Why there are so many basic attack requirement perks?

Hey, I want to know about why devs are made these changes to the most of the killer perks. Why badly nerfed perk such as Remember me require you to hit the obsession only with basic attack and for now you can gain only 16 extra seconds, so what's the point of that? Or another poor perk - Surge, it has a cooldown, works only with basic attack and only regress 8% of the gen. Another example - Dark Devotion, used to be my favourite perk on legion before the basic attack nerf, now its just horrible on them. Now it's gonna happen with the knock out, and it gonna be just pointless to slug as oni or as billy. Are they too strong to be like this?
Because devs suck at balancing and don't know anything about their game. Why do you think have they been making all those purple addons that apply hemorrhage? They are utterly useless, same goes for blindness.
Surge would be more viable without a cooldown and the M1 requirement, but they think it would be heavily op because of rank 20 games... But rank 20 killers don't have all perks anyway and can't down survivors fast enough to make it op either. IDK man, just learn to live with the bad balance decisions.
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Legion, thats why.
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No. Legion can't down anyone with frenzy so surge wouldn't be OP at all. Dark devotion would harm him as well since he can only see survivors within his terror radius but he gets the undetectable effect and can only see survivors within the obsession's terror radius. STBFL wouldn't be OP either since he still has to M1 you normally and you are most likely injured anyway because of frenzy, etc. It simply would not be OP.
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What killers do have an unfair m2 in your opinion?
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Actually none. I have 3500 hours in this game, play survivor and killer 50/50 and can say that NONE of those perks would be OP if they activated with a M2. The devs are just afraid to make killers OP but we are far away from that...
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Because devs hate synergy I guess.
I sort of understand why but at the same time, if a perk is REALLY good on certain killers (STBFL on Legion) it seems stupid to change it unless it's gamebreaking. I'd rather have perks that are meh but really good on one or two killers than a perk that is just meh all around.
Watch them nerf Iron Maiden to no longer speed up reloading hatchets.
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You've already said it yourself. Slug Billy/Oni is the biggest reason. Just slap on whichever speed add-ons give you the fastest 4-man slug and OFF YA GO! Or Feral Frenzy applying Sloppy and taking even more time to mend and heal.
Blocking Slug Billy/Oni from doing some of these crazy things does also seem like a smarter idea, and the only real change that was done for the lower ranks was the Ruin rework, but it was also ineffectual at high ranks and was helping mask other problems with the game. I do agree that Surge does need some love, but the low rank excuse doesn't hold up considering it's locked behind the Stranger Things chapter. The single most expensive chapter. Not to mention that the survivor perks from that set were also pretty weak.
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Well throwing a bottle at survivor is a lot easier then hit him with his chainsaw, seems logical for me, even if billy have no terror radius, you still can hear his chainsaw + it gonna work 1/4 of the time without nemessis. I don't think its unfair to have a 2 chanses to activate these perks on some killers, while some killers have only 1 way, some killers don't even have m2 power that helps them to get a hit, like for now its unfair because you can just throw a game trying to activate them with your m1 attacks while you could instadown with your m2 for example.
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STBFL on legion would be trash even if it gave stacks for frenzy. You ALREADY injure survivors. STBFL is only good if you get the first hit on a healthy survivor with your M1.
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Dude, calm down. First, sloppy doesn't affect the mending time. Second. The oni and billy are the only one killers that are good at slugging(actually no, nurse is great too but it doesn't change anything) and you just want to get rid of slugging? I mean would you slug on killers like pig or freddy for the whole match? I don't think so. Slugging have been nerfed recently by adding the Soul guard, back in the days it took longer to heal almost fully recovered person , and now if you pick a survivor - the life bar is literally telling other survivors , that this survivor got picked up.
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So for example , if I'm using it on killers that usually use their m2 more than m1. Leatherface or Billy. I found the obsession in dead zone, what should I do? Chainsaw him or m1 to activate the perk? Same with legion or huntress.
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WDYM stranger things chapter had some of the recently best survivor perks.
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I can't think of a single perk that would be even remotely close to being too strong if its basic M1 requirement was removed. The only possible reasons I can think of are @Claudette_Baguette idea or because most the strongest killers in the game are non M1 killers, so they don't want those perks working for the already stronger killers. Kind of like saying, we want to add something that buffs Wraith but doesn't buff Spirit. That type of thought process.
As I said though, almost all the perks with basic M1 requirements AND with cooldowns could have them both completely removed and they would still be just fine.
Worrying about making something on killer side too strong seems pretty weird when the last time that happened was literally Nurse...years ago. It's like worrying about something that essentially doesn't happen.
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Surge would be actually a really viable perk if it didn't have the cooldown.
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It's frustrating because it essentially implies that The Pig's ambush is equal to The Huntress' hatchets. Most of the 'basic attack only' perks are like that simply because of Huntress and Legion.
I think they need to make the distinction more nuanced than it currently is. Pig ambush should still apply everything as if it was a basic attack. It makes little sense to keep it how it currently is.
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There's tactical slugging, then there's slugging to compensate for a lack skill. Or because the killer can't handle a slight gamble. And I know that Sloppy doesn't affect Mend times, but there are some players out there who like to not remain injured, and Mend is already an annoyance as is.
Yes, I do slug as Pig but that's for my ultimate endgame of stalling for as long as possible. I also don't do it when there are only two people left, and rarely when there's 3. It's not the same as Infectious Oni/Billy, and I don't think that it should be compared as such.
I guess that I've just been hit by too many chainsaws, mostly unfair, and had too many killers make me eat dirt or do it to someone else because of their precious 4k that they aren't confident in finding the hatch first.
Soul Guard also doesn't seem to be that effective unless you're running Hex perks, which are either negligible effects like with Thrill of the Hunt or should be broken immediately, such as Ruin or Devour Hope. Endurance after a heal is nice, but also a really niche situation from what I've observed.
When's the last time you saw someone run Babysitter, Camradarie or Second Wind? How about Better Together after the release of Trail of Torment? Or even Fixated? Inner Strength is also pretty rare despite people claiming that it's better than Self-Care, even though it's also been stated that a full team of it isn't a great idea.
Fixated and Inner Strength have been said to be the best of the ST Chapter for survivors, and I rarely ever see them.
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For balance. Makes it easier to balance with existing killers and new killers going forwards.
Just be glad that infectious fight doesnt have that requirement yet
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I mean you want to heal against killers like these, because staying injured is a LOT dangerous, billy needs 2.5 seconds to chainsaw you, by this time you can juke him because you are not injured, not even gonna talk about oni or huntress. And yeah, some people are still healing against a legion, so mainly you just want to use their power and not m1, and that's unfair, like for me, when I'm playing huntress or billy I mainly trying to m2, because its more rewarding you then just a single m1, you're basically become a killer with no power while trying to activate these perks, and if you playing as 4.4 m/s killer then it becames even more horrible.
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"Whenever a survivor is injured or downed" apparently is too strong.
Boom legion cant abuse it since it only triggers when survivors actually get downed. Billy and Oni hit once, as do ghostface plague and myers.
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bc survivors have that tool to see which killer it is, I like to use the blindness addons on freddy. They equip OoO and every time they step on a puddle they're blinded. with OoO+blindness they cant see you, while you see them. They HAVE to look at you while looping, giving you a huge advantage :)
But yeah these shouldnt be purple at all.
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I’m guessing the devs are scared of making the perks too strong (which they wouldn’t be). Same thing with all the insanely long cooldowns. The only Killers that benefit from this are Demogorgon and Deathslinger running STBFL.
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lmao they have a kink for making unexplained changes that make 0 sense, which as @Claudette_Baguette mentioned further proves they have no understanding of their game. It's already been rumored that the veteran devs disagreed with the billy changes but the new devs have the higher priority.
Like the new lightborn,
it reveals the blinder's aura for 6 seconds, but why would you need to see someones aura if they're right in front of you trying to blind you? And you're getting blinded when picking someone up and at a pallet so what's the point?
Surge is the only perk that has 5 requirements, find me a survivor perk that has that. And oh, after you complete the 5 requirements your reward is 8% gen regression.
1- Upon downing a surivvor
2- With a basic attack
3- Gens within 32m
4- That are not previously damaged/surged
5- When not in surge's cooldown.
get 8% regression and damaged. INSANE
Meanwhile pop : hook survivor, damage gen. 25%
TL;DR: The new devs are fucking everything up while we stand there and watch our game sink to shlt.
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Because killers that use their power for a down usually have a big advantage in chases. If you require basic attacks it means every killer can reasonably benefit from them in a similar way.
It also means strong effects don't allow massive snowballing on top of effects like 1-hit downs like the chainsaw bois.
In fact the only one left that's just "downs" is Infection Fright, and it just shows how grossly powerful it is when it's run on Billy or Oni who just constantly chain easy 1-hits, where M1 killers rarely use it as walking to the next person is still going to be a long engagement.
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They literally can't, even though the design philosophy stands in the face of it's existence... Isn't the whole reason Tinkerer got changed is because it was good on certain killers (maybe a small stretch..) while having zero function on others?
But then they make a perk that's really ONLY useful with huntress, and then not really because for 1 she's slow, what is she going to do with information that someone is in a closet half accross the map? Unless it trapped survivors in it for some time, somewhat like a real iron maiden, that function is useless to her. On the other hand, reloading at lockers faster isn't a worthwhile benefit for her, it's not exactly fast enough to yank em out mid chase (which might actually have made it good, at least specifically on her..)
Honestly I preferred alot of their old-west style perks. Miss DS only applying to obsession mechanic, I kind of miss old ruin in the fact that there were a few more "breather" games where I could play consistently, allow a fair amount of back n fourth reliably im regards to hooking order, rather than pretty much "every opportunity given to take someone out must be met with extreme prejudice!" Hell, I even kind of wish Tinkerer had it's old functionality right now, especially with all the cooldown mechanics that are now in game!
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There are perks that need that requirement like for example "Dark Devotion". On the other hand there are also perks like " Surge" that definitly don't need it.
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- Legions power (without Franks mixtape/Stab Wounds Study) is nonlethal.
- There is a maximum anyway, that any killer can reach.
- Some perks need it, others dont.
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If Dark Devotion triggered on any hit, I think that would make it less useful overall. It is strongest when a killer can decide when it works and when it doesn't (why it can be good on Legion, for instance).
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At a guess I would think for the sake of consistency. I believe they wanted things to work consistently across the board to be less confusing for newer/casual players. Which is not to say it is a good reason. But I believe it is the reason.