Solo queue survivor is the worst dbd experience.

I don't really think it's a secret that killer kinda sucks to play at high ranks. I know that I'm not the first (or last) to complain about solo queue. Slightly long thread read if you care. (Btw this is all my personal experience and all of my friends agree with me).

Yes, survivor is mostly a better experience than killer... again MOSTLY. That being said...I have never wanted to quit dbd more than when I play solo queue. I played 5 solo queue games tonight. Game 1: Sandbagging teammate and not a single one of my teammates did a gen. Only one gen got done and it was me that did it. The sandbagging teammate also dc'd. Game 2: My teammates were all rank 13... I'm rank 3. During a chase 2 of my teammates dc'd. Shortly after... my last teammate dc'd. Game 3: Left to die on first hook with kindred on. Killer wasn't camping. Game 4: We all escaped. It was a close match but we all got out. Game 5: Teammate got downed very early and rage quit. We proceeded to get rekt by the killer which is whatever.

The issue is that people in solo queue are selfish, trolls, they dc, they don't do anything and I'm consistently put with low rank teammates. This wouldn't be an issue if this didn't happen 9/10 times I play solo queue.

The point of this thread is I want to hear your feedback. Can anyone else relate to this? As of right now I quit solo queue. I ask that if you leave feedback that you're respectful. Thx for reading.



  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Oh I forgot that playing swf is absolutely evil. Thanks for reminding me <3 😂

  • derppug
    derppug Member Posts: 239

    I enjoy solo queue survivor. I feel like it makes me a better player because of all the ######### I put up with. I think if you can get good at being a solo queue survivor, you'd be a good asset to any SWF team. Also, I am used to adapting from playing bot lane in league and support in OW, so I guess it just bothers me less.

    I think recently hit red ranks killer is a much worse experience, as you are bombarded with nonstop SWF and have no idea how to handle them.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    Solo queue can actually be the most satisfying experience in the game with great teammates. The most fun matches I had were solo queue when it was down to a 2vs1 in the end and with co-op and both actually still doing something and making the right decisions, we both made it out in the end.

    It just happens too rarely and frustrating matches with "meh" teammates making stupid decisions are too frequent, so I quit playing survivor for now. I hope the new matchmaking improves things a bit, otherwise I'll look for an SWF group when I want to start playing survivor again in future.

    For now I love playing killer. If I fail, I'm responsible for it alone, so I stay calm all the time and don't need to get upset about anyone. And the best about playing killer: every match I load into is guaranteed to have no tunneling, no camping, no mori, and no boring slug for the sweaty 4k.

    The "super SWF teams" that many complain about and want to balance this game for may exist but they are maybe 1 match out of 50 whereas solo I can play an entire day and have nothing but bad matches if the wrong people are online. At that point I only keep playing to have a single fun match, but I only get more and more angry and frustrated with every match. Not worth it.

  • MyWorldHasCome
    MyWorldHasCome Member Posts: 146
    edited July 2020

    Good and bad matches can (and will) happen. We just need to try our best even if the game looks awfully bad. This is a co-op game, i know it can be hard when your teammates aren't helping you but someone needs to go nuts, grab that generator, unhook those pesky survivors and push them out of the gate.

    You must be that hero.

    The game must not reward your actions in those matches, but you can be sure in those forums we'll remember you as the hero that took off his hat and did what it must be done to survive.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112
  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    exactly. I started to play only killer if I run solo (which aint happen too much, due to less time to play). Playing survivor just with one friend greatly increases my experience, even tho we get matched with 2 people who dont know how to play. Like 2 days ago we got matched with a duo feng swf, one had 92hrs and the other one had a priv profile against a 3k hrs oni main, with his best addons and map offering. After we got the first 2 gens done one of the was already death hook, the other one got hooked once. Still it was a enjoyable match for us.

  • dbd_noob
    dbd_noob Member Posts: 225

    I love threads like that. There are many people out there that state the solo Q is so bad because the teammates are potatoes.... Strange that they never play with each other...

    What i am trying to say. Solo Q is just harder. you cannot rely on others, you have to be more aware of the killers whereabouts and stuff. But yeah, sometimes there is somebody that is not helping, but honestly i think Solo Q is absolutely legit. Just my opinion.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    It's pretty terrible the majority of the time on PS4. I try to be a team player, but the other randoms or SWF are trolls, selfish, and don't do gens. I've been body blocked for doing a totem, getting a chest, sand bagged because I am prioritizing one of the final gens instead of healing another survivor when they have adrenaline... And then I have to deal with the killer who sometimes play very scummy. I got a match tonight where my team mates were obviously rank 20's (I'm rank 1), and the killer goes super try hard and tunnels me to oblivion because I'm the only one who can loop him.

    SWF that bring keys to the trial are also really selfish. Even with Kindred, sometimes I won't even get saved and will reach the struggle phase, yet I do anything that I can so that it doesn't happen to anyone else because it sucks reaching the struggle phase in your first hook. If there's two of us left, the other survivor refuses to do gens and camps the hatch. I have gotten chased for minutes when there's like one generator left and two of us to buy the other survivor time and when I get downed what do i see? Crab walking or camping the hatch. Sigh...

    Regardless of my frustrations, I will always play solo queue over SWF. It's more fun than being in voice with a good squad.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited July 2020

    I see what you’re saying but honestly its definitely potatoes.

    How is it I can last so long in a chase but everyone else seems to go down in about 10 seconds?

    Why do they make the same mistakes that green ranks make? I.e running into the basement while injured, even against killers like Hag? Or they unhook in front of the killer with no borrowed time

    and if you take Bond or Empathy, you can see exactly what they do and they are not red rank material.

    You click their profile and some have 100-200 hours on the game. When people say red rank they assume those with way more. Changing rank reset definitely watered down red ranks that is undebatable. The game is not matching players of similar skill levels.

    But its funny when I play killer and now all of a sudden all the survivor profiles have around 3,500 hours. Wish I was joking with that last part but the 3,500 number I’ve seen so much the past week. Seems all the good players have gone swf.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    I play solo only and do not feel this game is any more difficult to get into than any other game, for example PUBG.

    You log in, you kill or get killed, you log off.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350
    edited July 2020

    dont think its really a factor but me and my mate are both red ranks (either 1 or 2 at that match). I think playtime is a bigger factor, we both play since 2016, I played over 1k hrs and my mate over 3k (I took some breaks inbetween).

    Cant remember the ranks of the fengs, but I think they were purple. Oni was red rank as well.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    Yeah, that's why I only play SWF.

    Solo is by far one of the most anooying and frustating experience

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706
  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    I used to relate to this and I understand your frustrations. I do get low rank games some times. I have never been in a swf. Solo rank 1 every reset for years. IMO you need to change your mindset, that's what I did. You are not playing 4 survivors vs the killer in solo. No one is your best friend ready to die for you. You are 4 strangers in a life or death situation. The reality is that it is you vs the killer vs 3 strangers. You have to play around your team or they will get you killed. Analyzing my teams perks and playstyle is as important as analyzing the killers perks and playstyle. Teamwork is essential in this game....up to a point.

    Also, understanding how the hatch spawns is important as others will stop working on gens if there's only 2 people left. There are times when you need to stop and realise what actions will get you killed and when you need to save yourself. Don't get me wrong I save everyone I can and push gens, but I have been in too many games where there's 2 gens left, 2 dead, and I realize the killer is up my ass all the time because I am the only one working on gens. Other times I play safe and I find my other teammate working on a gen then we finish it. My point is, yeah it sucks when people play like #########, but if you do your best and play around your random team you should always be top score like me.

    As for killer, no I can't relate. But I have put a lot of time into killer. I play at rank 1 and I never think it sucks. Well, I take that back, it sucks when survivors are ######### to you just to be #########. Some people are just ######### for no reason. Most games though I will either crush everyone in the match or the survivors are decent and put up a fight. Which is what I prefer.

    People put too much emphasis on winning in this game. Just try and do the best you can during the match. Save as many people as you can, get as many heals on others, push gens as far as you can go. You are not supposed to escape every game nor is the killer supposed to 4k every game.

  • caryingwolf
    caryingwolf Member Posts: 14

    See I don't get that I'm killer main and I love playing against swf I like the challenge and it helps me improve

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682
    edited July 2020

    It's truly tilting to play solo. Kindred is absolutely necessary, because when I am playing with a good group it's easy to see when I should go for a save or just slam gens.

    But I've never wanted to D/C more than when I'm hooked (and they see each other with kindred) and all 3 are running to get me. Or 2 are running and one person is crouching on the other corner of the map. Or using self care in the corner when the killer has sloppy butcher.

    @DCash - I usually have that mentality, but when my daily quest is to survive and escape with a new item, and my tome challenge is to survive with using Hope, 100% of my objectives are to escape, not just do my best. So it gets frustrating when things aren't in your control

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yeah, but ironically I perform better as a solo player, rather than in a part of a team. Do I escape more? Yes. BUT I have a much harder time retaining or gaining pips and emblems. I also cannot perform as well in a chase because I'm also dividing my attention (unconsciously) to the comms that are going on in the background, even if I now have them at almost muted. That's why I almost never team up with others.

    Thing is @Squirrel_Thicc, solo play is the most raw form of playing survivor. You don't know these people and you can't trust them. Question is then, are you playing for the team or for yourself? Are you going to try and help complete strangers, to the point of even throwing away your own life for their sake? DC's are going to happen while the penalties are offline, but that's just a fact of the game and they're just as frustrating for me when I play killer. It's even to the point where I farm the survivors for a bit and let at least one of them go as compensation.

    As for bad teammates, they happen. Same with "lovely" killers. It's part of the risk when you load into a match. There are also plenty of solo players who are more than happy to help and be super helpful to the team. I make it my goal as a solo player to be like an annoying little mozzie or fly just buzzing around you, always just out of reach and possible to forget at times. I do this by unhooking as you get your TR past the hook, or tapping that generator you just kicked and you swear nobody was near by.

    If you're on Xbox and playing near the Aus Sydney servers, then I'm sure we can team up for a game or two.

  • CotJocky
    CotJocky Member Posts: 221

    Solo queue use to not be too bad about 2 years ago. Survivor was fairly OP and lots of good players still actively played a lot. Seems most of the good players moved on to other games or only play in a full SWF so you never see them. I rarely get poorly matched as a red rank survivor. I occasionally get a mixed bag of colors, but typically get all red or maybe a purple or two. Killers, I get all colors. The quality of the average solo queue survivor, regardless of rank is so sad it just makes for un-fun games. After thousands of hours of playtime, I have limited patience for solo queue survivor anymore. If I can't play in a SWF (even if the players suck), I usually try to play Killer. I'm not a great killer, but at least getting stomped as a killer yields more BP than getting stomped as a survivor with Pepega team mates.

  • DustoTheOne
    DustoTheOne Member Posts: 43

    I think it's more of a matchmaking problem bcuz when I play survivor I always feel like it's 4 on 1 against me lol yeah it's hard to find a good team 1 of 5 games is better luck than I have!!! I'm usually in purple ranks and most of the time have 3 rank 20's on my team with a rank 1 killer like #########?!?! I really think it's matchmaking that needs a fix more than anything bcuz people who get to at least purple ranks (weather trolls or not) at least try to play the game and win as opposed to those who just follow the killer around teabagging and clicking the flashlight 1000 times.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I get that but that playstyle doesn't effect dc. People are disconnecting left and right almost every match. There's really nothing you can do against disconnecting which sucks. Honestly disconnecting is the worst thing about solo queue from my experience.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Solo Queue Survivor in Red Ranks is fine because generally I get competent Survivors. Solo Queue only really sucks when the matchmaking poops itself and gives me rank 15s and stuff. Usually, I can tell right away when Survivors are crouching and gens are taking 20 years. Thankfully its not that common

  • RandomPlayer
    RandomPlayer Member Posts: 22

    I dc too on purpose if I run killer for 2 min and when I get downed I see 3 yellow ppl crouched in 3 different corners. I also dc if I did 2 gens myself and got chased by killer and other 3 still didn't finish nore start a gen. Waste of time

  • RandomPlayer
    RandomPlayer Member Posts: 22

    I run all the time because I know I can run any killer and best is dc if you see 3 ppl crouched all the time, waste of time and your nerves

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Yeah since the DC penalty has been taken away people have been a little trigger happy. If someone wants to leave a game though I don't think they should be forced to stay. Does it suck? Yeah, but thats why I always say just do the best you can. You can still pip and escape. I mean we all want fun matches unfortunately fun is subjective.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    I get your frustration but you are playing a game where a crazy horror murderer is hunting are not supposed to feel in control. At all.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I would argue that the worst experience in DBD is joining a party only to find out that they are toxic wankers that just want to bully the killer and force them to depip. Maybe that's just me, though.

  • Widden
    Widden Member Posts: 158

    People who defend solo queue are entitled killer mains

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    I totally agree that solo survivor is a pain in the a.., but in my experience the matches with 3 other solos are the best for me. It's worse, when I play solo and my teammates are a SWF group of 2 or 3, cause most (not all!) of them let you die or sandbag you. I can't even remember the last time, when a solo surv. sandbagged me. They even try to help me when the gates are open and the killer has noed and I could totally understand if they'd just run out.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Generators - take 80+ s and 1000bp

    Unhooks with BT - instant 1500bp + possible 500bp for heals or protection hit bp +250 bp for finding another survivor

    Totems - 1000 or 1500 bp in 14s :^)

    Ofc, we wont do gens.

    Give at least 5k bp for gens, then it may change. 80-160+ s hanging at a gen, dodging bbq, risking to be catched away from pallets and tunneled first to death can be not worth it.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I think playing solo helps you more, I mostly play solo survivor when I play survivor and has helped me not rely on teammates at all, since I have no friends that play this game I just play to win but solo, it is harder sure but it will make you better on the long run that being said.

    I hate when my teammates don't feel like doing anything, a few hours ago, I was playing survivor, did 3 gens, middle gen to prevent 3 gens, looped the killer for a few min, wasted 2 pallets, killer wasn't the best, he was mindgaming way too much, easily I wasted around 6 min of his time, not a single gen popped, killer caught me and I got facecamped.

    On the bright side, no one escaped, my teammates didn't deserved to escape at all.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Actually the worst experience is having to see either a Nea or Claudette in your lobby.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    My issue with that is that dbd is a team based game for survivor's. It sucks that people can't rely on teammates but unfortunately it's meta at this point.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Discordance has joined the chat: very good tip! Ez game for killer.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I'm not sure if you meant to, but avoid the generalisations please 'The issue is that people in solo queue are selfish, trolls, they dc, they don't do anything.'

    As a solo queue (I rarely play with friends) I apologise on behalf of those ######### solo queue survivors, I promise we're not all like that. It's sad that you perceive all solo queues as selfish because I promise I'm not like that, and I'm sure loads of other solo queues aren't like that either. You (you in general) just have immature teammates from time to time who think it's funny to ruin the experience for someone else, yes a toxic scumbag.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I get what you mean, but every video game has control. You're supposed to be scared in Amnesia but there are things you can do to avoid dying. Who would play a game where regardless of what you do, you lose? You always die no matter what?

    1v1 the survivor is supposed to be weaker of course, but that's exactly it. When my teammates do nothing, I'm playing 1v1 with some spectators watching me, and there's no chance I do 5 gens by myself.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Megs are worse. I almost lobby dodge if I see a Meg in there. Worse if there is more than one.

  • Widden
    Widden Member Posts: 158
  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I know that there are good solo queue teammates. I just don't get them lol.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Yeah I always tell people that this game is you vs the killer vs the survivors. Take a step back and realize that you aren't supposed to do 5 gens every game. Just like a killer isn't supposed to 4k every game. When this happens you survive the best you can. Take note how your team plays. If they are stealthy and not doing gens... then don't sit on gens and wonder why you keep getting chased. Pay attention to the hatch spawn. Go find it preemptively before you NEED it. I escape and pip all the time in games where we didn't get the gens done.

    There are plenty of things you can do. Run adrenaline for when the hatch gets closed. Use wake up to open the doors faster. Open the gate to between the 'ES' in the word escape so the red light doesn't show up. Wait for the killer to patrol then open it the rest of the way. You can get out of these situations. If you are always dieing then you need to adjust your strategy.

    There is control in this game. But it's a PvP game and you can never control everything.

  • teamdehn
    teamdehn Member Posts: 222

    Solo Q will always be the worst experience. Forgoing the benefits of communication in a team game actively puts you at a disadvantage. Not saying they shouldn't look at solo Q concerns but at the end of day it will always begin from a position of disadvantage.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    Hi there! Yes, Solo que can be a crapshoot. It can be beautiful or disastrous lol

    Please don't use numbers as a reason and here's why. I ahead a game this morning. It involved a 18 killer. The team was a 1, a 12 and a 9 with me being also a 9 atm (last week I was a 6 the week before and 11 the week before that an 8 lol - you get my point.)

    I am not a great player. (and this is not me being modest) I out matched the level 1 - and that's not the first time that's happened. It does so a fair bit. As I am very aware of my lower skill level, I have decided the numbers area lie. :-D

    More of the issues I seem to have are if any teammates are in SWF. Even two of them. Disaster usually.

    Most of the others ones haven't been so bad. At least 1 out of 10 games is a DC. I carry on with the team. Maybe 1 in 25 I get a teammate who is like me and just plain bad but trying.

    I feel your pain though. It's tough when the team isn't being a team. It can be very discouraging. I see hugs to you.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Solo survivor is still easier then playing killer. Its a miserable experience. But not as bad as killer

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