is a rotating door and not worth it. Never mind that I really don't use Discord to begin with.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    I am a soloQ survivor and my games always go 50/50 either the killer is tunneling and all that g̶o̶o̶d̶ s̶t̶u̶f̶f̶ and my teammates are potatoes or i get a really good killer and the teammates are good!

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Killer matches makes me anxious and i like being part of a team even when i get horrible teammates in solo queue. I'd rather that than dealing with the stress of playing killer.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, Survivor is a less stressful experience, at the cost of less rewards and less overall excitement.

    That and some people, like me, aren't in it for the survival itself, but more to help the others and see just how long and how far I can drive you as the killer insane. Difference is for me, I do it without meta perks and no items.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    It's less mentally exhausting

    After a few killer matches, I'll switch to survivor and listen to podcasts. You can't multitask as killer and there's a ton of weight put on that role.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776
    edited July 2020

    Survivor is less stressful.

    Get bad teammates? Meh.. ######### on hook and move on to the next game.

    Make a mistake while looping? Meh it was my fault that i can't use busted mechanics properly.

    Killer on the other hand is stuck in the game till the end.

    Get an unfair map spawn? To bad, suck it up.

    Go against unbalanced mechanics and expoits that are being ignored for some reason? To bad, suck it up.

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    I run two builds depending on solo or group play. By myself I run a support build that rewards me for hook saving and healing so I get bloodpoints no matter how poorly we do gens and make my own fun. With my usual group of friends I run a more objective orientated build and distract the killer more. Both are equally fun and rewarding.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Looping a killer and being chased is the highlight of this game

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    While i play both sides, i enjoy survivor far more, especially as solo survivor. I played my share of swf, and while its truly powerful, the flavor of the game gets lost. I like the tention of not knowing if the killer just waits behind the next corner.

    To me, looping is the most boring thing in the game, and i dont understand how people can find running in circles fun. I like the stealth game, of not being found, and if i am found, try to lose the killer in a chase by juking, bluffing etc.

    But since i dislike looping, and as a killer you have next to no choice if the survivor started to loop, i don´t enjoy it that much. As such, i prefer killer that can´t be looped easy, like spirit and hag.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    I think quite a few people favour playing as survivor because the killer role can be such a stressfest, usually down to immature survivor behaviour.

  • DustoTheOne
    DustoTheOne Member Posts: 43

    That's dumb, real dumb... Yeah bad team mates suck and are 90% of the teammates you get but if nobody played survivor there would be no game. Survivor is waaaaaay more fun bcuz it's waaaaaay more challenging I used to play killer a lot but it's just too easy. . And too easy means not much fun. If you like a challenge and having fun survivors are def the way to go. And I ONLY play solo bcuz teaming as a survivor is the weakest thing you can do in life 😂😂 go back to the origins of the game and the devs said part of the game is having to depend on random people. . Idk how many times I die ONLY BECAUSE MY TEAM SUCKS!! but that's the game you either die or you don't so if you don't like dying sometimes then play killer and if you don't like not getting a 4k every time then play survivor and if you don't like either then go play fkn Fortnite!!

  • JustTooSalty
    JustTooSalty Member Posts: 1

    I personally feel extremely stressed playing killer. I'm not bad at killer, but people are much better at survivor than I am at killer.

    I find balancing how long a chase should be, when to use powers, mind gaming loops etc super hard. But as survivor, I'm confident and happy just to hold W to run or M1 to do a gen haha.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    I'm a former killer main that now plays mostly solo or duo survivor. Killer is definitely less boring, but it's also far more stressful experience in the long run. Facing t-bagging SWF survivors with OoO will burn you out eventually. I've seen survivor main streamers say to man up and "why are you getting mad of ctrl button" but anytime they happened to play killer daily and got t-bagged, they started camping and tunneling the survivors instantly, basically the biggest hypocrites.

    Survivor overall is less stressful but also more boring if your team doesn't want to repair gens and you need to carry their slack. I can also listen music as i don't have to focus as much on surroundings as a killer.

  • Deadsea
    Deadsea Member Posts: 143

    Some prefer one over the other. I prefer survivor over killer. As survivor, I run into less toxic games. Yeah there are toxic killers out there, but it seems that there are far more toxic survivors. I play random public games and it just depends on the game. There are some great team helper randoms out there. I try to help my team constantly. One match on Midwich with Deathslinger as killer, I helped hide a survivor as we were at a dead end on the stairs. I used in game emotes to tell them where killer was. Basically pointing to the corner to stay there and follow me when he left.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Im enjoying either role. I think its the mix and to experience the game from both sides. Being chased is just the opposite of chasing someone. If Im only speaking of survivor, Im enjoying good chases, mindgames, play with friends, do funny stuff and get some good plays out of difficult situations. Its also fun to adept to the killers playstyle and play different roles depending on your team, loadout and situation. There are many fun aspects in playing survivor and playing the game as a whole instead of only 50% opens up a variety of good things for your game experience.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I've got at least 100 screenshots of killers that were way lower rank then me in the past 2 weeks.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2020

    I don't understand how people can enjoy playing a multiple game as killer all the time instead of playing survivor which you can play with friends and have a laugh together in a casual game so to each their own. It's like playing a bad horror game but you get to play it with friends so it's alot more fun, even if it's lost its fear factor many matches are tense. Killers have no tenseness and it feels like playing a repetitive singleplayer game that is just boring when dead by daylight is fun because you play with friends...

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    I play both killer and survivor pretty equally, but when I play survivor it's almost exclusively with a friend or two.

    I'm decent at survivor (mid red ranks), but nothing spectacular. I stay busy and I take my turn being chased/hooked. I can loop for a bit but I still lose more chases than I win as survivor.

    It's fun because I'm not so good that the game feels too easy and I'm not so bad that it feels too hard. A flashlight save is still an exciting surprise for me.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Definitely agree about the survivor behavior being the problem.

    I'm an adult; I can handle losing a game and it doesn't bother me at all (and reflecting on my mistakes or an excellent play by the other side helps me improve), but the behavior of too many survivors is super toxic.

  • unlit
    unlit Member Posts: 7

    I like the thrill of it and a killer chasing me killer for me is boring i like everything from surviving a killer then escaping and doing good plays to confused the killer such satisfaction

  • FilthySurvivorMain
    FilthySurvivorMain Member Posts: 1

    Me personally, the way some killer matchmaking is makes killer unfun to me. I am not a high ranked killer, rank 12 at the very best, and I often find 1-3 of the survivors in my game being rank 5-1. It’s really funny if you win, but you almost never do. I main the stealth killers like pig and mike, but I do often play killers like deathslinger or Freddy etc. Survivors, once they notice you definitely don’t belong in their rank, or aren’t good with the particular killer your using, tend to bully the hell out of you. It’s super unfun. Now on to the actual question. I main survivor and I think it’s usually a blast. You may get those teammates who have no clue how to play, the selfish ones who force you to take agro from them and never work on gens, but there are games where you get a really good team and end up having an amazing game. Overall, survivor is usually insanely fun. If you do get bored I recommend doing a challenge to spice the game up. Try to be chased for a long time or save survivors if you can. I personally love how I can tell killers get so mad when you sabotage hooks while the killer is carrying a survivor. It’s fun to know your teammates are escaping because of you. I think survivor is just really fun almost all the time.

  • EverydayClaudette
    EverydayClaudette Member Posts: 1

    And I don’t understand how people can enjoy being looped, blinded, and T-Bagged enough to main killer. It’s an equal argument

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited July 2020

    When you have friends that play DbD, then yes. Some of us don't. My friends and family won't touch this game due to the asinine grind. They tried free weekends at one point, saw the grind, uninstalled and moved on without buying.

    So, for us, it is Killer or SoloQ, and SoloQ is absolute ######### in this game. It's even worse than SoloQ in Overwatch or Paladins.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    This, even playing without comms everything is a lot more enjoyable with a friend, not to mention i wouldn't have been bothered with even playing surv if 1.killer times were intolerable at times and 2.Killer didn't occasionly suck the life out of me

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's less stressful, like facecamping with Bubba it's just peaceful.

  • Angerydoge
    Angerydoge Member Posts: 69

    Personally I find it pretty much the other way around. Yes playing survivor is frustrating when you get forehead teammates against a kill you know you could beat if they weren't so bad. But not every game is like this, the reason why people come back to solo survivor is because if you get good teammates against a balanced killer on a fairly balanced map the game is actually pretty fun.

    Now on the other hand I personally find killer way more stressful to play than survivor. Now I am not an insanely killer and I have never mained killer but I would consider myself average. When I play killer I mainly play casually (e.g- no slugging or camping and giving last guy hatch if their teammates were bad.) but because there is no match making system I constantly end up getting out with people who are way above my skill level, meaning I have to sweat my balls off just to try and get a 4k. I don't think I will play killer that much again because of Billy's nerf seeing he was the only killer I have mained in the past (not maining killer but I played him when I played killer.)

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I play both sides even though I do tend to play Killer more I will say this.

    Swf is usually the most fun and least stressful way to play you get to have a good time with your friends and overall it's a lot easier because of how effective your communication can be.

    Killer is usually the most stressful as you heavily have to manage your time effectively and you really can't afford to make mistakes

    Solo survivor honestly is usually a flip of the coin it's so heavily based on your teammates that it can pendulum swing from being stressful to fun. I typically play Lone Wolf when I play solo Survivor but even then I still have to vaguely rely on the other people and surviving with.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    The most fun part of the game is breaking ankles for me which you can only do on the survivor side. Pulling off a great mindgame and having the killer running around looking for you is hilarious. Or faking a pallet vault and watching them backpedal for no reason. Those are the moments I live for in the game.

    Sure the killer can mindgame too but when I play killer, I have all the power in a chase and it's not a matter of IF I catch them, but when.

  • faff
    faff Member Posts: 68

    I play survivor cause queue times for killer are longer than like 3 matches as survivor, only to get matched against people 10 ranks higher than me :\ killer is more fun, sure, but not worth waiting for unbalanced matches 75% of the time.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Hell, even 2/2/2 I end up as a solo support because the other support is a DPS Ana or Moira. 🤣

    I'm used to it, especially from playing a lot of QPC.

  • noob_n00bs
    noob_n00bs Member Posts: 2

    Playing last night as killer it was so stressful. It was clearly that that player was speed hacking. That is the issue I encounter very often Playing as killer. They always out run the killer like it is impossible to get closer to them. That is one of the reasons why I enjoy playing survivor more often. Although I can't out run the killer but I can dodge and make them lose me.

  • FostahBoss
    FostahBoss Member Posts: 41

    I personally love Survivor, and I usually play solo. Immersing myself in the game and outrunning the Killers is much more fun to me than trying to hunt Survivors down. Plus, I'm naturally good at filling whatever roll I need to.

    Need someone to run the Killer around for a few minutes?


    Need a gen jockey?

    You got it.

    Need someone to pull everyone off the hook and heal you up?

    I got my medkit handy.

    When I play Killer, I feel like it's too focused and you gave to narrow in on only killing the Survivors. Sure, you have to strategize around their skill and your Killer's power, but there are so many subroles to playing Survivor that I'm never really bored. .

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    I’m the other way round, I really enjoy Survivor, every killer is different which means every chase is different. I like the adapting aspect of survivors.