Walked around gens for a hour and 10 minutes.



  • russond
    russond Member Posts: 5

    Exact same thing happened to me on ps4 a couple of weeks ago, there was 2 survivors left and only 1 gen, they went missing for about 30 mins then I had a message to say the game had glitched out and the survivors was stuck inside one of the walls, another 30 minutes had past and I was bored so went downstairs to make a drink, when I came back the little shits had finished the last gen and was waiting in the exit door for me, got a message of them saying bamboozled 😂😂 gotta admit I did see the funny side in it but to go to those lengths to win a match is unbelievable

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    True. All they had to do was split up, and each one work on a gen. Hide when they hear the heartbeat / terror radius, and once you kick the gen, and leave, go back and work on it some more. Repeat the process until one pops. It takes a little longer, but not that long..

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    This is why I think there should be a defined time period. An amount of time the survivors HAVE to escape in. And if this isn't how it is, then there should at least be something that prevents this level of hiding. Like if a certain % of a gen hasn't been done in a certain amount of time all survivor auras are revealed. (Kinda like the afk crows but this is easy to avoid)

    I'm not saying make changes that would effect the normal player. I'm only suggesting changes that would force someone who's been doing literally nothing for 10 minutes to come out.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    "You can find them and kill them" no you can't. That's exactly the point. If survivors are really trying to hide without progressing the game you will likely never find them.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    1. If they are 3 genned it's their own fault and they shouldn't hold the killer hostage because of their own mistakes.

    2. A survivors objective is to do gens and escape. If they are avoiding these objectives entirely they are holding the game hostage. There are ways around 3 gens too. Split up or have 1 survivor be bait while others do gens.

    3. Why would a killer stop patroling gens when that is literally their objective?

    It's idiotic to argue survivors aren't holding the game hostage. They were completely avoiding their objective while the killer was doing literally all they could do to find the survivors. If your tactic is "let's see how long I can make the match go to see If the killer quits" then you're complete scum and honestly deserve to be banned permanently from the game.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    I think games should have a 40min cap and survivors die. If survivors won after time limit it would only encourage more hiding like this. Killer really wouldn't get anything for reaching the time limit because it just means they don't get the BP for hooking hitting and sacrificing leasing to more black pips or depips.

    There is literally no advantage to the killer winning after a certain time, all it would do is prevent survivors from hiding all game to troll the killer.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    "Whine about a video game eating up people's time"

    You sit in an hour and a half long match of survivors doing nothing but hiding from you. Not doing gens or anything, just hiding. You sit through that, tell me how fun it is, then post something like this again. Until then just shut up. You have no idea how annoying it is as a killer when you're held hostage in a game. You either have to DC or just waste an hour of doing literally nothing. Why should you have to DC for playing well and backing survivors into a 3gen?

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    It's cute you thought they were banned. DBD report system is god awful, nobody gets banned.

    It's too bad though, survivors like that literally don't deserve to be able to play the game. They deserve complete IP bans. I'd rather go against literal hackers than someone hiding all game with no intention to finish the game. At least it'd be more fun to chase someone.

  • DeadFreakWalkn
    DeadFreakWalkn Member Posts: 20

    I typically run Whispers. Again, I am not a great killer, but if you cannot find someone for 30 mins, seems like a faulty killer.

    Also, I do love slow paced games. I couldn't care less about maxing blood points or rank. This IS a game and when you don't enjoy it you better either switch up your play style or find a new game.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Doesnt change the fact its bannable because not everyone should run whispers just incase the survivors break the rules.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227

    i dont think devs care about this, but thank you now at least you can open gates and lunch a timer.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Just leaving my opinion here. No one is taking the game hostage. If the job of survs is to do gens and they didnt, same goes for the killer who doesnt go looking for the survs and decides to chill close to the last 3 gens. Both are dragging out that game for so long. I think you can expect games like this once in a while.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    The survivors jobs to do gens and they are refusing to and hiding forcing me to look and prolonge the match so They are

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    So its ok that you want survivors to come straight up to you to do gens but its not ok for you to have to go searching for them?

    I mean you are literally forcing them to walk up to you, and they are forcing you to come searching for them. So where is that unfair? Both sides are stalling the game dude.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Did you not read my note earlier? I left the gens for 3 minutes to look around the map and came back and there was still no progress on any of them. (With it being a 2 man swf it only takes 1 person 80 seconds to do a gen so 2 would take under a minute) they were stalling the game dude. Not me.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Yes you are right. They are stalling the game. I never said anything different. Still, it is not a hostage situation.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511
    edited July 2020

    It is holding the game hostage.

    Which i can prove with my video as obviously i kill one and the other escapes through hatch after the hour long game. Done with your bias they've stated it right there. Have a nice day :)

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316
    edited July 2020

    You say it's a dirtbag move and name other things that are complete bullshit in this game and say you love the game.


    It sounds like alot of poor game design to me with very little being done to rectify this fact.

    DBD can be fun, but face camping is not fun, hour long standoffs are not fun, tunneling is not fun, gen rush is not fun but it's part of the game people say. You sit in a long que only to play the game for 5 minutes before being face camped, gen rushed, or tunnled or stuck in an hour long or more game of chicken. So on top of not being fun these very same things waste your damn time. A good game respects the players time.

    Whenever this ######### happens after 4 ######### years it's like the devs are giving you the finger through your monitor.

    "Here is a mechanic that is not fun and wastes your time. We will not fix it this is just part of the game. Here is our newest DLC now pay us and ######### you."

    Dont get me wrong, I'm sure the devs are wonderful people, and I want to love this game. But these things prevent me from doing do. I take a break then come back and remember why i left. I could be playing something much more enjoyable.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    You really must be dumb. If a survivor is playing with the intent to only hide and not progress the game, that survivor could go without being found for an extremely long time. The fact you can't see this is ridiculous.

    Even with whispers, if the survivors goal isn't to progress the game you'd better believe it wouldn't be that hard to avoid you.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Thank you for posting me Idk what. lol

    It is not holding the game hostage. and I will quote @Peanits from may 2019 : "... . We only consider it to be holding the game hostage when there is no possible way for the game to end."

    And that is clearly not the case.

    Also thank you for showing me your bias by pointing Fingers at me for being neutral and stay with facts.

    Have a nice day, too :)

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    Rizzo literally posted if survivors do nothing for a prolonged period of time they get punished because the game is held hostage. Its no different then me blocking 2 people in a corner. The others can still do gens and theyll die of egc so im not holding the game hostage am i? The game can still end cant it? These are just 2 acceptions.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I love the game because I do. We as individuals can all have different views on things and what we enjoy. I enjoy the challenge of 4king at red ranks. And I enjoy swfing with my wife and daughters.

    I also don't play a lot of video games, in fact the last one was Dead Island on PS3. It takes a lot to get me into video games to begin with.

    Do I like all the play styles some people use, no. But I respect their right to do so. I used to rage about these things, now I just use it as an opportunity to get better.

    Very few things in life, if any, are perfect. But this game allows me to hang out and game with my family and friends, and presents a challenge, that I enjoy.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    Well I tried to look up what you posted, but couldnt find it as it is a closed thread. So I can only believe what you tell me.

    By fact and logic it is different. As I quoted, a hostage szenario is when there is no possibility to end the game or progress to the end. And regarding your match you had always the possibility to end the game (sooner or as in your case later) by finding them. So by definition it was not a hostage situation. There was always the possibility it progresses, and the fact that your game ended is further evidence. If you body block a survivor in a corner, there is no possibility the survivor can do anything but to stand there. You literally can do nothing in this case.

    I dont want to say you are wrong entirely, I just say by game rules and what is considered taking the game hostage as far as we know, its not the case here. The only thing that can help us out is a word from the devs or you reporting them and show us the result from your report, so that we have clarification in this matter.

    As for now we cant solve this problem. So no bad blood m8

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316
    edited July 2020

    It's not a play style. It's abusing poor game design. Poor game design that has not been fixed for over 4 years. It is not fun, it does not respect your time. The game has moments of brilliant fun but those moments are not worth it when the majority of your time is sifting through the #########.

    If you dont play many games and still love this game you either need to play other games to gain some perspective on what a good game is like or you are a true masochist who enjoys the agony.

    DBD is not a challenge, it's a test in patience. How much of your time are you willing to throw away?

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Interesting how game rules are now a matter of personal opinion. "The devs say hacking legacy skins is bannable, however I respectfully disagree."

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511

    I personally just want @Peanits to answer if this is a thing or not i know it is but i cant find the post anymore and i guess people dont realize hiding for a hour refusing to be found is holding the game hostage. *shrug*

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Dude, I am sorry you feel this way.

    But swfing with My wife and Daughters and having some Bourbon on a Friday night, all laughing and just having a fun time, is not a waste in my book.

    Also if it is as bad as you say, I don't want that perspective. I just enjoy the family time, and time with friends.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    SWF explains alot. Play by yourself or with just one other person and get ready to have an insufferable time. You have a fun time with the game and that's great. But that does not mean issues with the game should not be addressed. And there are many issues. Playing solo, waiting in que for 5 minutes, then getting face camped on hook is a miserable experience.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316
    edited July 2020

    SWF explains alot. Play solo or with just one other friend, wait in que for 5 minutes, then getting face camped is a miserable experience. I'm glad you have fun with the game but that does not change the fact that there are severe issues with the game that must be addressed. There is a fun game here, it's why I keep coming back even though it's usually short lived, but the severity of the issues at times outweigh that fun.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I have played a lot of solo and killer, but no doubt solo can be frustrating.

  • DeadFreakWalkn
    DeadFreakWalkn Member Posts: 20

    I hear you. I'm a solo player and there are definitely some issues here and there.

    So overall, how happy would YOU be if the game added a overall time limit per match? Say... Make it 20 or 30 mins. Long enough to build suspense but prevents survivors from doing nothing but hiding? This seems like it woild be a quick fix.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    I was thinking a time limit on how long gens can go without being touched. Like a 10 minute timer and if gens are not touched its instant sacrifice. Then a 25% increase for gen repairs if the killer camps, that or no BP for the sacrifice.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Dev's ruling is if the survivors are not progressing their own objective nor letting the killer progress their own by hiding then the survivors are holding the game hostage.

    If said survivors were hiding doing getting some generator progress then hiding again when the killer came back then it wouldn't be holding the game hostage as they were trying to progress their own objective which wasn't the case in this instance.

  • DeadFreakWalkn
    DeadFreakWalkn Member Posts: 20

    That would be interesting, but I feel like this would quickly end up with the same issue. If survivors could just touch a gen for 1 second to then gain another 10 mins of hiding... I feel like people wouldn't be satisfied with that... I do like the counter if killers are camping, but I think the community wouldn't agree with what is defined as camping... Dunno!

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    so it the hatch stand of all over again remember tho.....

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    How many calories did you burn?

    In all seriousness, if the situation turns to that, you need to end the game. Them being stubborn doesn't mean your stubbornness isn't equally at fault. This is a known troublesome part of playing against Freddy, and survivors honestly can't do jack all against it(believe me a friend and I tried for 15 minutes before finally just sacrificing ourselves).

    See the thing is that in a 3 gen situation most killers don't commit to a chase, no they believe a 4k is deserved right then and there. That survivors are just delaying the inevitable. The reality is that you need to still put in the effort of chasing one and finding the other. The game isn't over, but you're being stubborn by refusing to commit to a chase, or even baiting them to a generator.

    Remember, the game isn't over until the post game stats, don't assume you deserve a kill just because the game is in your favor.

    And yes this goes for survivors too, but you control the end game in this scenario so you have the obligation to either end it or enjoy being able to do nothing for an hour and ten minutes.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    I like the idea of a time limit. I hate games that go on longer than 20 minutes because it's just not worth it by then. I usually make most of my points in 10 minutes.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511
    edited July 2020

    I literally left the 3 gen for 3-4 minutes to let them get out of it (since i just wanted the game to be over) came back to check and nope no progress. So they had no intention of doing gens they just wanted me to dc. So yeah what they were doing was holding the game hostage. Its also pretty hard to find a spinechill claudette on backwater swamp.

  • catbeans
    catbeans Member Posts: 316

    They would still have to come out of hiding though to touch a gen and that gives the killer an opportunity so hopefully people would just try and do the gens instead of hiding. Maybe a time limit would be better, we will never know until the devs actually try something.

    And I would consider camping as staying within 5m or so from the hook for an extended period of time without being in a chase. I think that's reasonable.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited July 2020

    I'm probably gonna regret writing this as I play killer mostly, but then again most people have probably stopped paying attention to comments after page 3, so:

    The strategy to beat a 3 gen situation:

    1. With 2 or more survivors, simply split up and work on gens separately. Albeit this is more difficult with only 2 survivors, but still possible as long as you are confident in your ability to lead the killer a decent distance away from the generators, and focus on the 2 gens that are furthest away from each other.
    2. When the killer comes for you, run with intent to lead the killer as far away from the gens as possible. Dont hang around a loop them, and always try to get an early start.
    3. If you are downed during your chase, the killer has to waste time hooking you or leave you on the ground to recover, either way the killer loses precious time while your teammate(s) make progress on their gen(s).
    4. The killer can't cover all gens at once, not even Doc, so If they chase you, realize you are leading them too far from the gens, and break chase to go back to them, all you have to do is cautiously follow them back to the gen you were working on. In all likelyhood, they'll either spot you and start pursuit again, or they'll go after your teammate(s) giving you time to continue making progress on your gen.
    5. if injured or downed during your chase away from the gen but not hooked, Recover/Heal with a medkit/perk, or meet up with your teammate(s) after they get chased away from the gens and heal before returning to yours to continue repairs.
    6. Never lead the killer to your teammates.
    7. Instant down, and high mobility killers are a bit trickier to deal with than the standard killers, but the same principle applies... If they are chasing your teammate, pound away at the gen; if they are chasing you, do your best to lead them as far from the gens as possible.
    8. Unless there are 4 survivors, never double up on a gen, no matter how close it is to being finished. A good killer will quickly injure both survivors, pursue and down one, then return to down the other. With everyone working on gens separately, the killer can only pursue and try to down 1 survivor at a time, giving the other survivor(s) progress.
    9. The stealth approach will drive a killer nuts. If you are good at keeping out of the killers line of sight, they will spend a long time searching around a gen trying to find you before they either do so and you lead them on a chase away from the gens, or they don't find you and give up their search to go stop your teammate(s) from completing their gen(s). Time is always against the killer, and this strategy really puts the pressure on them to try and down survivors as quickly as possible, which very few killers can pull off.
    10. if there are 4 survivors left, the 4th's job is to either distract the killer, or keep rotating to the gen being worked on by a teammate that is furthest from the killers current position.
    11. If a survivor is put on their 2nd hook, and you know you can finish the gen AND have time to rescue them, finish the gen.
    12. This strategy works best with 3 or more survivors, but 2 survivors can still pull it off. However, If there's only 2 survivors, and one dies, it's the other's obligation to seek out the hatch asap. Before splitting up to work on the gens in the first place, prior knowledge of the hatches location is very important.
    13. Sacrifices are mostly inevitable, so you may find yourself taking one for the team. The sooner you accept that, the better this strategy works. I'm not saying you shouldn't be cautious, I'm just saying that once you realize that you've put yourself in a 3 gen situation, at least 1 survivor may need to die in order for the others to escape. Accepting that is important in order to take on this bold but effective strategy.

    As a killer, Every time I've gone up against a team that uses this (surprisingly rare) strategy, someone always escapes. If its against 3 or more, the majority escape most of the time, if its against only 2, then 1 of them escapes. Either way, its a simple strategy that solo's should take advantage of, and SWF's should flaunt. The only way I have ever come close to beating this counter strategy is to start slugging, but even that is rarely successful. It actually baffles me how often I end up in a 3 gen situation, and the survivors (even with a full team) will either try to all focus down 1 gen or won't even approach the gens, much less employ this strategy, and because of that I end up winning most 3 gen situations, which is a shame because it's not a difficult strategy to use, and it flat out works.

    OP, your situation sucks, and you should definitely report them for holding the game hostage because as long as there were at least 2 of them, they could've pulled off this strategy in an attempt to win, and it would've been even more effective for them since they were SWF and on voice comms with each other. They literally had no excuse to avoid doing their objectives, and must have made the toxic call to hold the game hostage in an attempt to get you to DC. Our community could do with less people like them.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    That genuinely sucks, but I mean honestly unless they were running around checking for you, there's no way they could have known you went afk. I don't want to give you the benefit of the doubt but I honestly don't know the whole story, just your side of it.