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I don't understand how people can enjoy survivor enough to main them



  • Member Posts: 41

    I personally love Survivor, and I usually play solo. Immersing myself in the game and outrunning the Killers is much more fun to me than trying to hunt Survivors down. Plus, I'm naturally good at filling whatever roll I need to.

    Need someone to run the Killer around for a few minutes?


    Need a gen jockey?

    You got it.

    Need someone to pull everyone off the hook and heal you up?

    I got my medkit handy.

    When I play Killer, I feel like it's too focused and you gave to narrow in on only killing the Survivors. Sure, you have to strategize around their skill and your Killer's power, but there are so many subroles to playing Survivor that I'm never really bored. .

  • Member Posts: 636

    Iโ€™m the other way round, I really enjoy Survivor, every killer is different which means every chase is different. I like the adapting aspect of survivors.

  • Member Posts: 327

    Killer is stressful. Thats all.

    Not every game is stressful of course. But killer is def way more capable of being more sweaty to play then survior imo. But im also a relaxed player that only plays a few times now a days. But also hate playing solo que mainly cause the randoms sometimes cause more headache then stress.

  • Member Posts: 3

    I survivor main because I cant play killer. First Person games gives me incredible vertigo and can leave me out of commission for days. DBD isn't too bad. I could probably do a game or two but after that I start feeling pretty weird. It's also just not as fun to me. I like the sneaky sneaky game of being a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 37

    I play survivor more than killer. I like doing non meta builds that have high synergy perks just to see if there's anything worth while. I'd be doing the spine chill+resilience combo for a very long time prior to it becoming more popular.

    I'm red rank with both, but killer is just extremely stressful, or annoying a lot of the times. I.E. you caught them in a 3 gen and the last two survivors are just nodding and pointing somewhere in the basement. I guess Whispers would fix that, but hyper stealth is so irritating.

    TLDR; How hyper immersed survivors made me become a Doctor main.

  • Member Posts: 10

    I play both sides and im most of the time red rank in the both sides. Its making more fun then playing only one side

  • Member Posts: 1

    I prefer both.. Well each have their own preferences though, there are people who thrill for the kill and torture and then there are people who enjoy surviving with friends, increase their camaraderie with others and i think it's more thrilling on the survivor's side which you have to be stealthy, repair gens, stay away from the killer, help others thru repairs, saving from hooks, etc. While the killer have a straight objective, hunt and kill/hook..

    Well that's my opinion.

    Just enjoy the game on which ever side you prefer.

    If you thrill for killing then killer is for you.

    If you enjoy surviving be it with friends or newly met people then survivor is for you.

    I prefer the best of both worlds tho.

    Enjoy the game ๐Ÿ‘

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Queues are better, playing with friends is fun and chill, and the camera position doesn't give me a headache or eye strain. A lot of killers are pretty miserable to go against but oh well, it's part of the game description at this point. Although it does make me appreciate and savour the rare Wraith, Billy or Demo game far more than I did before.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Both sides are nice to play.

  • Member Posts: 312

    I play and enjoy both roles, but I find killer a lot more stressful and frustrating. There's such a hurry to it. The pressure of finding survivors, ending chase quickly, and getting hooks before gens go pop pop pop. If you don't apply pressure early, you can almost throw in the towel. Whereas playing survivor is a slower pace, easy, and actually more relaxing.

  • Member Posts: 101

    Survivor is more laid back and has way faster matchmaking. At night matchmaking does take longer but it's not terrible. Killer queue anytime during the day you can expect to wait 10-20 minutes for a match with usually broken matchmaking. I also find Killer a lot more stressful, and I have a hard time playing killer simply because I want to be nice and fair. Some games on killer I do very well or just dominate and it makes me feel horrible. So I'll just afk and let them heal and do 1-2 gens before patrolling again. Also when you aren't doing well as Killer and the survivors are toxic you feel horrible and can't really do anything besides feeling like you are being bullied. It can happen as survivor but I accept it and since queue times are so much shorter I'll just move on to the next game.

  • Member Posts: 89

    And, for reference, solo queue in OW is a very, very miserable experience, esp in high gold queue where people think they're good bc "I'm close to platin I must be good" but actually have no game sense whatsoever. I think I prefer DBD solo queue over OW queue tbh, because in OW it only needs one player that sucks to make the team lose. And because people need to know their role in order to not suck, which most don't. DBD is far, far more random in terms of how a game goes, therefore one bad survivor doesn't necessarily mean the end of the world as it usually does in OW when both teams are equally strong.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited July 2020

    Your mistake is playing Competitive Mode in Overwatch at all. Jeff Kaplan doesn't give a damn about Competitive Mode in the main game, that became obvious as far back as 2018, which was the last time I wasted my time in that mode. Unless it is OWL, they don't care. Just look at the recent Genji buffs. It was to make him flashier for the OWL viewership. Mei was gutted because the OWL was using her as basically a third tank. It didn't matter that she still wasn't that great in the main game, she was made even worse due to OWL.

    Ladder barely saw GOATS being played, yet Lucio and a couple of others were nerfed because of GOATS . . . which was primarily played in the OWL.

    Competitive mode is just a joke.

    That said, I think I'm about done with OW anyway. It's just gone too far downhill in the main game. But Solo Survivor in DbD is still a horrible experience.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Yeah but then killers complain about SWF then normal survs get nerfed. Like now theyre talking about nerfing loops. ######### is the point in finding new strats if theyre just gonna get nerfed. Never ending cycle.

  • Member Posts: 2

    It gets worse and worse. Ive been r1 killer and now more than ever its stupid easy to get 3 piece, 4 if they dont hatch. Wouldnt surprise me if some day they rework hatch because fck survs. The balancing is way off. Its supposed to be that 1 survivor is 25% of killer, bc of basic math, but instead it seems like 1 surv equals like 15-20%. The speed difference is already a challenge so anything ontop of that is down to how op individilual killers are. Most Killers without perks are equal to 4 survs with perks. Its just a ######### balance that needs an overhaul. And as another note, a balance on pc doesnt translate to console.

  • Member Posts: 13

    Like many in this thread have stated, I enjoy playing both and it's fun, but playing Killer is much more stressful if you're aiming for 4Ks, especially when the matchmaking gets super imbalanced a lot of the time (and sometimes puts you in a server not in your country). Looping survivors in chases, trying your best to pressure gens while also being time efficient, mindgaming, getting blinded or stunned...

    Honestly, as a temporary solution/bandaid for the cesspool that is matchmaking (and potentially MMR soon), we should be able to see the ranks of survivors in lobbies when we play as killer to prevent rank 20 - 10 killers being paired with red rank survivors, it's just unfair as #########.

    Apart from that though, getting good matches (good map, good teammates, good killer), especially in solo Q, feels fantastic.

  • Member Posts: 89

    Guess what, the Genji buff is why I'm taking a break in the first place. It's awful. In lower ranks, Genji has always been a huge problem to counter if the Genji somewhat knows what they're doing, as it usually takes some teamplay to take them out... just like Bastion. And both got buffed a lot. And you're right, Genji buff was in favor for OWL, and even there's he's wrecking it, whereas Bastion buff didn't make any sense at all, as he's always been a problem in lower ranks anyway and never gets and never will get played in OWL. So yeah, DBD is not the only game with some awful balance problems.

    But I disagree with your opinion about OW ranked though. My bf and I play duo queue and whenever we can have some impact on the game as him as Tank and me as support, or me as DPS and him as support - it is really great and so much fun. But once one single supporter thinks they're dps, or one tank thinks they're dps, it's just so terrible that I prefer playing solo or duo queue in DBD.

  • Member Posts: 445

    Yes, sitting on a gen is pretty boring. However, the thrill of survivor is manyfold: (1) helping others, (2) outwitting the killer through stealth or chase, (3) saving the team at the last second when you are the only one left standing, and (4) escaping when everyone else has died. And there are more! I guess it depends on your playstyle and what rewards your brain.

  • Member Posts: 239

    I only play solo queue when I play survivor (and I play survivor 75% of my 320 hours). I think it's boat loads of fun. Sure, you get ######### teammates. But learning how to do well that match despite them is part of the fun. Also, I think it's really fun to try to get loads of great skill checks, so being a gen ######### never bothered me. And the solo queue experience makes you a better survivor overall, I feel. I think I gotten much better at the game much more quickly than my friends who pretty much SWF their entire time.

    Killer is loads of fun for me too, but it requires too much thinking 24/7 and this is taxing. Survivor is a bit more mindless as you can just m1 on a gen and just keep a lookout for where the killer might be. And only sometimes do you need to guess where your teammates are, but almost always it is better to just sit on a gen. Meanwhile, you always have to make sure you are applying pressure as killer or you just lose. It's so hard to play games for hours this way. I feel like I can play maybe 1-2 hours of killer before I have to switch to survivor. But I can play survivor 3-4 hours straight before I want a break.

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    I Play killer and survivor every day.

    Both sides all the time.

    One is not better than the other, yin and yang exist as balance in our world.

  • Member Posts: 1

    started playing killers exclusively. as you said, it's great to have horror classics, but since then i prestiged two survivors whereas i have yet to prestige a killer.

    can't stand survivors drawing the killer over or repetetive looping, but when you get a team assisting each other, duping the killer, banging out generators and unhooking people, i think that co-op aspect is equally as rewarding.

    survivors have game-changing perks just like killers and until you've made them teachable, they are exclusive as well.

    do you want to scare or be scared? do you want to kill or be killed? i think the survivor aspect is just about suspense and strategizing in a different way

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